

The next few days went by slowly and before we knew it, it was November and Thanksgiving was right around the corner. I'd lost all my hair by now, and I wore Troye's beanie so much it lost his scent. Either that or I had been around it so much that I had grown accustomed to it. Either way, I cherished that beanie like it was the last one I would ever own. Who was I kidding, it was the last one I'd ever own.

The doctors had started to send a grief counselor named Brenda into my room every Thursday from four until four-thirty, as I was rapidly approaching my last month ever. It was a little weird and a bit scary, but I had lived my life fully and I was happy. 

Troye and I were extremely happy. I was far too weak to do anything like we did last month under that awning anymore, but Troye didn't seem to mind. He always said just being with me was satisfaction enough, all that sexual stuff was just silly to him now. Either way, I always felt guilty that we never did anything for him.

Brenda walks into my room and smiles at me brightly, as if we aren't about to talk about the fact that I'm dying by the end of next month. I've been relatively good through our sessions. I haven't been cranky or broken down in tears yet. I've pretty much come to terms with it. But our topic today is just a big slap across the face: leaving people behind. Of course, I should logically think of my parents first. Of Brandon or Nicola. Instead, my thoughts only focus on the boy next door to me, the boy I've been so deeply in love with since the moment we met: Troye.

"So, how do you feel?" Brenda asks after her monologue about how I definitely won't be forgotten. Tears prickle my eyes.

"He's going to forget about me." I murmur. "He's going to move on like I never existed, isn't he? I'm not going to be his last boyfriend."

"Darling." Brenda breathes, moving her rolling chair over and placing a hand on my shoulder. "Of course he won't forget about you. He may have other boyfriends after you pass, but he will never forget about you. You know what they say, after all. You never forget your first love."

This statement hits me like a ton of bricks, and I let out a shaky breath and nod my head. She looks at the clock and smiles, getting up and walking over to place her dry lips on my forehead. I smile back at her as she says goodbye and leaves. 

Not even ten minutes later, Troye wonders in, flashing me his bright, million dollar smile. What he says catches me off guard. With a smile, he whispers, "What do you say we go on an adventure?"

((Yo, I'm sorry for not updating for a while fam. I graduated high school last week and I was grounded for three weeks and a lot of personal shit has happened over the last three weeks man. I'm probably gonna double or even triple update tonight because the only person I'd make plans with is working from 5 to 11 pm so I'm all yours(: I love you guys, thank you for 2K!!!!!))
