Chapter Six- Baseball and Family

Another Six Months Later...

"So, if you were to go anywhere in the world." Thea said turning around and walking backwards down the sidewalk facing me as she talked.

I pondered the thought for a moment.

After Chicago our ran cold. Nothing, no cryptic messages, no criminals spilling their guts out of fear of going to prison.

A couple months after chasing dead leads thea finally convinced me to let it go and travel with her. Spend time together, have a normal life as best friends while we had the chance.

She told me. "He's hunting you, so when it's time to get back in. You'll know."

We were roaming around downtown Denver, Colorado on our way to watch the Colorado Rockies versus the Star City Rockets, formally owned by Robert Queen so we got free tickets.

Not like they were expensive anyway.

"I'd love to go to Greece." I said to her as we drew closer to Coors Field.

"Oooooo, fancy fancy. What interests you about Greece?" She asked me.

I shrugged and put my hands in my jacket pockets. "I like the history there, it's also gorgeous."

"History guy aye? Look at this, we've been working together for a year now and I'm just learning all these new things about you." She said giving a light skip.

"I think me learning about you becoming a druggie in college is so much worse than you learning I like history." I said to her.

She shrugged her shoulders and took out her phone to bring up the tickets as we got in line.

"Hey, maybe we can go there for our honeymoon?" She questioned wiggling her eyebrows.

"Um, excuse me?"

"Yeah, you know. You're a loner. I'm a loner." Thea said looking at the line in front of us. "I'd like to get married someday."

I looked into the sky. "Like a marriage pact? Those things people used to make with their best friends in high schools where they're like 'if neither of us are married by thirty five we'll marry each other' type deals." I said sarcastically.

"Yeah, you know the one we made sophomore year." She scowled. "Did you forget?"

I looked at her shocked. "Of course, I didn't forget, how could I possibly forget that?"

Yeah I definitely forgot, but can you blame me. I never thought those stupid things would ever have the possibility to come true.

"You forgot." She said stubbornly. "Doesn't matter, it's still on."

"Whatever you say, Speedy." I said as our tickets got scanned and we walked our way through the stadium towards our seats.

Thea was wearing a pair of black jeans with a maroon leather jacket with a red baseball cap that had Rockets across the front of it.

As we walked passed the vendor I quickly swiped a Rockies hat that was hanging off the side.

"Did you just steal that?" Thea hissed at me. "You know I could've just bought it for you."

I ripped off the tags and tossed them in the garbage before pulling the cap over my head.

"How do I look?"

"Like a thief." She said frustrated.

"You've literally committed murder but you're going to get mad at me for stealing a hat?" I asked her.

She crossed her arms and ignored me clearly not amused by me bringing that subject into play.

"Look who I invited." I said nudging her arm.

She looked up and froze. "You invited your family to meet me?"

I looked at her confused. "You've met them before?"

Why did she freeze like that, especially when she knows my family.

"Do they think we're like... you know?"

"Together." I asked before shaking my head. "No, they know we're just friends." I said to her.

I watched her face fell before she caught my stride.

"Hey, Dad." I said hugging my father James. "Maddie." I said hugging my older sister. "Guys, do you remember Thea Queen?"

"Of course we remember Thea, you were head over heels for this girl in highschool." Dad said. "Not to mention you were always sneaking her in. I always thought you guys were together."

Thea's face paled. "You knew?"

James laughed. "Of course I knew. Every parent knows where their child is doing sneaking stuff."

"Thanks for coming, Dad." I said to him. "How was the flight?"

He nodded. "It was good, cheap too."

"Yeah, because you didn't pay for them." I said punching his arm.

"Saw you on the news in Chicago." Madison said to us. "Both of you, haven't seen you since."

"I'm being hunted, or I was. Whoever it is, is steps ahead of me." I admitted to my family. "Our trail ran cold a couple months ago so I decided why not enjoy a baseball game."

"Why didn't you guys just come to Star City. The Rockets were in town last week." Madison said to us.

I looked at Thea who swallowed and didn't answer.

"We've been avoiding Star City, since the funeral." I said to them.

"I'm sorry about Oliver." James and Madison said. "He was a hero."

"Thank you." Thea said as we headed towards our seats.

"You know, you have some pretty genius friends who could probably help you figure out your Hunter."

"We've been avoiding Central City too." I said to him.

"Right, Nora." He said to me patting my back. "She was a lovely girl."

Thea suddenly found the floor interesting. She hated the Nora topic for some reason.

"You guys have had a pretty tough year."

"How about you?" I said to him. "You watched me get brutally abused on top of a prison and then go into a coma."

"Yeah, don't ever do that again." He said to me.

"For what it's worth, those people in Central City. They love you, you need to quit cutting the people that care about you out of your life. It's not worth it."

I looked at him. "How could you know that?"

A tear threatened to fall from his eye. "Because after your mother passed. I did the same thing."
