First Show ( Part 13 )

* 1 Week Later *

Ashley's POV
It was 8:00am in the morning and today was our first show.
I was so excited for the first show. We had to leave at 10:00 to the venue to practice and set up. I just decided to get my phone and I had so many notifications form Instagram and Twitter. I decided to check some of them out and lots of them were when they would take pictures of us when they find us at the Mall or any where I decided to like a couple of them. I got a little carried away and it was now 9:00am I had one hour to change so I change and did my hair.
(👇Outfit & Hairstyle👇)

Danya's POV
I woke up at about 8:30am and I just decided to change & do my hair.
(👇Outfit & Hairstyle👇)

I finished changing and I was bored I decided to check Instagram and Twitter. I decided to tweet out
@danya_0413 First show today so excited to see some of you guys.
It was now 9:00 so I decided to go down to the lobby since we leave in a few minutes.
Julian's POV
I woke up a little earlier than Jovani and after a while Jovani woke up and he got dressed and everything it was now 9:30 so I decided to text Ashley about asking Danya out on our fist concert.
Me - Hey, little sis 😂 so do u think I should still ask out Danya in front of everyone at the show ?
Ashley😎 - Hey and just because I'm a year younger than you doesn't me you call me little sis ok 😂😂 jk you can call me that. You should ask her out she would be so happy and lots of your fans might be so happy for guys.
Me - Ok little sis and I'm kinda nervous to ask her😳
Ashley😎 - Bro just shake it off do worry about it.
Me - Ok see ya in a few
Emily's POV
I woke up so late it was like 9:45 so I just left what I was wearing and brushed my hair out and toke my clothing and curler I texted Ashley saying I over slept
Me - Hey, I over slept and I'm not changed 😳😑
Ashley🌟 - Hey, and take your stuff to the venue I'll help do your hair.
Me - Ok your a life saver.
Still Emily's POV
I got all my stuff and went down to the lobby and I went straight to the über to the one the POMS performs are going on and just sat in the back. I got in and I just plugged in my earbuds and played so music. Not long after I got in the über Ashley and Danya came running to the über since there so many fans that new where we were staying at.
Ashley's POV
It was time for us to go and me and Danya had to run to the über so the fans wouldn't see us. ( skip the road trip 😂 )
We made it to the venue and it was huge there were already fans waiting and the door to enter. I had to go help Emily to her hair.
Emily's POV
We made it to the venue and I had to get ready, I was already in the bathroom so I texted Ashley to help with my hair.
Me - Hey come to the bathroom so you can do my hair.
Ashley🌟 - Ok I'm on my way.
After waiting for 5 minutes Ashley final came. It's about time you get here I said. Sorry I had to help set up a table for the merch Ashley said. Ok we only have 10 minutes to finished I was already changed
(👇Outfit Emily's wearing👇)

Ashley just decided to do some loose curls it only toke her about 10 minutes to finish.
I invited Hunter for a special guest for our fist show everyone in POMS knew but the fans didn't.
Ashley's POV
I finished doing Emily's hair we got out of the bathroom for the All Of Me people to come in, there were so many of them. I was talking pictures with lots of the fans and one girl came up to me and said " Why are you dating Jovani you do now he could do better right. I tried to ignore what she said but I didn't work I ran to the bathroom backstage and cried.

Jovani's POV
The All Of Me people came in to have fun with use and when we were all taking pictures I saw Ashley run backstage I told the girl I was taking a picture with that I would be right back. I ran backstage to the girls bathroom I knocked on the door a said 
( Their conversation )
Me - Ashley are you in there ?
Ashley - Yea why ( still crying )
Me - Come out and talk to me
Ashley- Ok
Me - What happened?
Ashley - One of your fans came up to me and said Why are you dating Jovani you do now he could do better right. I tried not to cry but I didn't work that's why I ran back here.
Me - Do you think you want to perform today ?
Ashley - No I going to stay back here and call my mom and see how she's doing.
Me - Are you sure you are ok ?
Ashley - Yea

Ok so I'm finally updating and I'm sorry I haven't been updating I started school and I don't have time to update or anything but hope you like this chapter it really sucks but I will try to make the next one better I promise.
