Chapter 14

*Your POV*
I meet up with Jughead and we drive to the Taste of Riverdale thing that he was telling me about. We go up above and kneel down to watch.

"Welcome all, to the first annual Taste of Riverdale. As a lead-up to our 75th anniversary, jubilee, this event proves that Riverdale truly is a town that, when tragedy knocks us down, we get right back up." Everyone starts clapping, including Jug and I. "Bon appétit." Mayor McCoy finishes.

Jug looks around below us and his smile fades. "What is it, Jug?" I look over to where he's looking. Ms. Grundy and Archie's dad, Fred, I think is his name, are talking. Oh boy, this can't be good. All of a sudden, we hear a 'punching' sound, and both look over.

I can't quite tell but, I think Cheryl's mom punched Betty's? "Oh, my God." I say and back up from the edge. "Honestly, I think that adults have more drama than they say kids do."

Jug laughs, "Maybe."

We hear someone tap twice on the microphone, we both look over, and it's Josie. "H-Hey, Riverdale." She says, trying to distract everyone, "We are Josie and the Pussycats. Are you ready to rock?" they all start humming and playing music.

I look to my right and see Archie coming up the stairs.

"Thought you were grounded, Andrews." I say.

"I was able to get out." He says, and kneels down, looking over the edge.

"Are you sure it was worth sneaking out for some locally-sourced Munster?" Jug asks.

"I helped write that song, man." Archie replies.

"Wait, you did?" I ask.

He chuckles, "Yep. And I had to see it."

"And if you try to tell her what to do she says..." they all start vocalizing.

Archie looks at the both of us and Jug nods his head. "Not bad. I'd love to stay, but I got to shake down an evil Adventure Scout. See you." Jug pecks my cheek and I grin. He stands up and walks down the stairs.

"Yeah, I got to go, too. Gotta help Betty with something." I stand up and start to walk away.

"Wait, hold up." Archie says, grabbing my arm. I turn around.


" and Jug.."

I chuckle and look to the side. "Maybe. But, we're not really officially telling anyone because.." I shrug, "Well romance isn't the big thing that's happening now a days."

"Oh, well, I'm happy for you guys. You look great together." He says.


"Do you want me to tell Betty?"

I shrug, again. "If you want I guess, although I don't think she'll really mind, I mean, she's got so much going on right now. With her sister, I mean."

"Yeah, right. Well, I'll let you go."

"See you later." I say and walk out of the building. I get into my car and drive to where they are. I pull up and walk into the pool and see Chuck hand-cuffed in the boiling hot tub.

I look around and see Veronica in a swimsuit and..I think Betty? Oh my God what is she wearing? I give a confused look and walk over to them.

"What? What the hell?" Chuck says, looking around. That's what I'm wondering.

"Start recording." Betty says.

Veronica looks up at her, and then at her phone. She hits record. I go over to them. I give Betty a look. She just looks at me and then down at Chuck.

"Hey, guys. It's really hot in here." Chuck complains.

"And getting hotter by the minute." Betty says. "Time to squeal, pig. Tell the truth about what happened between you and Veronica." She looks up and her and V make eye contact. Veronica, kind of has that same type of look I did. I think that she's just as surprised as I am.

"We had a good time. She had a good time." Chuck says.

"The truth, Chuck. Or so help me, I will boil you alive." She turns up the temperature.

"What? We made out." Chuck says.

"And then?" Betty asks.

"And then I took her home! And I didn't give her a Sticky Maple."

"That is all you had to say." I say.

"And now, everyone will know." Veronica says.

He rolls his eyes. Betty puts her foot on his head and slowly pushes him down. "You like shaming people, Chuck?"

"Whoa, hey..." Chuck says.

"You like dehumanizing them?" Betty continues. The door creaks open and I see Ethel, smiling. "Prissy prude by day, freak in the sheets by night?"

"Betty," I say quietly. She looks over to me. I mouth, "Don't do this."

But, just as I thought, she ignores me.

"No!" Chuck says.


"Hey, get this..."

"Calm down." Veronica says.

"Say you're sorry!" Betty yells.

"Okay!" Chuck says. "Okay, I'm sorry!! I'm sorry for all of it!"

"Good job, pig." Ethel slowly closes the door. "Now time for your reward. A Sticky Maple of your own." She opens a bottle of maple syrup.

"Wait, what, what?!" Chuck says.

"Apologize for ruining Polly."

"Wait, what the hell?"

"Do it, Jason!" she pours the syrup on him.

"Oh my God!"

"Say you're sorry for destroying me. Apologize for what you did to me!" she yells.

"Look, I'm not Jason! I'm not Jason!" Chuck yells, closing his eyes.

"Betty!" I say and run towards her. I try to take the syrup out of her hands but she pushes me back and I trip and my hands break my fall on the concrete.

"Betty that is enough! Stop! It's over, we did it. You did it." Veronica says. Betty stops and freezes, and thinks about what she just did.

I look down at my hands and they're bleeding and I grunt.

"You are crazy. Oh, my God you're crazy as hell!" Chuck states.

"Betty." Veronica says. Betty is still frozen, but then finally talks.

"I'm fine..." she looks up at Veronica, and then at me, but I don't show her that my hands are cut. She parts her hair out of her face. "We're done here." She slowly turns around and walks inside.

Veronica turns and sees me on the ground. I get up. "(Y/N), are you okay?" she sees my hands. "Oh my God, your hands..." she takes one and holds it up for her to see. I quickly pull it away.

"I'm fine, believe me." I walk over to Chuck. And release him. "Get the hell out of here." I say. He quickly gets up and out of the hot tub. He grabs his clothes and wipes his face.

"You are all crazy!" he says, and runs out.

I take a deep breathe and look down. "I'm..gonna go get cleaned up." I say.

I walk inside and find a bathroom. I close the door and lock it. I look down at my hands and they're covered in blood.

I turn on the sink and slowly put my fingers under the water. When the water reaches where the cut is, I quickly pull away, and bite my tongue so I don't screech in pain from the sting. I think I bite my lip so hard that I taste blood.

Ugh...I slowly wash the blood off around the cut. I do the same with the other hand. I spit the blood out of my mouth and wipe the cut, and put band-aids on my hands. When I'm finished, I walk back out, and Betty is dressed in her normal clothes, looking at me.

"(Y/N), please forgive me..I so sorry that I did that to you. Honestly, I lost it and, I didn't think that I had it in me to just, hurt someone like that." She says.

I look down at my hands. "Oh, this? No, it's fine. You were stressed and mad at Chuck for what Jason did to Polly. And, honestly, I shouldn't have got in your way. Maybe, it was wrong," I look to the side, and then back at her, "but I should've let you get it out. It was wrong for him to do that to Veronica, and for Jason to do what he did to Polly."

She smiles, and runs up to me and pulls me in for a hug. "Thank you for forgiving me."

I hug her back. "You're welcome." I break the hug, "But, you have to promise me one thing."

"Okay, what is it?"

"That I never have to see you in that God-awful wig ever again." I laugh a little bit.

On the other hand, she's exploding with laughter.. "Okay, okay. I promise. Thanks again."

"No problem. Now, let's go meet with the others." I say. We both walk back to where Ethel and Veronica are.

Word Count: 1471
