Movies 2 ( Part 16 )

Ashley's POV

I invited Yadira to watch movies with use it only toke her 10 mites to get here she texted right before she was going to knock and then I opened the door. I invited her in the first thing she did was go to where Jonas was at.

2 Hours later

Yadira's POV
I got to hang out with the POMS squad and it was so amazing, I pretty sure that Jonas already nows that I'm a fan girl by the way I was with them the whole entire time we were watching the movies.

Jonas POV
( Didn't see that coming did you😂😂 )

Ashley had invited the first girl in line for the meet & greet and I didn't now why she did, her name was Yadira she was really pretty. All though I knew she was a fan girl, she pulled it off with be such a fan girl like the other girls. We gave each other are phone number and she had to leave tomorrow, all though we had to leave to Dallas, TX, we are in Houston, TX right now we leave tomorrow after going to explore Houston one last time.

Ashley's POV
I saw Jonas day dreaming so I decide to text him
Me - Yo your day dreaming about something TELL ME!!!
Jonas👽 - NO!!!
Me - TELL ME or else I will keep bugging you
Jonas - Fine
Me - Now tell me
Jonas👽 - I like Yadira
Me - Really
Jonas👽 - Yea I really want to ask her out but I just meet her
Me - Well since you didn't invited anyone to come along on tour with you beside your parents why don't you ask her to come along....
Jonas👽 - That would be a great idea so we can hang out a little more, I will text her tomorrow morning to see if she wants to hang out and then I will ask her if she wants to come on tour with us.
Me - Yea that would be great and then since you will see her more you could ask her out.
Jonas👽 - Yea well I have to go to my room come and give me a huge😂
Me - Okay😂

Still Ashley's POV
Once I went over to Jonas and gave him a huge I went to my room changed in to some lazy clothing
( 👇Outfit Below👇 )

After I changed and went to Jovani's and Julian's room, I gave Jovani a light goodnight kiss on the lips and I hugged Julian a goodnight sleep since Julian was a older brother for me.

* Next Morning *

Yadira's POV
I woke up with a text message from Jonas
Jonas💖 - Do you want to meet up today ?
Me - Sure where do we meet ?
Jonas💖 - Do want yo just meet up at the park ?
Me - Sure see you in 30 minutes
Jonas💖 - Ok see ya there

Still Yadira's POV
After I texted Jonas back I got up and changed
(👇Outfit Below👇)

After I got changed I got my phone and walked to the park.

Jonas POV
I texted Yadira to see if she wanted to hang out and she said sure so we are going to meet up at the park. I got my phone and walked to the park, I was only waiting for Yadira for like 5 minutes. We talked and walked around the park and we stopped to get Starbucks. Once we finished our Starbucks I decided to ask her.
( Their conversation below )
Me - Hey Yadira I need to ask you two questions...
Yadira - Sure and what are your two questions ?
Me - Will you go out with me even though we only know each other for like 2 days ?
Me - Ok now calm down the next one is even better
Yadira - Ok...
Me - Do you want to come along with me and the rest of POMS for tour ?
Me - I knew you would love that surprise
Yadira - Well let me go home and I will see you guys tomorrow in Dallas,TX
Me - bye and give me your number so I can give you the address of the hotel
Yadria - Ok here
( They exchange numbers )

Ok guys I literally so happy right now I hit 1k reads last night and it was the best thing ever thanks for your support go and follow my IG 👉 andi_gallardo
Follow my Fanpage for Mario on IG please @ marioswifeyx
