Mastering Spells With A Pestering Father

Note: Stolas is around 12-13 years old, learning how to use his magical capabilities which could benefit Hellborn Demons

Dear Diary,

Today was an extraordinary day, for once in quite some time! I have been trying to explore and learn how to master spells, like my demon form, telekinesis, and electrokinesis. It's certainly not something ordinary that comes with a snap of a finger. This has been an ongoing process of reading books and practicing on everyday items, avoiding my father fussing over a single scratch over his "favorite crystal", which had occured while practicing my telekinesis. Since when did he decide to poke his beak over my business???

Anywho, it's incredibly fascinating to see how these spells work. The demon form is the first spell, and oh my! The way it changes one's identity is unbelievable. It's like entering a whole new world. The demon form alters the physical attributes and grants abilities that are otherwise impossible to Sinners, Succubi and even Imps! My strength, speed, and agility increase tenfold. This is an incredibly powerful spell, and I can't wait to see what other abilities it has in store for me.

After exploring the demon form, I did some research on telekinesis. This spell is one of the best. The ability to manipulate objects without touching them is extraordinary. The spell works by moving objects with the power of thoughts. After spending some time practicing, I was able to conquer the skill and moved chairs, books, and even the vase!

Moving onto electrokinesis, another fascinating spell, the idea of being able to control and manipulate electric currents is surreal. This spell grants me the power to create objects or scenarios that are usually not possible. This energy surrounding every living object can be manipulated to achieve various results. It is an incredibly challenging spell to master, but I can already feel the frustration fading away as my abilities improve.

The process of experimenting with various spells has been both exhilarating and difficult to navigate. One has to take baby steps, understand the concept, and allow the spells to come naturally. The key to mastering any ability is patience and practice. I had to rely on several books and resources to understand better how different spells work and the meaning behind them, without any guidance, of course. Each spell comes with a unique set of doctrine and practice. The truth is, there is always some new insight to discover, and the thrill of exploring is never-ending.

It has been an exciting journey so far. I have been quite daring in exploring my abilities and putting them to use. I must say, using spells to manipulate furniture, or even my precious plants, has been incredibly overwhelming. It is genuinely mind-boggling how easy and fun it can be. Although, I must admit, I have made some mistakes along the way. Accidentally knocked over a flower vase, and even broke a couple of chairs, yet surprisingly, my father didn't utter a word, and is still fussing over his "favorite crystal". With great power comes great responsibility, and I must remember to take things a bit more slowly and carefully.

As I delve deeper into the wonders of spells, I am finding out that there is so much more to learn. There are many powers and applications of spells that are beyond my comprehension. The world of magic is vast, and I am merely scratching the surface. But, the more I learn, the more I realize, that with spells, there are always new horizons to explore.
I'm ecstatic on this magical chase to master this bewildering spells which father claims to be "useful, especially if the humans are daring to find the demons and might have evidence on the idea of Demons actually existing"

I doubt the fact that humans may find evidence on Demons legitimately existing, which shouldn't be known to the mortals. I've heard that Succubi are one of the few demons that are allowed access to the human world in order to do their jobs of seducing humans. I'm not really too keen on finding out the reason, as I'm sure that they have their reasons.

So they have a probability to get caught by mortal beings, so my abilities should be able to benefit the Hellborn Demons, including the annual Harvest Moon Festival for the imps to bathe in glory of The Harvest Moon's glow and radience. Father did mention I'll be visiting The Wrath Ring for this fastival as it is an annual duty of The Goetias to attend.

Regardless of annual duties, it's thrilling to learn something new, especially mastering spells!!! I wonder if father would pay close attention to me once I learn to control my Demon Form, instead of pestering about the crystal which he doesn't even like. I assume he just adores nagging me, which shouldn't bother me a bit. I'm strong and capable to excell and achieve greater things.

Stolas Goetia

Author's Note:

Thank you so much for reading my first published diary tale of Stolas!!! It really means a lot. And I had a week's time to create this long chapter!!! I hope you're enjoying this tale of our favorite Owl Demon 🦉😈
