The Secret ( Part 19 )

Ashley's POV

I went to go and get the door and it was Geo
( Their Conversation Below )
A = Ashley G = Geo

A - Hey whats up
G - I need to talk to you
A - Um okay come in
G - Thanks
A - What is what you needed to talk to me ?
G - Im staring to like Elvia....
A - No really
G - Yea ever since the show
A - Aww she likes you too
G - Really
A - Yea she told me the day of the show
G - Do you think I should ask her out ?
A - I don't know I will text her tonight and see if she wants to date you
G - Thank you so much lil sis
A - Your welcome big bro
G - And one more question
A - Yea
G - Do you like me a little ?
A - Umm well kinda but I'm dating Jov-
Gets cut off by Geo kissing her
A - What was that for ?
G - Because I like you and I know you liked that kiss too
A - No I did not like that kiss at all
G - Yea sure
A - Well bye
G - Bye
After Geo left
Still Ashley's POV

After that Geo gave me a kiss he finally left and I went up to me room and Jovani asked me
( Their Conversation Below )
A = Ashley J = Jovani

J - Why so long
A - Ohh it was Geo he need advice
J - For ?
A - He wants to ask out Elvia and he wanted to know if she liked him too
J - Ohh well come sit on the bed so we can check Instagram edits
A - Okay lets check under the #99goonsquad and then #Jovani&Ashley since we don't have a ship name because our names don't match
J - Awww don't worry I will always love you
A - I will always love you too
J - Okay now lets check edits
A - Okay

30 Minutes later

We were all looking at the edits under the #Jovani&Ashley and we came across a edit that there were, pictures of use and there was the video when I started crying when I meet Jovani for the first time. We watch it a couple of times until Jovani said if we should follow and comment and I was like sure he commented and followed and I told him to send me the username and that I DM her and she sent a very long message back saying how she shipped me and Jovani and that she loved me and Jovani and that she wishes she could meet us. When I read that she wishes she could meet us I texted back
( Their Conversation Below)

Me - What do you mean by you wish you could meet us ?
Girl - OMG I can't believe you answered back and its because we cant afford it .
Me - Aww what state do you live in ?
Girl - Atlanta and btw my name is Lizzy
Me - I like that name and Atlanta is out last show I have a surprise but I will need your phone number me and Jovani are going to FaceTime you and tell you your surprise & more please don't leak my number.
Lizzy - Okay my number is (***)***- **** and I promise I wont leak your number.
Me - Okay we are going to FaceTime you in 10 minutes okay
Lizzy - Okay

After I texted the Lizzy I asked Jovani if she should tell her we are getting her tickets for the Atlanta show and that we can have 2 special guest of her choice at the Atlanta show since it is the last show.
( Their Conversation Below )
A = Ashley J = Jovani

A - Hey Jovani I have a question
J - What is your question ?
A - I DM the girl that made the edit and she said she can't come to our show and I want to surprise her with that we will get her the All Of Me package and that we can try to get two special guest of her choice ?
J - I think that would be such a great surprise to do since she made that beautiful and amazing edit of both of us.
A - One more thing
J - Yea
A - Can we FaceTime her to give her the surprise ?
J - Yea

I got my phone and put her as a contact as Lizzy, I went to FaceTime and found her contact and started the FaceTime call she answer after the 3rd ring she was so surprised it was us.
( Their Conversation Below )
L= Lizzy A=Ashley J=Jovani

L - OML I CAN'T BELIEVE IT IS REALLY YOU GUYS says it while crying
A - Awww Don't cry it just us
J - Yea you don't need to cry
L - I'm sorry I just can't believe it is actually you guys
A - Well me and Jovani have a surprise for you
L - Really what is it ?
J - We got you tickets to the Atlanta show!!!!!!!
L - Did you guys really
A - Yea we would do anything for the fans
J - Yea and besides we have another surprise
L - No what is it ?
A - You can choose two special guest for the Atlanta show
A - Yea we can try to get at least the people you want
L - OML I love you guys
J - We love you too and what two special guest do you want to come to the Atlanta show ?
L - Hunter and Brandon Rowland
A - Okay Jovani is such good friends with them so we will call them tonight and ask them if they would like to come to the Atlanta show.
L - I'm literally so happy right now and can you guys give me a favor
J - Sure
A - What is it ?
L - Make a pose for a screenshot p.s putting it on Instagram
After the screenshot
L - Thank you guys so much for giving me the best surprise ever
A - Your Welcome cant wait to meet you in person at the Atlanta show.
J - Neither can I well we got to go and call Hunter and Brandon and see if they come to out Atlanta show
L - Okay well bye hope you talk to you guys again
J&A - Byeeee

Jovani's POV

That was the best surprise we have ever done for a fan, me and Ashley to go ahead at call Hunter but we decided to FaceTime and see if he answers . It rang for like the fourth time and he finally answer
( Their Conversation Below )
A=Ashley J=Jovani B=Brandon H=Hunter

H - Hey whats up Jovani
J - Nothing much is Brandon with you
H - No why
J - Just tell him to come to the FaceTime call
H - Okay
( Hunter yelled for Brandon to come and he came after 5 minutes )
J - Toke you long enough Brandon
B - Shut up Jovani
H - Hey Jovani who's that with you
J - Ohh this is Ashley she's my girlfriend
H&B - Hey Ashley
A - Hey
J - Me and Ashley had FaceTimed a fan like 10 mites ago and we asked her what two special guest she wanted at the Atlanta show since it is our last show and she said she wanted you and Brando.
H - Whens the Atlanta show
A - August 6
B - I think we can go to the show
H - Yea we just have to make plans with our mom and everything
J - Okay well text me or Ashley if you can go
B - We don't have Ashley's phone number
A - Its (***) ***-****
H - Thanks well text you guy soon
A&J - Bye
H&B - Bye

Jovani's POV Still

After the FaceTime call with Hunter and Brandon, Ashley was getting a call

Ashley's POV

Once we finished the FaceTime call I was getting a call.
( Jovani's and Ashley's conversation )
J - Whos calling you ?
A - My mom is it fine if I take the call the call
J - Yea sure

I went outside and I felt bad I lied to Jovani, it wasn't my mom is was Brandon. He had to ask for my number because he pretend he didn't know me on the FaceTime call, me and Brandon know each other for a long time. We dated a long time ago and I still had feelings for him since we dated. We had to break up because of fans, until I moved here to Flordia and now I'm dating Jovani. I finally answered the call.
( Their Conversation Below )
A=Ashley B=Brandon

B - Hey boo
A - Hey and remember you cant call me that we are only friends
B - But I like calling you that and I miss you
A - I miss you too but you will probably find someone else and I'm dating Jovani now
B - I know i just wish we didn't break up
A - It was for the best your fans didn't like me at all remember the day of the broadcast.
* Flashback *
March 20th 2015 ( Ashley's birthday )

B - Hey Ashley want to Broadcast with me ?
A - Sure let me just change
B - Were are you going ?
A - To the bathroom
B - Just change here in the room
A - Um... Okay

5 minutes after changing
B - Dang Ashley you have a nice body
A - Thanks I guess, Should be broadcast now
B - Yea

( What they said on Broadcast )
A - Let me tweet it out too so my fans come a join the broadcast
B - Okay let me tweet it out too
* After they tweeted it out *
B - Ashley is today your birthday ?
A - Why the question
B - Because on you twitter it says your birthday is March 20th and thats today
A - Yea today is actually my birthday
B - Aww well happy birthday and then kisses her.
A - Thanks well there were people already in the broadcast and almost all the comments said
( Comments below )
'' Eww Get the fuck away from Brando ''

" Brando why are you dating her she's ugly and fat "

" Go and cut your self "

" Leave we don't want you in this broadcast

A - Brandon do you not see the comments
B - Yea I see them just ignore them
After broadcasting for like 10 minutes Brandon guested someone
B - Hey cutie
Girl - Hey Brando, hey you Brandon's girlfriend
A - Yea
Girl - Don't listen to the haters you are beautiful and you and Brandon look cute together.
A - Aww thanks whats your Instagram
Girl - @// your username
A - Thanks I'm going to follow you
Girl - Okay

1 Hour after the broadcast

( Ashley's and Brandon's conversation )

A - Hey, Brando I think we should break up
B - No, Why
A - Because half of your fans hate me did you not see the comments says it while starting to cry
B - I don't care what they say I love you the way you are
A - I think we should just break up its for the best
B - No please Ashley I love you
A - I love you too but I just think we should break up
B - No are you kidding me I don't want to break up on your birthday
A - Its okay we just need to break up
B - Okay but just know that I will love you forever
A - Okay and I will love you too, Well I have to go home
B - Okay bye
A - Bye

( Back to the phone call )

B - I remember
A - And we had to break up because you fans hated on me, after we broke up they stopped hating me
B - I know but I still like you
A - I know you do but you will find some one that likes you how I use to like you back then
B - Yea true but if I date someone else the only person on my mind will be you
A - Brandon listen to me you will find someone to love as much as you loved me back then. I told you it was for the best and see now its the future and I'm dating Jovani and you need to find someone.
B - I know but I don't want to date unless it is you
A - Brandon I love you as a brother now and you need to understand that you need to find someone.
B - Okay
A - Hey don't be mad at me I just want you to be happy and love someone
B - I'm not mad I just still love you and I will wait as long as it takes to date you again
A - Fine, you can wait but trust me you will find someone to love
B - Okay, and I wont find anyone trust me
A - Okay what ever well I got to go
B - Okay bye
A - Bye

Ashley's POV Still

After the call with Brandon I went back inside to my room, I saw Jovani on my bed fast asleep I didn't want to wake him up so I just changed and got in bed and fell asleep thinking about my mom and my sister.

* Next Morning *

I woke up to a knock on the door I woke up Jovani and told him to get dressed while I answered the. I opened the door and it was my mom and my sister I gave them a huge hug. I let them in and we had a little conversation.
( Their Conversation Below )
A=Ashley M=Maria ( My mother ) N=Natalie ( My sister ) J=Jovani M=Mario

M - I heard your dating Jovani
A - Ummm
M - Don't worry I won't be mad
A - Well yea I'm dating Jovani and he is actually here
M - Really
A - Yea he's just up stairs, and where's Natalie ?
J - I think I found her, she's on my back and wants a pig back ride
M - Natalie get off Jovani's back
N - Okay
( They are all finally downstairs talking in the living room )
A - Mom
M - Yea
A - You know how I'm going to have my quince
M - Yea
A - Well I want to have it here in Florida
M - Why I thought you wanted to have it back in North Carolina
A - I did but I want to have it here because its beautiful
M - Okay we can try to do arrange meant
A - Thank you mom I love you, hey Jovani does your mom have plans ?
J - I don't know let me call Julian so he can ask her
A - Okay
N - Can I go meet Mario
A - Yea sure let me just text Mario telling him to come over
N - Okay

( Their text below )
Me - Hey, Come over my mom and little sister are here and my little sister wants to meet you.
Mario - Okay i'll just get dressed and I will be there in like 10 minutes
Me - Okay see ya

A - Mario will be here in a few minutes
N - Yess
J - Hey, Ashley my mom doesn't have plans today
A - Okay can you please take my mom to your house so she can talk to them about helping with the quince
J - Sure
A - Hey, Natalie come here
N - Okay
A - Hows your summer back home
N - Its okay I got to meet Hunter Rowland
A - Ohh you did, did Emily go visit
N - Yea and Hunter came along
* Knock knock *

A - Hey, Natalie get the door please
N - Okay
A - Who is it
A - Natalie do you love Mario more than Jovani
N - Umm Yea
A - Mario you have someone that loves you says it while laughing
M - Oh shut up Ashley says it while laughing
N - I want to go to the mall
A - We have to wait for Jovani to get back
N - Okay
A - Hey, Mario can I talk to you in the kitchen
M - Sure, let me give my phone to Natalie so she van play a game
A - Okay
( Walks to the kitchen )
( Their Conversation Below )
A - Please don't act like you like me okay
M - Why
A - Because my mom is here and she doesn't know that you like me, the only thing she knows is that you are just a friend
M - I will try
A - What do you mean you will try
M - I might act like I like you but I will try my best okay
A - Okay good
A - Sounds like my sister needs you says it while laughing
M - Yea lets go see what she needs
A - Okay
( Walks back to the living room )

M - What do you need Natalie
N - I want a hug
M - Okay, come here little kid
A - You guys look adorable
M - Ashley I will kill
N - I will kill you too
( They all laugh )
( The door opens and Jovani & Julian & Danya come in )
Jul= Julian Dan= Danya

Jul - Hey, Ashley
A - Hey, meet my little sister Natalie
N - Hi, Julian
Jul - Hi, Natalie
A - Natalie this is Danya the person I moved here to Florida with
N - So she's the one
D - Hi, Natalie nice to meet
N - Hi, Danya nice to meet you too
A - Natalie i'm surprised you didn't do the same thing you did to Jovani to Julian
J - Hey she found me in your room okay and she jumped on my back okay
A - Okay sure what ever
Jul - Hey what do you guys want to do ?
A - I promised Natalie to take her to the mall today since they wont be here for long
Jul - So the mall it is
A - Yea you and Jovani can change in the guest room and me, Natalie, & Danya can change in my room
Jul & J - Okay
( They all walk to there rooms )
10 Minutes after changing

Ashley's POV

We toke a Über to the mall since we were lazy and didn't want to walk. We went to so many stores, we saw some of our fans there.

5 Hours Later
We finally left the mall and we had literally so much stuff we can to call an über to take us back.

( Back at home )

My mom was back at mine & Danya's house and she was making us dinner.

( After Dinner )

Jovani's POV

We go back on tour in two days, I cant wait to meet more of my fans. We are going international, we are taking a flight to Paris. Ashley's mom and sister went to a hotel because there guest room had there gifts for the past stops and they haven't had time to clean it up. Me and Julian have been sleeping here at Ashley's & Danya's house, we have been staying up late watching movies liking edits and all that.

Ashley's POV

We go back on tour in two days I'm so excited to meet my fans that are international, My mom and my sister went to hotel to sleep. Me and Jovani just stayed in my room all night until we feel asleep.

Next Morning *

Jovani's POV

Ashley's mom and sister leave today, and we start tour again tomorrow. Im so excited to start tour again we are finally going international. Its was like 8:00 am in the morning and everyone was asleep, except Ashley's mom and sister. They are leaving early today, I asked her if I should wake up Ashley for her so she can say her good byes to her mom and her sister. I went to Ashley's room and woke her up we went downstairs and she said goodbye to her sister and mom and she started to cry and I was hugging her the whole time until she finally calmed down.

If I have any miss spelled words it's caused it did it on my computer and I really bad at typing on the computer. So sorry 😐 please follow
On Instagram
