Waiting On Forever

The sky was grey, growing darker as time passed. The sun was hidden behind the clouds, making it easier for me to walk the streets of Philadelphia. As I entered the small, desolate cafe, an ear-to-ear grin broke across my face. Today was the day!
A light skip was in my step as I walked to my bar stool. It had a direct view to the door and out side windows so I would see him coming from any and all directions.
Sally, who had been my waitress since I first came slowly made her way over to me. "The usual, Alice?" I nodded as she smiled and poured me a cup of pure black coffee. "Thanks, Sal."
She took a seat behind the bar, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "Since you're still here, I suppose this mystery man of yours hasn't shown up yet?"
I giggled and rested my chin on my palm. "Not much longer! Oh Sally, I can't even begin to describe it!"
She laughed at my hopeful expression and patted my hand, just like normal. She didn't believe me when I told her about him, how he was finally going to come and rescue me.
She didn't believe me when I told her that with him, I would find my own happily ever after.
No matter how I described it, or how many times I told her, she didn't believe me.
She would merely laugh and pat my hand with a smile, saying that he was a figment of my imagination or asking how I knew he was coming.
I most certainly couldn't tell her that I was a vampire who could see the future, now could I? That would be a disaster! So I settled for telling her that he was the man IN my dreams, that I had a feeling way down deep.
He was mine and i was his and if it took me forever and a day to find him, I would. If it were the last thing I ever did, I would find my happily ever after. And that was that!
"So, Alice, when is this man of yours supposed to be here?" Her eyes twinkled playfully as she bent across the bar. She was up in her years and had problems that were common with age.
I shrugged my shoulders and took a small sip of the disgusting drink. Don't get me wrong; it wasn't that it was bad tasting. It was merely a prop. Since I was a vampire, I didn't need human food to sustain me, so it did nothing but offer me a better chance at blending in.
"I don't know, Sal. It's going to be soon, though. I can feel it." I took a breath and smelt the rain as it fell. I held in a giggle as I realized what that meant. It had been raining in my vision!
I sighed and settled in my seat to begin the wait for him. My visions were never concrete, based off of peoples' decisions. So, usually, if the person's mind changed, so did my vision. But I didn't need my visions to tell me what was going to happen today. He would walk through the door and we would find eternity together. Soon, my love, we'll be together.
A vision flickered in the peripherals of my head, fighting to take over and be seen. I didn't have time! I had to wait for him and I wasn't going to miss his arrival for some stupid vision!
As I blinked back to the present, Sally just looked at me strangely. "Nap time again, Alice," she laughed, one brow risen in question, as I shrugged. I noticed I'd been doing that quite a bit, shrugging. I guess that's my answer to questions when there is no answer.
She nodded and pulled a stained, once white dish towel from her apron and began to wipe down the bar. "Well, if he does come, I wish you the best of luck. And you can tell this old coot you told her so!"
I giggled but scowled on the inside. Why can't she just believe me? "Not if, Sally. When! I know he's coming for me. You just wait and watch!"
She looked taken aback as my eyes flared angrily. After a few seconds of holding my breath to calm myself, I smiled softly and put a gentle hand on her arm. "I'm sorry, Sal. Please forgive me."
She smiled back at me and gripped my hand in hers. "Of course, dear. May you find happiness with your love."
I smiled and squeezed her fingers gently. "Don't worry, Sally. I'm going to find my own happily ever after!"
A breeze blew in, carrying scents of humans and things. But one thing stuck out the most. A heavenly scent of leather and Old Spice. I had to admit that I was getting slightly high just merely inhaling his euphoric scent. The one other thing that gave him away was the soft muskiness that was natural to our kind.
I slowly faced the door, fully seeing it for the first time, as it slowly swung open and the tiny gold bell tinkled. Time froze, it seemed, as he walked inside. My Jasper!
