

I steal occasional glances at Troye throughout the movie, constantly being blown away by how beautiful he is when his attention is fixed on something. I decide that when he goes home, I will take him out on a proper date. Of course, that's going to take a lot of persuasion on my part to my mother, but I'm sure I could make it work. Besides, she'll be glad I finally made a friend in this godforsaken hospital. 

I play with a loose string on my jumper, concentrating on my breathing and on the movie and not on the horrid pain in my chest. It's been there for nearly two weeks now, but I've been a soldier through it, not telling a single soul. Because I know if I did, I'd be rushed back here for countless tests. And I really don't want to deal with that. Not right now, at least.

Troye lets out a laugh at some joke that I hadn't heard and makes a small cough, closing his eyes and taking a few deep breaths, practically choking on the air he inhales. It scares me. The fact that my only friend has lung cancer and doesn't know how long he has terrifies me. I wonder what life is like with lung cancer. Probably not very fun.

The movie finally ends and Troye presses the small red button by his bed, calling for a nurse. My nurse when I come in, Jackie, walks in and smiles in surprise when she sees us.

"Connor! Hey sweetie!" She smiles at me. I politely smile and wave, not issuing a word. "I thought you got checked out this morning."

"I did." I speak up, surprising all three of us. "I'm just hanging out with Troye."

"Fun." She smiles and glances back and forth between us a few times. I can tell what she's thinking, and I give her a look when she looks at me and sends me a quick smirk. "So what did you need, cutie?" She smiles at Troye, and I almost laugh at how uncomfortable being called "cutie" by a girl makes him. 

"Can I have a grilled cheese sandwich?" He smiles, embarrassed, and I smile at how pink his cheeks get. "And Con, do you want anything?"

"Um, just some coffee, maybe a slice of pizza or something." I smile back at Jackie, and she nods and leaves the room.

"He speaks." Troye laughs, turning his head to face me. "That's a shock."

"You know I speak." I laugh and roll my eyes, blushing anyways. I check my watch and it's already 6:30 pm. Visiting time ends in an hour and a half. "Damn, I have to go soon."

I clearly see Troye deflate a little, although he says nothing. I stay quiet as well, although inside I'm screaming at him to beg me to stay the night. Or I could just bring my pain up to Jackie...

Troye opens his mouth, but before he gets the chance to say anything, Jackie returns with our food. I smile and take a bite of my pizza right away before taking a generous sip of my warm coffee, moaning slightly as it warms me up from the inside out. 

We have some deep conversation about whatever Troye's thinking about, I believe it was being alone in this deadbeat hospital, and before I know it, Jackie walks in with a sad, sympathetic smile on her face. Troye's smile falls to a deep frown, causing his forehead to crease. My smile fades away as well.

"Sorry, Con, but you know the rules. It's 8 pm, time for you to go home buddy."

I roll my eyes when she calls me buddy but stand anyway, and she smiles at me softly and leaves the room.

"Don't go." Troye whimpers, causing my heart to ache because I just want him to be mine but I know with both of us in the condition we're in, it won't happen.

"I'll be back tomorrow, I promise." I smile warmly at him, and his eyes sparkle as I lean in and place my lips on his forehead. "I'll see you tomorrow, Tro." I walk to the door, my lips practically on fire. I turn around and Troye is beet red, staring at his fingers in his lap, playing with his fingers. I smile even bigger and walk out the door and out of the hospital.

I can not believe I just did that.
