The Redcoats Are Coming~ Part One

A/N: this chapter is dedicated to my new follower, which for some reason the @ won't work correctly.... Idk what the deal is, buuuttt oookaaay.....

~Jasper POV~

We were restless, moving to Italy 3 years later, still very much in love and very much in the honeymoon stages of our 10 year marriage.

Italy was amazing. The sights, the sounds, the people, the prey... It was a land of enchantment, an undiscovered novelty to me, made all the more perfect with my even more perfect wife.

Watching the rise and fall of her chest with every breath she took, I ran my fingers through her hair with a quiet sigh and pulled her against me. Gently kissing her sensuous, blood red lips, I rolled on top of her with a small smile. "Buongiorno, il mio amore." ((good morning, my love))

"Si anche il, mio amore....... Ti voglio baciare." Her breath was a quiet murmur against my lips as she hooked her thighs around my torso and pulled me flat on top of her. "Ti desidero." ((You as well, my love. I want to kiss you. I want you))

"Not that I don't want you in pleasure beneath me or anything, mio amore, but I had plans for us today..... Not to mention the fact that we've got quite a bit of money to blow......"

Chuckling quietly, I teased my tongue along her lip as it popped into a pout, her fingers tangling into my hair and therefore holding me in place. "I guess I forgot to mention that the agenda for today includes shopping....."

Quick as a bullet, she was out of my embrace, her stark naked, luscious self disappearing into the bathroom. Plopping onto my back with a long exhale, I ran a hand through my hair. That one magic word was all it took!

The faucet turned on, water no doubt sliding along the contours of my wife's body. How I wished I was that water......!

Fluidly rising, I lounged against the doorway a mere second later, the Little Major very evident and not so little anymore as my zipper tightened. "Take a picture, Jazz.... It'll last longer!" Pushing away from the wall with more force than necessary, I stalked into the bathroom with a growl amidst a thud as the wall caved in.

The clear, very see-through shower curtain clung to her body, leaving nothing to the imagination as she pointedly turned to me with a smirk. "Well, cowboy, are you gonna just stand there?!?"


Despite my plans, it was well into the day when we managed to disentangle from each other and climb out of bed. The sky above us was in hues of pink, orange, and yellow, my wife illuminated in the glow of sunset.

Tucking her into my arms, I pressed my lips lightly to hers and smiled. "I love you, Alice.... You ready, darlin'?!"

"That was a stupid question, Jazz," she giggled against me, pecking my lips before flouncing sexily out of my arms.

Rolling my eyes with a chuckle, I quickly followed after, my long
stride carrying me to her in three steps. Twining our fingers, I led her into town with a smile as pure amusement flickered across her face. There was nothing I wouldn't do for her!

"Jasper," she murmured, eyes wide and innocent as she stared pleadingly up at me, "do you mind if I go my own way for awhile? I have a few things I need to take care of......"

"Promise me you'll be careful, Alice, and that you'll find me for anything and everything......."

After being with no one but her for the last decade, I hated for her to leave my side or my bed or my body, even if only for a short time. Honestly, I was scared shitless..... What if something were to, god forbid it, happen to her?!? What if I wasn't there?

"Jasper," she murmured in the same quiet, questioning tone, "are you ok?!? I don't have to go.... I just thought we could meet back here in an hour or so......"

Gazing down at her- my wife, my soul mate, my lover- I nodded with a chuckle and braced myself as she threw her arms so tightly around me that if I were human, she would've killed me.

Claiming her lips in a sweet combination of gentleness and possessiveness, I literally swept her off her feet into my arms as she twined her fingers into my hair and Iocked our lips tighter, a soft sigh of bliss escaping me. "One hour.

If you're gone even one minute longer, my Alice, will come find you...... And I'm bringing all hell to pay with me!"

With a final softly passionate kiss, she was gone. Now what the hell am I supposed to do?!?


Walking aimlessly through town, an idea hit me: why not play with a few emotions, see what kinda kicks I can get while waiting on Alice?!?

On the opposite side of the street, a man stood checking out the lingerie mannequins. On my side, there was a young woman just walking out of the bakery. A small, mischievous smile played on my lips as I shot lust clear into them. Let's just see where all this goes......

Ten minutes later, it was going exactly where I wanted it to.... The couple had quite unceremoniously snuck into the back of a shop as pure lust drove them mad. Am I good, or am I good?!?

Chuckling to myself, I counted back the minutes to see just how much time had passed since I'd last seen my wife. 20 minutes....... I was already anxious and missed her by my side, and I still had a whole 40 minutes, give or take, to go...... How was it possible for me to miss her so much after so little time gone by?!?

Sitting dejectedly on a bench, I whistled softly under my breath as the sky grew darker. It would be time to hunt soon.....

Drumming my fingers listlessly on my knees, I wished I had my guitar. Or, at least, some form of entertainment. I was bored...... And there weren't even very many humans out to play with..... What to do, what to do?!?

My body already on high alert, I slid into a defensive crouch out of pure instinct as a scream filled the dark air. A second later, I smelt blood. Lots of it.

Lots of human blood. That was when I lost it.


My bags fell from limps hands as a scream startled me into a defensive crouch, the darkness swimming around me as a vision easily took over. The emotions it brought forced the needless air from my lungs as I blacked out. Jasper! I had to find him. I had to find my Jasper!

The blood that pumped through the human was still so familiar to me, my vampire instincts yearning for the nectar that was a natural food source to my kind. Laced within the copper sweetness was a scent I knew far better and far longer- my Jasper!

They stood at the mouth of an alley, his face lit by the moon as he pinned the human boy to the wall, away from the girl. I was at his side in an instant, my hand gentle on his arm, as he stiffened away from me with a quite loud, territorial growl. "Jasper."

His eyes were glowing obsidian as he jerked his head around, his teeth snapping a mere inch from my throat. "Go. Away."

Rolling my eyes, I twisted my arms around his waist and ran my nose along his throat in a vain attempt to calm him. "Please, Jasper, do not do this!"

Our eyes met as his lips pulled over his teeth. "I will tell you one more time: go away."

A panic settled over me, harsh and sharp; I didn't want to lose him, either just because I listened and walked away, or because I stayed. I would not lose him! "No! I am not leaving you, now or ever, Jasper William Whitlock!"

Before I could move, his teeth sank into the boy's throat, painting his flesh scarlet. Watching on in horror, it was all I could do not to tear him away and remind him just who he was, right there in front of two humans....

If there was anything I knew, it was that women had the powers of persuasion and seduction. It normally didn't take much to bring his attention back to me, normally. This time, I also knew, was not one of those times.

He carelessly dropped the boy to the ground and eyed the girl, her eyes wide and terrified as she watched him stalk towards her. My voice did nothing as I spoke again, my voice quivering weakly. "Jasper, I'm begging you!

Pllleeeaaassseee do not do this! You're in there somewhere, my love, I know you are. Please come back to me, my husband. I miss you terribly....."

It was as if he couldn't even hear me, like my voice or words didn't reach him. The girl's scream was cut short as he buried his teeth inside her, soft moans in his chest as he drank in deep gulps. It was almost too much to bear, watching my husband take the blood of humans.

But I had to bear it and I had to stay here, with him and for him. For my Jasper.

He was soon done, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand as the girl dropped to the ground in equal fashion as the boy, both lifeless and drained of blood.

The body hit the ground with a thud, echoing darkly against the alley walls. It was as if a switch had been pulled, and my Jasper was back.

He stared blankly at both the girl and boy before it hit him all like a ton of bricks. A shiver rolled over him as he frantically shook his head and mumbled insanities under his breath. Then, almost as if he were afraid, his gaze slowly slid to mine.

Seeing my Jasper, my every thing- soulmate, husband, friend, and lover- like that, so haunted and guilty, thawed my frozen heart simply to shatter it into a billion pieces. "Alice."


He walked towards me, at the slowest human pace, and fell into my open arms with a sob. "What did I do?!?

Alice.... My sweet darlin' Alice, what the hell did I do?!? You've gotta help me, Alice! I don't know what I did.... It just happened, I couldn't do anything to stop it, it just hit me all at once.... It was too much for me...... I tried to resist it, but god, I just couldn't...... Please, Alice! Please help me."

Muffling my own sob, I found his hand and twined our fingers, wrapping my arms as tightly and possessively as I could around him. Laying my head on his chest with a sigh, I slowly ran my hands in circles along his back. "Jasper, you'll be ok, I promise. I swear, Jasper, I will stay right here, with you, okay....?!?"

"Alice! What do I do?!? I just killed innocent humans, what do I do?!? Help me." He was frantic now, eyes wide with panic and fear. It hurt me to see him this way, and I wanted nothing more than to comfort him.

Gripping his chin, I forced his head down and gazed into his dark eyes with a small smile. "It was a slip-up, Jazzy.... It happens to the best of us...... You'll be ok, I promise..... Would I lie?!?"

That oh so familiar smile of his was back, no matter how small or tight it was, as he tipped my chin towards him. "Thank you, Alice, so much, for everything.... I love you, darlin'!" Then his lips softly met mine, easily growing in speed and intensity, just like usual. He would be okay...... We would be okay.....

Teasing my tongue along his pouting lower lip, I deepened the kiss as our tongues tangled and my legs wound up around his torso. His hands wandered from my back to my hips to my butt and back, over and over again as I kissed him with everything I had. "I love you, Jasper Whitlock."

"As much as I love you too, Miss Alice, I think we'd better get back home now..... We'll leave my unfortunate meal for the poor, stupid humans....."

Normally, I would've cleaned up my meals, and it worried me for a mere second that we could be found out. Then I let out a quiet laugh with a shake of my head. I had no need to worry, for anything at all. If my Jasper was anything, he was meticulous and concise; precision and alertness had been drilled into him at an early age, both as a human and a newborn. The humans would think it was an animal, anyway....

With that, he took my hand and twined our fingers tightly, gazing down at me with a small smile. "Let's go home, darlin'."


The sky was completely black as we walked through the streets towards our home a minute later. Well, Jazzy walked, I rode on his back..... "You better be glad that I'm a vampire and that you're light, darlin'....... I might not could carry you otherwise......"

Giggling, I playfully swatted his butt with a roll of my eyes. "Shut up, Jazzy!"

Easily pulling me around into his arms, he tweaked my nose as his lips pulled into a smirk. Then smooth seriousness took over as his eyes flickered over my face before locking with mine. "I'll always carry you anywhere you wanna go, darlin'......."

"I know, Jasper." Then my lips softly met his as I looped my arms around his neck and drew his face closer to mine. The copper nectar of human blood that was still on his lips sent me into an instinctive frenzy as I rose on tiptoes with a low growl in my chest and kissed him harder. "I. Want. More."

Then I was in his arms as he blurred down the street with a speed that was only natural to us. It took us about 15 seconds to reach our home, and when we did, he quite roughly pinned me against our front door. "You asked for it, my Alice!"

He pressed me harder into the door and rotated his hips against mine, disconnecting our mouths, as I sagged against him with a gasp. He easily found my Mark, nibbling and licking and driving me insane, as I twined my fingers up into his honey golden hair. "Jazzy, I think we should go inside now...... Like, right now."

He pulled reluctantly away as my hand wandered over his bulge in search of his key. Plucking it out of his pocket, I trailed a finger teasingly along the hem of his jeans, over his bulge, along his toned stomach before he finally caught both hands in one of his and threw them over my head with a growl. "Tease!"

Then the door fell open behind me and we were inside, flicking lights on as we went. We'd had this house quite some time and it was my favorite by far.

The entry-hall led straight into the living room, furnished rather sparsely with a couch, love-seat, and his La-Z-boy recliner. Every picture we'd ever taken together hung on the cream colored walls around us, from our wedding to an African safari trip we'd taken a few years back. Memory lane, as we so fondly called it.....

Since we obviously didn't need a kitchen, we knocked out the wall that once separated it and the living room, making it all one large hard-wood dance floor. It was one of my favorite rooms in the entire house, and more often than not was put to great use.

The main staircase led pretty much to everything else, from our bedroom to my art and fashion room where I designed and made anything I could think of. Jasper had remodeled that room just for me not long after we'd moved and settled in, a rare surprise that I thoroughly enjoyed.

His library was the first of its kind, I was sure- his pride and joy, pretty much- not only by the floor to ceiling book shelves, but also because the room extended all the way from the top to the bottom floors. It was amazing, the way he had constructed it all, knocking out a portion of the ceiling and having his library on both sides of the house. The staircase passed right over it all, a perfect place to watch my husband as he worked or read down below.

The bathroom was next door to our bedroom, my vanity and claw-foot bathtub on one wall, a sink and linen closet between, and his shower on the other. I loved my claw-foot bathtub! A double door closet, one door was the actual closet and the other led straight to the bedroom.

Upon entering- or rather, being carried into- the bedroom, I was met with our king-size bed topped with rose petals and chocolates, all lit by the soft glow of candles. It was beautiful, and I knew that my Jasper planned it all.

"It's beautiful, Jasper! When did you set it all up?!?" I was sure I hadn't left him alone for that long this morning. Still, Jasper was an artist when it came to romancing a girl...... He was, after all, a born and bred Southern gentleman! MY Southern gentleman, at that!

He shook his head with a low, husky chuckle and drew my face towards his, giving me a light kiss. "Well, darlin', you'd be surprised how long it takes you to find one single outfit....."

"Ha. Ha. Ha." Rolling my eyes playfully with a giggle, I threaded my fingers into his hair as our lips crashed together. This was how I wanted to be kissed- knees weak, killer bee swarms in stomach, lips bruised and buzzing.

The fire built of passion and desire that we both had become so very familiar with lit between us as he lowered me onto my back and hovered over me with a small smile. Caressing my cheek with a finger, he tipped my chin until my back arched and I felt his bulge against me. "Ready?!?"

Like he had to ask! I felt like a bobble-head, nodding as fast and as hard as I did. His eyes were dark as they met mine then found my lips and back again.
He had perfected the elevator eye some time ago, and it never ceased to thrill me. Now was no exception as his fingers mirrored the trails of his eyes, up and down my body. I'd never been bored with him before- especially when I knew what was coming- but this was taking forever.

The top pearl-snap button on my dress easily popped off and rolled off the bed onto the floor before landing with a tiny thud. "Bored, are we?!?"

The second button met the same fate before he could finally access the tiny sliver of skin that was beneath it- not that there was anything of interest besides my now exposed throat. After both the third and fourth buttons rolled to the floor, he thickly growled as I arched my bare chest to him with a smirk. "Without those buttons you'd still think I had brasserie on, wouldn't you, Jazzy....?!?"

His chest rumbled with both a warning and a playful growl under my trailing, teasing fingertips as they itched to rip his tee shirt off. "Now, now, darlin'! You wouldn't me want to ruin this pretty dress, now would you?!?"

Meeting his eyes with a wink, I nonchalantly shrugged and turned my head away as his lips sought mine. "You already pulled off four buttons, I don't see the problem in pulling the other six off."

I hadn't even finished my whole sentence before my dress hung off my shoulders, all ten buttons finally reunited on our floor. "Have patience, my grasshopper!"

The giggle froze on my lips as he wasted no time in pushing a finger into me with a groan and sagging against me. "I have no patience with you, darlin'....."

"Obviously!" That single word was all I could muster between a gasp of pleasure as his tee shirt joined my dress in a heap on the floor, my fingers fumbling in vain practically for his belt. "What is this, some sort of chastity device or something?!?!"

The hand that held me close guided mine to his belt again as he chuckled with a shake of his head. "Never stopped us before, has it, darlin'.....?!?"


His movements were both lithe and carnal, pure predator, as he stalked the bear through the trees. There were too many bears, and not enough hunters. Such a poor, sad shame. Yet such fun and filling for us!

Our home was on the edge of the forest, on the outskirts of the city. Either way around, there wasn't much besides Jasper and I. The hunters had better things to do most of the time so we were free to feed as we saw fit, and no one was the wiser.

As I blurred through the trees, I marveled at my husband's lean, naked body and knew that in no way would I ever be able to keep my hands off of him and his delish body. I mean, come on, he was hunting- which was hot in and of itself- while he was naked! Turn-on central!

Giggling with a roll of my eyes, I settled into a low hanging branch and watched as he finally grew bored of playing with his food and launched himself through the air. Latching onto the bear, he sank his teeth in deep before the bear even knew what happened. Then, the fight was on.

Even as he was being drained, albeit slowly because of his sheer size, the bear threw a fit as big, or bigger, as he was. He threw up his paws with a roar and tried to reach around to Jasper, but, of course, Jazzy was faster.

He was a blur, even to my acute senses, as he then found the bear's throat and latched on there. Then, it was over.

The bear hit the ground with a thud, so quick that Jasper couldn't even unlatch and get away from him. I knew that he was territorial- of course, so were all vampires- and that he was already feeding- which was in and of itself a bad idea to interrupt- but that didn't stop me. I mean, I knew he was ok, of course, but even that didn't stop my worry. He was, after all, my Jasper......

I reached his side in about a millisecond, just as he rolled the bear off of him with a chuckle, his eyes finding mine. "Quite a show we put on, eh darlin'?"

Kneeling beside him, I ran a hand through his already messed up hair with a smirk and was at the bear's throat before he'd even moved. Blood ran thick and hot down my own throat as he came to my side in a crouch, a territorial growl building in his throat. "That. Is. Mine."

"Doesn't my gentleman know how to share, even a little bit?!? I thought you knew better, Jazzy!" The giggle froze on my lips for the second time that day as he easily crawled over the now-drained bear and pinned me to the ground with yet another growl. His eyes met mine, dark with hunger and lust- I didn't even know which was more powerful or potent.

"I don't share well darlin', at all. I thought you knew better!" Then we were lip-locked and his tongue was in my mouth, exploring every inch back into memory. "I have never enjoyed hunting so much, darlin'! We gotta go commando more often!"

I was never more in agreement with him! My hands wandered the smooth muscle of his chest as his body shook and shuddered under my fingernails. Chasing away the scratches with my tongue and a hint of venom, a squeak escaped as he reared right into me with a low growl. "Jasper!"

"Now, now, darlin' behave!" His voice was thick as he spoke from above me, arching his face toward my own. "Missed a spot!"

A sting of ecstasy pumped through my now useless veins as his venom dripped tongue swept over my bottom lip before pushing into my mouth. I never would have thought our venom could be used for pleasure. You learn something new everyday!

"Jasper!" Arching my back into him as he pinned my arms to my sides, I clawed my fingers deep in to the ground. I was almost at my high when he stood up. And he left. He left....!

Standing with an angry growl, I swung my head around with my eyes narrowed until he was in my sights. Chasing his scent through the trees, I finally found him after a mere 15 second search. A small smile tilted my lips as I looked at him, so calm and peaceful after the horrors of earlier that same night. It was all so beautiful and I hoped it'd stay that way.

The sun sparkled against both the water and his body, throwing rainbows of color around, as he stood in the water up to his waist and let his hands float just barely on top of the water. His face tilted towards me as I approached, his hand outstretched for mine. "Join me, won't you, darlin'."

His voice was soft and flowed like warm honey as I waded into the water beside him and twined our fingers with my own smile. Reaching his side, I took his hand and wrapped my other arm loosely around his waist, sighing as my head nestled into his shoulder. "I found you, Jasper....."

An inaudible chuckle vibrated through him as he leaned down and kissed the top of my head. "Yes, darlin', you did..... Kept me waiting long enough."

"A whole 15 seconds, Jazz.... You kept me waiting a whole 27 years!" Though I giggled playfully, I couldn't keep the sadness or the disdain away as I loosened my self from around him and slowly left his side. Of all the times for that to come up.....

"Hey hey hey, come back over here, Alice......" He was closer this time, and his hand tugged at my upper arm as he spun me around. Pulling me into his arms with an almost sad smile, he tipped me towards him and placed a soft kiss on my lips. "I'm sorry I waited for so long, darlin'...... I love you, my Alice, so much!"

Then he stiffened against me with a growl of pure possession and tightened his arms around me to the point that it hurt. "Who are you and what do you want?!"

Turning, I stiffened as well at the sight of the newcomer.


Shock rolled off of him as his eyes widened in surprise at our nakedness, Jasper clutching me just as tight and me with my lips in a smirk. Winking slyly, I slid my body tighter around his as the stranger gulped and looked away, shock replaced with decency and modesty. It was all quite funny, to be honest.....

"I don't want any trouble. I was just passing through, is all... Is this your territory?!?" His startlingly bright red eyes shifted from Jazzy to me and back again, still not sure what to make of us.

I couldn't- and didn't- blame him, of course. I mean, how often is it that you see people running around in their skivvies in the middle of the forest in the middle of the night?!?

"MY WIFE and I own a few acres of land with our permanent residence just over that ridge." Jasper's voice was gravelly as he fought to suppress his growl, his fingers running frigidly down my bare arms. Turning my face into the crook of his neck, I put a light kiss on his shoulder as he cleared his throat and continued. "This is MY WIFE, Alice, and I'm Jasper Whitlock....."

"Nice meeting you, Mr. Jasper." He politely inclined his head to me as I smiled lightly. "Ms. Alice."

Jasper bristled beside me, a growl rumbling close to his throat as he glared fire. "That's Mrs. Whitlock, to you!"

Rolling my eyes with my own glare, I swatted his backside and stood a little straighter with a tight smile. "Alice is perfectly fine! No need for formalities."

Shaking his head with a quiet chuckle, he crossed his arms over his chest and looked anywhere but at Jasper or I- which I'm sure Jasper very much appreciated- quite uncomfortable. "My name's Garret...."

His eyes met mine for the first time as he cleared his own throat and continued. "Alice, if you don't mind me saying, I couldn't help but notice your eyes are golden.... A real good friend of mine is an animal drinker, and I was curious to know if you've met him yet. His name is-"

I couldn't help but cut him off with an enthusiastic squeal- a bit too enthusiastic, it seemed, as he visibly stiffened with an instinctive growl. "Carlisle Cullen!"

At his shock-and-awe slack jaw, I continued with a now quiet giggle. "We haven't met him yet, but we will soon, and we're all going to be a family!"

Once again, his eyes bugged with questions. Once again, I cut him off. "I've seen it! I'm a seer.... It shouldn't be too long now......! I hope not, anyway! I can't wait to meet them and have a family!"

"Weeelll, ok then.... Enjoy, erm, the rest of your evening.... I'll go ahead and say that I hope to see you soon. I hope you find your family, Alice.... Tell the old man I said hello, won't you....?!?" Then he was gone and it was just Jasper and I again.

"Weeelll, that was interesting." My voice was light and free as I looked up at him through my lashes, my hand finding his as a growl shook his body. Rolling my eyes, I tugged him against me as my lips twisted into a frown. "What is it now, silly possessive man of mine?!? He was only trying to be polite, ya know......"

Glaring, he unwrapped from my arms and slowly walked away, the anger and possessiveness easily building beneath the surface. "Do not defend him! You don't even know him, Alice! Need I also remind you that you are MY mate and wife, Mrs. Whitlock!"

Rolling my eyes, I hurried after him and grabbed his hand, jerking him to a stop. "First off, you don't know him either, Jazz... Secondly, go ahead and remind me who I belong to- I. Dare. You."

With a growl, he spun on his heel and cupped my head in his large hands, pulling me up into his arms as his lips viciously ravished my own. "Oh, believe me, Mrs. Whitlock, I plan to."

After what seemed like forever, I pulled away with a raised brow and giggled quietly. "Where are we going?"

His reply was short and clipped as he cupped my head to his and kissed me once again, longer and harder. "Home."

"It didn't seem to bother you ten minutes ago....."

Nibbling along the skin of my neck, his glare met mine as he smirked and arched my neck to the side. Before I could react, his teeth sank into my skin as venom filled my body, the sharp pleasure-pain of it enlisting a moan. He had Marked me again....!

"Another man didn't see you until ten minutes ago, Alice! We are going home and I am taking you up one side and down the other, reminding you of just who exactly you belong to.!"

Biting my lip, I turned to face his glare head-on as a territorial snarl twisted his own lips. "I know who I belong to, Jasper!

You underestimate me.... Just because another man looked at me, doesn't mean I looked at him! Do you have that little faith in me, after all this time, after all we've been through?!?

Jasper, I love you! You and only you, forever and always!"

Pressing my lips to his, I easily tangled my fingers into his honey blonde waves and held him in place, trying in vain to convey just what I felt for him.

Sighing, he pulled slowly away and rested his forehead on mine. "I know, darlin', I know..... Believe me, I do...." His lips twisted into a smirk as they softly met mine. "Don't think you're getting away too easy though, darlin'."


I didn't get away easy, at all..... But at least I had fun....... WE had fun...... Rolling away from me with a cat-like grin, he kissed my fore head and pulled me into his arms. "Have fun, darlin'?"

"If that's what I get, I'm gonna be bad more often......!" Curling tighter against him, I managed to smile even as a yawn forced past my lips. "Now, I'm just really really tired....."

He chuckled softly and ran a hand through my hair, smiling as I laid my head on his chest with a sigh. "Well go to sleep darlin'."

Looking up at him through my lashes, my eyes met his as I cleared my throat. "I have to ask you something first though...."

His eyes flashed with worry and question as my voice fell and I looked away. "Why are you so protective and territorial over me, when you know how I feel about you?!? You know I'd never even glance at another man, Jasper.

I love you! I've always loved you, since I first saw you in my first vision- forever and always, Jasper. You know that."

Tipping my chin with a caress, our eyes locked as his lips softly met mine. "I love you, my Alice!"

Pulling away, he ran his thumb in lazy circles under my chin with a sigh as our eyes stayed locked. "I'm jealous and possessive over you because I love you, my Alice. You are all I have- my everything- all I will ever need- and I will not let you be taken away from me, even over my dead body.

I had no clue what love was- hell, I didn't know what life was- before I met you, my Alice. I had absolutely nothing- nothing to live for, nothing to fight for. Then, all of a sudden, I see this woman- a tiny thing bursting with energy and happiness- and I have meaning again. I look into her eyes for the first time, and I know that everything will be okay.

One minute, I had nothing. The next, I had everything. Something to live for, something to fight for. Having nothing then having everything- you don't ever let it go or you'll have nothing again. It would kill me if it got taken away again- if you got taken away.

So, my Alice, that is why I am so psychotic insanely jealous and possessive and territorial when it comes to you. Because you give me hope. Because you will not get taken away from me, ever for any thing. Because I love you."

His lips tilted into a small smile as he kissed me softly, dark eyes boring into mine. "I love you, Alice Whitlock. Maybe someday soon, you'll understand just exactly what you mean to me. Until then, get some sleep, darlin'."
