Chapter Fourteen- Tachyon

"Velocity?" I asked. "Like as in Velocity Nine, the speed drug?"

Nora nodded as she placed the vial in the syringe. "Godspeed replicated the serum, that's how he has his speed. I perfected it."

I looked at her confused. "What do you mean by perfected?"

"I found a way to prevent its degenerative side effects. It's still only temporary speed but it won't kill you."

"Why'd you bring it?" I asked her.

She put the syringe on the table. "Because I trust you, and I knew we'd need it. We need you."

My heart went soft at the mention of her trusting me and needing me.

"The question is." She said as she picked it up. "Do you want to do this, if not. I won't force you."

I looked over at Bart who was still laying in his comatose stare and thought about Central City being torn apart. Barry out of the picture for now.

I was a hero.

It was my job.

I looked Nora in the eyes and nodded. "I'll do it."

She smiled warmly. "Now, this won't hurt but you'll feel your body start to change. Whatever happens, just relax I don't need you accidentally phasing through the floor and killing yourself under S.T.A.R Labs."

"Wait, what?"

It was too late I felt the prick in my skin as the drug slowly began to reshape my dna.

Time slowed for seconds at a time going back and forth between normal and slow.

I rolled off the bed onto my hands and knees as I panted taking deep breaths.

"Oh, no." I said as my hand began to vibrate. Blue lightning danced between my finger tips.

"Luke." Nora asked concerned. "How are you feeling?"

I looked back at her and I saw her eyes widen as lightning danced across my eyes.

"I'm gonna need to be caught." I said as I suddenly exploded out of the cortex running on the wall and the ceiling unable to control myself as I worked my way through the facility and out onto the streets of Central City.

I was flying through the streets but to me everyone seemed to be moving slowly.

A flash of purple cut me off at the top of the street and I ran into a giant mattress before falling backwards onto the street.

I stood up and stamped the flames out of my shoes as Nora patted the flames out of the rest of my clothes.

"Okay, so that was good. You can somewhat control your speed." Nora said. "I need to get you up to speed quickly."

She began to walk me through training sessions and in the next hour she had told me how to phase but recommended I didn't do it as I could hurt myself and throw lightning which was kind of like shooting webs so that came fairly easy to me.

"I don't know how I feel about this." I said to her. "All this power, how doesn't it corrupt you?"

"I think you know better than any of us that it has corrupted me, in a way." She said mentioning my Nora. "But you're strong. One of the strongest people I know, you were born to be a hero."

I smiled and looked around.

"How long does this last?" I asked her.

"When I created this version of Velocity, I was inspired by your spider suit actually and dads  ring how it can compress itself into those little objects and found a way for the drug not to be broken down by your body so that way all I have to do is poke you again and it will take the drug out of your system."

"How does that even work?" I asked. "That seems like cutting edge science."

"It is." She said to me. "It's from the future, you actually told me how to make it."

I turned back towards her. "What?"

She immediately dodged me again. "If you're going to be a speedster until we mop up Godspeed. You need a better outfit."

I smiled at her not caring about her ignoring my question and was just happy she was talking to me.

"I have an idea." I said to her. "Your dad definitely won't be happy with it."

Her eyebrows raised. "Lukas, when did you become a rule breaker?"

"I don't know, I suppose I did that when I dated my best friends daughter from the future." I said to her. "Wanna run?"

She looked like she was about to puke. "Okay, when you say it like that it sounds awful. Don't ever say it like that again."

"You didn't answer my question." I said to her.

"Of course, I would love to run." Nora said as her feet began to dance purple as my turned blue and we took off through the street. Weaving in and out of buildings and cars, zooming up skyscrapers until we were back at S.T.A.R Labs looking at the original suit from when Barry had fought Zoom.

"This is your plan?" Nora asked me.

"My suit isn't friction proof. I think I need a new one." I said to her. "Fitted with everything a speedster needs."

She looked at me. "What are you thinking?" She asked.

I told her what I wanted. A silver lightning bolt with a blue secondary color and a black primary color with silver wrists and silver wings.

Nora disappeared and returned just as fast with a bunch of sewing and friction proof fabric she discovered in Chester's workshop.

Together we got to work. Just like we used to.

"Viola." Nora said as we stepped back admiring the masterpiece we had just created. "Try it on." She said to me as I felt the suit.

I had always wanted to be the Flash. Looked up to him, then I became a super hero and became one of his best friends. Now I get the chance to live out my dream.

I initiated my speed and changed into the suit in a split second.

I did a three sixty for Nora who pretended like I was a model with excitement.

"What do you think?" I asked her.

She bounced on her feet. "I love it."

"Now what?" I asked.

"Well you can't be a speedster without a name." She said to me.

"I only have temporary speed do I need a name?" I asked.

Nora put up her fingers. "Let's see mom and Trajectory both used code names after having temporary speed."

She had a point. I pondered the room thinking about a name the next few minutes.

"Ahah." I said as a lightbulb appeared over my head.

"Whatcha got?" She asked me.

"How about." I said smirking at her.


A/N Kind of a boring chapter I know, I'm just setting things up for the story to continue and make sense. More of a filler chapter but I still hope all of you enjoy the direction this book is headed.

As Always love the feedback! Thanks for the support!
