Chunin Exams Part 3


Sakura looked at Lee with hopeful eyes. This caused Lee to blush and look at her. Amani felt something in her chest ache. She couldn't breathe for a moment. She studied his expression and Sakura. Glaring, whilst she was within this darken state, all emotions would become negative. She turned back to the sound ninja and glared.

"I'm in a bad mood now", her voice steeped in anger and she ran towards the girl who was glaring at Sakura. Lee looked at Amani in surprise. He turned to the pinkette.

"Is that really sweet Amani?", he asked. Sakura felt a little jealous, whilst she had no romantic attraction to Lee, his adoring attention made her feel confident.

"Yes, though she seems different", Sakura grabbed Lee's arm and looked at him sweetly, "please be careful. They took out Rin and Mina so easily", Lee grinned at her. Amani caught a glimpse of this and took her anger out on the poor sound ninja.

Her chakra was blazing, eyes drained of emotion. Amani grabbed hold of the ninjas hair and sped up at an unbelievable speed, the ninja screamed as she hit almost every surface around them. Suddenly Amani cried out, the marks had merged completely. She passed out causing Lee to run in front of her before the sound ninja could strike.

Lee grabbed hold of the largest sound ninja, he used leaf hurricane. I will protect you, Amani. Sakura.

As he plunged into the ground, he found his move had no impact as the other male ninja had stopped his attack from taking full force. Lee take the effect of the ninjas sound jutsu. This left Sakura. The pinkette attacked, clone after clone. Her hair now short, body bruised. From the shadows a trio watched. Finally stepping out revealed Ino, Choji and Shikamaru.

"Ah Amani!", Shikamaru gasped as he looked at her. Black and purple markings spread across her small frame, she was curled up shaking.

"Formation. Ino. Shika. Cho".

With skill came battle, Shikamaru used his Shadow possession and snared the ninja, Ino transferred into the female ninja only to be shocked when the men laughed and said they wouldn't care if she died. All seemed lost, then the arrival of Neji and Tenten. Neji saw Lee and frowned. To take down one such as Lee.

His eyes widened when he saw his little sister defenceless on the ground, agony surrounding her. She was losing control. The earth around her was dying.

Tenten and Neji helped fight and as they were about to get properly into battle, Sasuke awakened. He turned to the ninja. Glaring at Sakuras current condition. With his thirst for vengeance he lost control. Snapping the ninjas arms. It finally ended with the sound ninja retreating. Tenten awoke Lee by violently shaking him. Neji leaned over Amani and gazed at the marks. Ino and Choji roused Mina and Rin.

Rin looked over at Amani, he stumbled to her. His eyes glanced at the mark and he sighed.

"Please step back", Rin pulled out a scroll his sensie had given him in case Amanis mark flared up. He performed hand signs and a seal lifted from the scroll to around her neck. Almost like a collar embedded on her skin.

"What are you doing to her?", Shikamaru asked. Neji watched the boy work. He is sealing it. What exactly have they been taught? Amanis team is more than just anbu.

"I am sealing her curse. It is tempory but it will satisfy her hunger for now". Rin was quiet as he laid her by the fire.

Finally they all parted ways, they had a exam to finish. Neji asked Rin and Mina to care for his sister. As they left Lee and Shikamaru looked at her. A small sigh of relief to see the markings were gone.

As the hours turned to the morning, Amani awoke. Her body ached. She felt her neck, a small static of chakra reacted. She looked at Rin who nodded.

"It's getting worse. Uzuki sensie will be displeased with how long it has taken is to get the other scroll", Amani said causing the team to worry. Uzuki had a cruel was to punish her team.

"Let's go then".

They got back on course, Amani led the charge. They came across a group of ninja from the village hidden in the stone. Amani smirked slightly, her dark mood still lingered. Mina looked at Rin and at down. They knew to let her get it out of her system by now. Something they had learned on the three month mission.

This is the last place. They were going to free the last of the women then they could finally return home. They entered the final room, Amani gasped at the sight before her. A young girl, just a few years older than them was chained to a bed. A man laid beside her  resting. Rin was about to attack him when Uzuki pulled him back.

"Look at Amani. Her mark is glowing.  You must let her deal with this. Mina turn away if you cannot stomach it".

Uzuki sensed the darkness from her prized student. She was shaking, Uzuki looked at her eyes under her mask and frowned. Those eyes have a sense of understanding.... what ever happened to you Amani?

Amani lost control, her dark chakra awoke the man in agony. She crushed each bone within his body. Mina watched knowing she would see this more in the future.

"Listen you two, Amani has two sides to her. The one you know and this. The dark version. Her darkness is sealed but if you are ever with her and it becomes rampant, I will teach you a seal. However she may need to blow off steam. I woudlnt get in her way".

Amani jumped down facing the stone ninja and leaned against the stone face.

"Looks like a little brat got lost", the red head snickered. His teammates looked at her.

"What's up with the mask? Playing dress up? Why don't hand me your scroll little girl", the three ninja surrounded her.

Mina giggled at the sight. Oh she is to play. I wanna play too! She looked at Rin who shook his head.

Amani tilted her head at them and the she moved. In one swift movement, she had knocked out the two lackies. This left the redhead who glared at her.

"I would like your scroll now", she spoke, her voice had a playful hint, much like her sensie.

"As if! Look here you little brat. I am going to make you pay", he lunged at her, forming a handsign.  Rock prison!

Amani was burried by rocks, he smirked and walked to it. "Shows you runt".

"Shows me what?", she was right behind him. Her chain in hand.

"I think I won this game. Thank you for playing with me", she knocked him out.

Mina and Rin jumped down, Rin grabbed the scroll from  the redhead and turned to the girls.

"Are you satisfied, Amani? Or do you want to play more", Mina asked.

Amani turned back to her usual self and giggled.

"I'm fine, let's head to the tower!".

The trio ran to the tower, well Rin and Amani ran... Mina skipped. They finally arrived and sat before a sign. They opened the scroll and out of it appeared Uzuki.

"Took you long enough! I will have to punish you for such tardiness", Uzuki flicked Mina on the head then looked at Amanis neck. "I see, did you run into trouble". The three of them nodded. "Fill me in later, go on in and prepare. Also take things easy".

Team nine entered a large room, it held a mere quarter of the amount of ninja compared to the start of the exam. Kiba and Shikamaru looked down at her and smiled.

From the corner watched the sand ninja. The puppet master looked curiously at the three masked genin. Amani lifted her mask and looked directly at him.  He felt heat flush to his cheeks as he saw her. Such beauty.

Gaara looked at her eyes and titled her head. He sensed a darkness in her like his own. Kiba followed Amanis gaze and glared at the sand ninja. Even more competition?

Lee observed her, her soft eyes landed on him and she smiled before joining her sensie on the balcony. Then everyone finally arrived. Including the hokage.  They revealed they would have a preliminary round of one on one combat.

Kiba, Shikamaru, Lee and now the sand ninja all looked at Amani.

Do I want to fight her?
