Chapter 34

*Your POV*
Betty, Jug and I are all sitting on the couch, with Kevin and Veronica on the right of us, Cheryl across from us, and Archie on the left with Valerie.

"Polly's convinced herself that no one wants her baby." Betty says.

"Besides, of course, the child-snatching Blossom monsters." Kevin says. Cheryl looks over at him, "No offense, Cheryl."

"None taken." Cheryl says.

"So your mom and dad want Polly but not the baby and the Blossoms want the baby and not Polly." Jug concludes. Betty and I both nod our heads. "That's a true Gordian knot."

"It's an impossible situation." Betty says.

"Betty, come on. An impossible situation is being invited to both the Vanity Flair Oscar party and Elton John's Oscar party on the same night." Veronica says, and Kevin puts his hand on her shoulder, shocked. "Which happened to me one year, I know."

I laugh and Kevin smiles, "Damn."

"This is merely an annoying situation. But luckily, I've been percolating on an idea, hellishly simple on its conception."

"A baby shower?" I guess.

She smiles, "How did you even know?" I shrug. "My mom and I would host it."

"Count me in." Cheryl says.

"Pfft, of course." I say.

"You want Polly to feel loved and supported, right?" Veronica asks.

"Yeah, but ideally by her own parents." Betty says.

"Okay, so, baby steps, girl. Get Polly and your parents in the same room, in a public setting where they can't fight, and, voila, let the healing begin." She picks up her coffee.

"Am I expected to come to this thing?" Jug asks.

"Of course!" Veronica says. "You're (Y/N)'s boyfriend, so.." she takes a sip of her coffee.

Archie raises an eyebrow and smirks. I just look straight ahead and try to hold in a laugh. Jug does the same.

"Oh my God, you guys, relax." Veronica says. I look over at Jug. "It's just a word that starts with the letter 'B.'"

We grin at each other and I lean back, and he puts his arm around me.

"Betty, what do you say?" I ask. She grins, and does a 'yes' shrug.

"Elizabeth Cooper." Alice comes into the lounge, and everyone looks over.

"Mom?" Betty asks, annoyed.

"I need you," she points at Veronica, "and you," she points at me, "and you." Veronica points at herself with a questioning look. "Right now." I look at Betty and she's just a confused as I am. I look back at Alice and we all get up. They go in front of me.

"(Y/N)?" Jug asks, I turn around and shrug. I turn fully around and follow them. We all walk into a class room and sit down, and listen to Alice.

"Sheriff Keller told us everything. How you're hiding Polly at the Pembrooke?" Alice says.

"Better than in an insane asylum." Betty's leaning on her hand, and looks really annoyed.

"Actually, Mrs. Cooper, that's on me." Veronica intrudes, "I was the one who suggested that Polly stayed with us."

Alice then looks over at me, expecting me to say something, but I just put my hands up.

"She's trying to help." Betty says, "Unlike you and Dad, who want Polly to give the baby up for adoption."

"Betty, it's what's best for Polly and the baby."

"Mom, that's not your choice. Your choice is whether or not you want to be a part of Polly's life." there's a moment of silence. "Veronica, (Y/N) and I are hosting a baby shower at Veronica's apartment."

"Well that is hardly appropriate." She crosses her arms.

"Really?" Betty stands up. "Because I think it's an amazing idea." Veronica and I smile. Well she can stand up to her mom. Didn't know that. "You want to be loving and supportive like a normal grandmother? Then, great. Otherwise, stay away."

Alice looks at Veronica and I and I tilt my head and smirk.

Word Count: 655
