A heartbeat

Three weeks had passed by, Amani had caught up with the class quickly. She had become close to Naruto, Kiba, Shikamaru and Choji. Even from time to time, Sasuke would sit with them. Not saying anything but at least he made the effort. She still felt left out however, most of the girls would ignore her and Hinata would try to split her time between her friends and her, but with Naruto around it was difficult for Hinata so she would end up leaving. The group sat on the roof eating away. Naruto was no where to be seen, though Amani did remember seeing him with a few tins of paint that morning. Sasuke was away doing whatever it was that he was doing. So on the roof, Kiba slouched against a wall, Akamaru curled up against Amani who sat on the ground with Shikamarus head on her lap- a routine they had quickly falling into. Choji was eating away. Tomorrow they would have their exam and become ninjas.

"Can we make a promise?", Amani spoke, her soft voice drawing the group's attention as they waited for her to continue. "Will be still be friends, even after we have our own teams", her lip quivered at the thought of losing her friends.

"Of course we will be together! Can't get rid of me that easily", Kiba grinned and Akamaru barked.

"We will always eat together", Choji mustered before going back to eating.

"Ah you're such a drag. Of course", Shikamru smiled up at Amani.

Amani smiled softly, placing her hands together and wished that they would always be together. The bell sounded and the group returned to class. Amani sighed as Iruka brought Naruto in, tied up. He gave Naruto a row and then went on to tell the class to do a clone jutsu.  Amani sighed, up until now she had managed to avoid doing any jutsu in front of the class. Sakura was called and instantly looked towards Sasuke who showed no interest. It got to Naruto and he didn't do so good. Pupil after pupil succeeded until it came to Amani. People looked curiously, they had never seen her perform a jutsu. Taking a deep breathe she formed the handsigns and flinched at the cold laughter of several of the students.

"Isn't a Hyuga supposed to have proper control".

"She's worse than Naruto!".

Amani bit her lip, in combat she could do what needed to be done. Her chakra was unstable, but when it came to focusing on a specific jutsu she couldn't do it. The only time she was able to master one was when it was dark. She was called the curse of her clan for a reason. 

"Amani", Shikamaru called her back to attention. He wiped the blood that had trickled from her lip.

"I'm fine", she formed a smile and went to the back of the line. Her fingers pinched at her arm. A habit she had developed from a young age.

The class finished and Amani ran out. She pushed passed her friends, ignoring their shouts. She ran home and straight into her brothers room.

"Neji?", Amani called for her brother to find no answer. She started to cry.

"Why me? Why am I cursed to fail", she whispered. By the time she finished crying the moon was striking through the windows.

Amani stood up, she was going to train for the exam. Her heart filled with self-loathing, she ran to the woods and released her chakra. Her curse. The normal flowing  blue chakra turned to a shade of purple that matched the sky at dusk. She hit the stumps, her chakra burning through the wood like acid. Her thoughts flooded in with each remark.

Cursed child.
Disgrace to your father.
As expected of a side branch spawn.

She felt angry, her head ached. The mark upon her head thrummed. She cried out and saw her uncle Hitachi. He looked at his niece with a cold look. His eyes filled with disgrace.

"You best control that vile chakra of yours girl. Lest you shame your clan more". He looked at the ground around Her, the grass had died. Rough cracks etched like anger. The stumps chipped away. He turned away and left the girl, exhausted in pain. Forgive me brother, for I cannot forgive myself.

Amani cried, her soft sobs filled the woods. A boy in a green jumpsuit, who had awakened early hours to train came to this spot. He heard a heart breaking cry.  Jumping down he saw a beautiful girl, her face held a soft and innocent look. He saw her eyes and knew she was kin of his rival.

"Are you okay miss?", the boy with bushy brows asked kindly as he leaned down and held his hand out.

"I'm fine! Just hit my head is all", Amani forced herself to smile. Looking up she saw him. A handsome smile, brows that added personally to his face.

"I am rock lee, the handsome devil of the leaf", he smiled as he pulled Amani up. Amani tripped slightly and landed against his chest.

She wanted to pull away, but the soft heartbeat drew her in. Innocently she placed her hand on Lee's chest and felt his heart. Lee blushed furiously, he didn't move. In that moment, he felt accepted, she felt safe.

"Did you come here to train", Lee asked as she pulled away.

Amani nodded awkwardly. Lee looked at her palms and saw how bruised they were. This girl before him reminded him of well himself.

"Though it doesn't matter. I try do hard, yet I can't be like my clan. I can't work my chakra. It's... dangerous", Amani sighed.

Lee understood that feeling all too well. He had felt it since he was a child then he met his sensie and his team.

"How about it train with You?", the bushy brow boy asked with determination.

"Maybe some other time. I need to go to sleep. I have the exam tomorrow", Amani smiled. She gently touched Lee's chest again before heading home to sleep.
