
Team nine sat at the bakery, as had become a custom after they finished a mission or training. Two months had passed since Amanis mission with Shikamaru, Kiba and Ino. She had avoided them, just saying hello from time to time and even though Shikamaru and Kiba had tried to get her to speak to them, she refused to. She was worried that she would lose her friends. Mina and Rin were close, by now it was clear they were together and Amani was happy for her closest friends but also felt a little envious.

"Ah young love! I'm jealous if you two", Uzuki sighed looking at the blushing pair. Amani giggled a little. "I Don't know why you're laughing squirt, you can't decide who you love", Uzuki teased Amani.

"You are so mean Uzuki sensie", Amani pouted. She followed her sensies gaze as she looked at Lee and Guy. Amani giggled and ran up to Lee.  She hasn't seen him in a month so she jumped on his back and giggled.

Guy and Uzuki watched their prize students play around and smiled. Then looked at one another and flushed.  Amani noticed this and got an idea. She leaned down and whispered in Lee's ear, causing him to blush.

"I think our sensies like each other.... let's play matchmaker", Amani giggled and Lee agreed. 

"Anything to make Guy sensie happy!", Lee yelled. Uzuki and Guy looked over at the pair suspiciously so Amani placed her lips slightly against Lee's to make him quiet.

"Shhh Lee", Lee nodded awkwardly. "Okay get Guy  sensie to meet you at the small medow not far from our spot. But don't show up! I'll do the same with Uzuki sensie. Then we will meet up and go into phase two of this mission ", Amani giggled and slid off Lee's back. Lee and Guy departed and Amani approached her sensie.

"Sensie, I was hoping you could give me some one on one training. There is this little medow not far from my own training space. Can you meet me there later", Amani smiled when her Sensie agreed. Once Uzuki left, Amani ordered more cakes and decided to get another box. I want to give some to Lee.

She skipped away home and ran into her uncle.

"What are you doing here, Amani", he spoke. Amani looked at her uncle, avoiding eye contact however.

"I am just here to see my brother", Hiashi was surprised by her tone of voice. Amani met his eyes and glared slightly.

"Very well".

Amani ran to Nejis room and stopped when she heard hushed voices.

"But Neji, why can't we tell the others we are together", her voice was low.

Amani frowned slightly, someone was with her brother and he didn't tell her?

"I just don't want to make a fuss. Besides my little sister needs to approve of you first... She is protective of me", Neji laughed nervously. Amani sighed and left him alone. He will tell me when he is ready.

Amani headed back out and in the direction of the meadow. She saw Lee hiding behind a rock and sat next to him. Their sensies hasn't arrived yet.

"Lee... I got you a gift", Amani blushed as she handed him the box of cakes.

"You got these for me?", Lee asked surprised. He opened the box and turned red. Amani looked in the box and turned even redder. I didn't know they were love hearts!

The pair blushed as Lee gazed at the cakes. I must give her a gift!

Amani pouted when he didn't eat any of them.

"Don't you want to try one", she kept pouting. Lee felt guilty and ate them all at once, earning a hearty laughter from Amani.

Rustling came from the medow and the duo looked over the rock. Guy and Uzuki had arrived at the same time.

"Guy what are you doing here?", Uzuki  laughed awkwardly as she looked at Guy, a small flush on her cheeks.

"Lee ask me to train him here today! Said this place filled him with the power of youth", Guy declared and sat down.

"That's strange, Amani asked me to come train her here", Uzuki sat beside Guy.

"Just what are those two doing", Guy asked. Lee and Amani hid behind the rock, they watched their sensies wait for them.

"Now for phase Two, Lee I need you to hold my hand. If I loose control pull me to your chest and distract me", she grabbed hold of Lee's hand. The warmth of him compared to her cold skin made her smile. Amani placed her free hand to the ground and caused the earth to shake. She kept pushing it until Uzuki was pushed into Guy. Lee pulled Uzuki to his chest and held her head to his heart.

"Guy", Uzuki was laying on top of Guy. His hands wrapped around her waist as he caught her.

"Uziki", he brushed her hair aside and smiled at her face. "Always so clumsy, no matter what the situation".

"Says you", Uzuki fought back with a whisper.

His face was a mere inches away,  Guy could feel Uzukis breath softly against his skin. He gulped. Always so beautiful. Such youth.

He leaned up and kissed her, Uzuki gasped and returned the kiss.


Amani grabbed Lee by the hand and they sneaked away, allowing their sensies the privacy they deserved. Lee took Amani to a small river, a place he would often go to relax. The large cleaning was perfect for practicing his lotus technique.

"I think our mission was a success", Amani smiled. "This place is so pretty Lee!".

Lee looked at Amani Hyuga, his heart pounding against his chest.

"Not as pretty as you", he brushed her hair away and looked at her expression. Her large eyes looked up at him shyly.

"Lee". Lee leaned down and lifted her chin. As their lips were about to touch, the yelling of Uzuki caused Amani to slip and land in the river.


Amani pouted, she was soaked to the bone. Lee picked Amani up bridal style and set her down. The girl was shivering. Lee blushed at what he was about to say.

"You need to get out of those wet clothes", Amani blushed furiously.

"Wh-what am I supposed to wear?!", she gasped. Lee thought for a moment and slipped off his jumpsuit, revealing a simple set of looser clothing.

Amani thanked him, she started to take off her weights, much to Lee's surprise.

"You wear weights?", Amani dropped them causing the ground to crumble. Lee's eyes opened wide and he found a deeper sense of respect for her.

Amani slipped on Lee's jumpsuit and blushed. It's so warm...

They sat for about half an hour in silence when Uzuki and Guy ran towards them.

"I've found you Lee!", Guy called.

Uzuki was about to kick Amani when she saw her precious student in the green jumpsuit.

