Chapter 24: Reunion and Snow

Jack's POV 

I can't wait to see Elsa.  We talked on the phone most days, but I miss her like crazy!  I don't even want to think about summer. 

Christmas and New Years were over, and while they were great and I loved them, I would have loved them even more if Elsa had been here. 

I couldn't get Elsa off my mind.  She's smart, beautiful, full of kindness and love, stubborn, and just perfect.  I went to the park and just walked, thinking about my love. 

My phone rang and I saw that Merida was calling me.  That's weird.  It should be the middle of the night in Europe.  I still answered though. 


"Hi Jack.  It's Elsa."  Elsa's voice greeted. 

"Elsa!  It's so good to hear your voice.  But why are you calling from Merida's phone?  And shouldn't it be the middle of the night there?"  I'm a bit confused. 

"It is in Europe.  But it's not here.  It's about 2 o'clock." 

That's the same time as here.  Wait a minute... "Wait.  You're here?  In Burgess?  You're back?"  I asked hopeful. 

She giggled.  "Yes Jack.  I got back about two hours ago.  I would have called sooner, but my dog decided that my phone tasted good.  I had to wait for one of the other girls to get off the phone so I could call you."  She said a little annoyed. 

I laughed.  "I take it Anna and Rapunzel are still on the phone with their boyfriends?" 

"Yup.  Mer was the first one off so I borrowed her phone.  I'm getting a new one in a few days.  Where are you?"  She asked. 

"I'm at the park.  Do you want to join me?"  I asked. 

"Of course.  I miss you.  Where in the park are you?" 

"The bench where I asked you for that picnic.  How long till you get here?"  I need to see her. 

"25 minutes.  That ok?" 

"That's fine.  I'll be waiting." 

She giggled.  "I'll be there soon." 

We hung up and I walked the bench and sat down waiting for her.  She's back.  She's really back.  And I'm seeing her like now.  I don't want to wait, but I don't have a choice. 

After what felt like forever, someone sat next to me.  I looked saw Elsa, and she wasn't alone. 

"Elsa!  I'm so glad you're back.  I missed you like crazy."  I said as I pulled Elsa into a hug. 

Before she could say anything or react, her companion barked and jumped on me. 

 "Ah!"  I yelled as I was separated from Elsa. 

"Snow!  Bad dog!  Get down!"  Elsa yelled at the Siberian Husky, who immediately got down and started sniffing me. 

"Well that was unexpected.  So, this is Snow, huh?"  I looked at the animal and studied it.  He was very protective over Elsa, which is a good thing, just not when I'm trying to hug her. 

"Yeah, sorry about that.  He just doesn't exactly like strangers coming to close to me."  She apologized. 

"It's ok.  But can I at least hold your hand without him attacking me?"  I chuckled. 

She laughed a little and then hugged me.  "That answer your question?" 

Snow started barking until Elsa told him enough and to sit.  Snow immediately obeyed, but wasn't happy about it.  He clearly doesn't trust me. 

"I missed you."  I said as I held her and never wanted to let go. 

"I missed you too."  She said as she hugged me tighter. 

"Question, why did he jump on me?  I could see barking, but why jump?"  I asked as I released my girlfriend. 

"Last time a stranger "hugged" me, it was from behind and he tried to kidnap me.  That's when my parents got me a dog.  Snow's my companion, but he's really a guard dog, trained to protect me." 

"Someone tried to kidnap you!?  Who?  When?  Where?  Why?"  I asked with a mix of fear and anger. 

She hesitated.  "He didn't exactly take it well when I told him that I didn't want to go out with him.  He decided to kidnap me so that I'd be his.  He was caught and put in jail.  He's still there.  And he didn't hurt me in any way.  He just scared me and my family a bit."  She explained. 

"How was he caught?" 

"Let's just say he underestimated me and the guards.  And he overestimated himself."  She smiled. 

"What do you mean "he underestimated you"?" 

"I was able to escape and found a guard and told him everything.  About 10 minutes later several guards arrested the guy.  He hadn't even realized I'd escaped."  She explained.  I'm not very happy with what she told me.  How could someone do that do her?  I don't understand. 

"I'm sorry.  I don't blame Snow for jumping on me now.  He didn't know me and did what his training told him too.  He's a good dog."  I said as I looked from Elsa to Snow. 

"It's ok.  I should have warned you about the hug.  I just missed you so much and wanted you to hold me."  Her adorable little blush appeared. 

"It's fine that you didn't warn me.  If you had I still would have hugged you.  I wanted to hold you too."  I said as I smiled at her. 

"How do you think Snow would react if I kissed you?"  I don't care if he doesn't like it or not, I just don't want him to full out attack me. 

Elsa looked at her dog and told him to stay.  Then Elsa looked at me.  "He won't move unless I tell him to." 

"Good."  I said as I gently grabbed the back of her head and pulled her towards me. 

My lips landed on hers and I kissed her with love all the love I felt for her.  She put her arms around my neck and kissed me back. 

After a minute, we parted.  "Every time."  I heard Elsa whisper. 


"Every time you kiss me like that I feel like I'm being hypnotized into doing whatever you want me to do."  She said still a little dazed. 

"You're not the only one who feels that way.  I love you Elsa." 

"I love you too Jack."  Then she kissed me and I think we both fell into a trance. 

We laughed and talked for a little while.  Well, until a phone rang.  Elsa pulled out a phone and got ready to answer it. 

"I thought Snow ate your phone?"  I questioned her. 

"He did.  This is Merida's phone.  She wanted me to take it in case I needed to contact someone or if someone needed to contact me."  She said just before she answered it. 

"Hello?  Hi Anna.  I'm with Jack.  We're at the park.  No Snow's with me.  Really?  Wow.  Ok, I'll be there in a bit.  Bye."  She hung up. 

"What did Anna say?"  I asked Elsa. 

"Did you realize that we've been talking for nearly 3 hours?  Anna was getting worried and wants me home.  I have to go."  She said as she stood up.  Snow, who had decided to lie down a while ago, jumped up, ready to follow his master. 

"3 hours?  Wow.  I'm sorry I kept you that long.  I should be getting home too."  I can't believe it was 3 hours.  It felt like less than 30 minutes.  I got up to follow her. 

"Don't apologize.  I had a great time."  She smiled. 

I can't believe she's really here.  Back.  With me.  I grabbed her hand and pulled her into a hug.  Snow started barking. 

"No Snow.  Sit."  Elsa told her dog as she hugged me back.  Snow obeyed but wasn't happy. 

"I'm glad you're back.  I thought I was gonna go crazy while you were gone."  I admitted as I held her. 

"I know what you mean.  I felt the same way."  Elsa said as she buried her head in my chest.  I love when she does that. 

"I should probably be going."  Elsa said but didn't move. 

"Then why aren't you moving?"  I teased, but immediately wish I hadn't. 

She pulled away and put Snow in her car, then she got in.  I went around to the driver's door and tapped on the window.  She lowered it.  "I love you Elsa."  I said as I leaned into the car and kissed her. 

She kissed me back but pulled away before I wanted her to.  "I love you Jack."  She smiled. 

I smiled back.  "I'll see you tomorrow."  I pulled out of the car and backed away so she could leave. 

"See you tomorrow."  She said as she put the window up.  Then she drove away.  I got to my car and did the same. 

I'm thrilled that Elsa's back.  I don't ever want her to leave again.  
