Healing The Hero

A/N: This lovely little update is dedicated to @lyricxavierlove16

Alice POV

He stood before me, bearing the many scars of a soldier, arms crossed over his bare chest as he lounged against the doorframe. I realized then, watching him and seeing his scars for the first time, that he'd been not just to hell, but through it and back.

My eyes wandered leisurely over the expanse of his chest, taking in his toned stomach and subtle six pack. His muscles rippled as he moved towards me, crossing the room in just four strides.

"See something you like, darlin'," he chuckled, brow risen in amusement, as I ducked my head and held in a smile.

"Um, no thanks." A smirk formed on his face as I giggled and playfully pushed him away.

His chest trembled beneath my hand, rippling with sheer power that radiated off him. "Don't push me away, darlin'."

His voice was soft and sultry, deep in his chest. The smirk he wore grew wider as he pulled me into his arms. I tingled all over as he chuckled, the sound music to my ears. "Jasper, stop it," I giggled, turning away from him as he put wet, openmouthed kisses on my cheeks.

"But I don't wanna," he whined, scooping me into his arms bridal style and nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck. "If I may say so, Miss Alice Brandon, you smell simply delicious!"

Hopping out of his arms, I sat on the edge of the bed and smiled lightly as he growled deeply in his chest. I knew he'd never hurt me and that he was just playing but that didn't stop the tremble that ran through my body.

I couldn't help but remember him- the newborn- his elongated canines pressed into the hollow of my throat with the intent to mark me as his own. But Jasper had come and he had saved me. He had saved my life and for that I would be forever grateful.

He sat on his heels in front of me, unblinking, his eyes trained on my face. I blinked back to reality, surprised by how close he was. His blonde hair fell across his brow, shielding his eyes from me. I couldn't take it anymore! I had to see his eyes!

Slowly, almost hesitantly, I reached out a hand and swept away the light wisps of hair that graced the edges of his face. I expected him to flinch away but he did quite the opposite. His hand rested on mine, guiding it, as I pulled him closer. "Jasper," I breathed out, knowing what I would see.

His dark, glittering red eyes stared back at me. Even though I knew what i would find, it still upset me. To see eyes that looked so much like his, glittering and blood red. It was horrible, almost too much to bear, as I let out a strangled gasp and sank onto the floor beside him. "Jasper."

His arms were gentle on my waist, prompting me onto the bed, as his eyes flashed with sadness and regret. I felt horrible for doing what I had but I couldn't help it. To see the love of my life with the same eyes as those of a man who'd hurt me!

"Alice," he sighed, running a hand through his hair, eyes searching my face. Settling against the headboard, I curled my knees into my chest and closed my eyes, willing away the sight in my head. He sat beside me, twiddling his thumbs, as I blew out unsteadily. "I'm so sorry, Alice. You'll never know how much I regret causing you pain. I never meant to hurt you, my love." His voice was soft, laced with regret.

"It's my fault, Jasper. I rushed things. I should have waited until you were ready but I didn't. Please forgive me."

His eyes met mine, flashing hopefully, as he eased his hand into my tightly clenched fist. His smooth thumb caressed the back of my hand as he let out a low grumble. "God, I miss this." I sighed and closed my eyes, falling against his chest. "Would you like to hear my story, Alice. How I came to be? Why I am what I am?"

I merely nodded, not trusting my voice, as he rested his head in my lap. I knew his story better than anything, more than I'd know my own, even. I'd known it by memory since I'd first awoken this literally revamped version of myself, whoever that was. It was pressed firmly into my mind; etched softly on my heart.

As he drew in a slow breath, I found my fingers drifting unconsciously through his golden locks. I found the small action almost instinctive, buried somewhere in the depths of my mind. It was soothing, his hair curling into my fingers, as I sighed contentedly and looked down at him.

His eyes were closed, fingers twined with mine at his side, his other hand flat against the comforter. He was finally at peace, after the long day we'd had. I could scarcely believe that it'd only been a day since I'd met him. With a sigh, he began his tale.

"I was born in Houston the summer of 1843. Life was good, but it was hard. When I was 16, the Civil War broke out between the North and the South. I lied about my age, the army only too happy to have me." His natural, Southern accent laced into his tone at that point. It was sexy, if I was honest with myself.

"I'd always been able to feel the emotions around me, a strong empathy, and was seen as someone beneficial to the Calvary. I quickly ascended the ranks, commanding men much older and more experienced than myself. It was an awfully weird feeling, knowing that I was only 16 ordering around men the age of my father."

I had quite a time trying to envision the Jasper I knew commanding men from the seat of his horse as he rode through the ranks. Although, hard as it was to picture, I knew it was definitely true. He could lead men knowingly to their death and they'd still trust and follow him willingly. It was just the type of person he was.

"It was 1863 and I was 19 years old, ranking as the youngest Major in the Texas Calvary. I was riding back to camp after evacuating a group of women and children to Galveston. I was tired and hungry, my horse no better off than myself, but aimed to ride in before dark. It was on a small embankment that I found them."

He paused, possibly for dramatic effect, which I highly doubted, as my fingers continued their slow, methodical movements. Gently squeezing his fingers, I waited patiently for him to continue. I could tell this was getting harder for him, the more the story went on the more tense he got. I wished I could do something, take away his pain, and somehow put it upon myself.

"There were three of them, on the edge of the bank. They were all super naturally beautiful, seeming to sparkle dimly in the moonlight. I was in utter awe, forgetting society rules or courtesies, and simply stared at the trio with wide eyes. How could a human be so beautiful? The answer, I soon found, was that no human ever could be."

He tensed, muscles bunched tightly, as my fingers drifted over the planes of his face and rested gently on his cheek. His face tipped upwards, red eyes meeting my own golden ones, as I pressed closer to him. "I'm sorry."

He shrugged, leaning on his elbows, and cupped my cheek in his hand, eyes never leaving my face. "I'm not. If I hadn't have found them, I wouldn't have found you."
His words were a faint whisper, fanning lightly across my face, as I sucked in a breath. He inched closer, supporting his weight on his hands, and cupped the back of my head as a small shiver raced up my spine.

The instant his lips touched mine, sparks erupted in my body. I couldn't get enough of this man! "However, Miss Alice, my tale has only just begun."


"You see, I lived in a time where women were not feared, but protected. Not disgraced, but respected. So imagine my surprise when there were three beautiful young women on the banks of a river, not a man in sight. At the time, I didn't sense the danger. The only danger, of course, was getting caught with a group of unescorted women. The instincts that screamed at me to flee, I promptly ignored. They weren't lost on Ol' Blue though. He was always a smart horse! If only I'd paid more attention to him!"

My fingers froze in their slow, soothing motion as he spoke of that beautiful woman. I'd never actually seen Maria in a vision, only Jasper. But hearing the way he spoke of her, her flawless beauty, had jealousy boiling like a hot flame inside of me. But more than the jealousy, the need to be as beautiful as the woman he spoke of, there was heart-clenching, gut-wrenching pain.

Pain that knotted in my chest as though a knife were plunged deep and twisted around my heart. Pain that took my breath and forced a sob through my lips. I'm not good enough for him, nor will I ever be! Not as long as Maria plays her endless games with him and his heart!

He froze, eyes like the purest obsidian, as the pain in my chest multiplied tenfold, leaving me to clutch at my unbeating heart. "Alice, how do you not know how I feel about you? Why do you doubt yourself?"

He asked questions I didn't want to answer, that left me vulnerable and exposed. Growling deeply, he launched himself across the bed and pinned me to the silk sheets. "Never doubt yourself, my little pixie."

His deep voice rumbled in his chest, goosebumps forming on my bare skin, as his body rested on mine. Fire coursed through my body at the feel of his silken skin on mine. Then, I remembered that I was in a mere tee shirt--- and a white one at that!

His fingers burned their way up my arms, wrapping around my shoulders and pulling me into his lap. All thoughts of clothes, or the lack thereof, and society vanished as my head lolled backwards against his shoulder, eyes slowly glazing over, my face tipped to the side. A shiver raced down my spine as his lips ran over my skin with soft kisses.

"You belong to me, my darlin'." His teeth teasingly nipped at the sensitive flesh of my throat, prompting a moan to the surface. He chuckled, tightening his arms around me, as I fought the urge to blush. "This is where I will Mark you, Claiming you as mine," he growled huskily, teeth nipping at the heart of my jugular. Pulling away, I searched his face, only too sure of his answer that would follow my request.

"I want you to show me what it feels like to be a woman, Jasper. Just once, I want to feel what Maria felt when she was with you. I want to know what it's like to feel love, lust, even, from the man I love."

He pulled away, sparkling red eyes searching my face, and caressed my cheek with soft fingers. I sighed, finding myself leaning into his feather light touch, as a husky rumble shook his chest. "Miss Alice," he began, thumb tracing patterns on my cheek, as I rolled my eyes. "Not right now, not tonight. I'd prefer to be within the bounds of marriage. You know how I was raised, darlin', in a time where couples courted for years on end before marrying in the church." I again was glad no tears would surface in my eyes ever again as he said that. How could he not understand my feelings for him? The overwhelming love that filled me when I looked at him or the gentle, undiscovered passion when we kissed? And he called himself an empath!

"You don't want me." My voice was soft, quieter than I'd ever heard, as his eyes snapped to mine and he ran a hand through his light, wispy curls. "You don't want me and you never will, Jasper. I'm not tall, beautiful, or exotic. I didn't create you, or give you a new life." An unsteady breath passed my lips as I fought to reign in my haywire emotions. My fingers twisted nervously around the hem of his shirt as he took a deep breath and tipped my chin, eyes gazing straight into mine, through me, and into the depths of my soul.

"Dammit, Alice! Why can't you see what you do to me? When you're in pain, I feel that pain too. And not just because I'm an empath. It's like a brick wall, physically forcing me to my knees with the need to take that pain away and put it on my shoulders. Because you can't handle it alone, Alice.

When you're happy, so am I. I feel like I'm flying, on Cloud Nine. I can finally be at peace and content with myself because of the pure happiness that shines through you. I don't have to be afraid or worried because I know that I have you."

My fingers curled into the soft cotton of his shirt, mind reeling from the words he had just spoken. Were his words true? Did he really want me? Was I enough for him?

He nodded as if hearing my inner turmoil and twined our fingers, drawing hearts on the back of my hand with the pad of his thumb. "Trust me, Alice, I want you. More than I've ever wanted anything or anyone else. I have thoughts about you that no gentleman should be having about his lady, ever! I dream of us, together forever." If my heart were still beating, it would have been racing at this point. His hands were gentle as they caressed my body in ways only he could. My fingers tangled in his hair as I pulled him to my level. I needed him and I needed him now!

His lips were slightly parted, urgent and demanding, as they moved in perfect sync with mine. His hands were moving down the length of my body, fire licking along the trail of his fingertips. He very lightly pinned me, his very muscular and very masculine body pressed completely against mine, as I sighed into his arms.

He pulled away, though I have no idea why. It's not like either of us were breathless; we could hold our breath forever if we wanted to. I sighed, exasperated, and lay on the mattress beneath him, my palms resting flat against his broad chest.

A low, husky chuckle filled my ears as he settled himself beside me and wrapped his arms tightly yet quite comfortably around me. "As much as I want you, my Alice, I will not allow myself to indulge in you. For Christ's sakes, we've only known each other for a day!"

A light giggle was my reply as I inwardly corrected him. He had only known me for a day; I'd "known" him for almost 50 years, though I wasn't ready to tell him that.

His brow quirked as I tucked myself closer to him, deeper in his intoxicating embrace. It felt so right, almost too perfect, this moment between us.
