Chapter 10: The Date

Chapter 10:  The Date

Jack’s POV 


She said yes!  I left the park and just sat in my car, replaying it in my head over and over. 

She’s really beautiful.  She’s kind and gentle.  She’s fragile and delicate but tough when she needs to be.  She’s perfect.  Just perfect. 

Then I saw Elsa come out.  She has a huge smile on her face and walked over to a blue convertible.  She got in and drove away. 

I pulled out my phone to text the guys. 

Jack: J                   Hiccup: H            Flynn: F         Kristoff: K

J: U’ll never gues what I just did

H, F, K: What?

J: I askd Elsa out :)

F: At’a boy!  I new u could do it

K: Awesome!  What she say?

H: I’m guesing she said yes cause u txtd a smily face


K: Wen and where?

J: Tonight.  7.  Park.  Picnic under the stars. 

F: I’ve taught u well

H: What?

F: I taught him evrything he knows bout geting a girl and being romantic

J: Yeah right Eugene :p 

F:  Don’t call me that! 

J: Y not?  It’s ur real name. U just go by Flynn cause it’s coolr

F: Don’t u hav 2 get ready 4 ur date? 

K: Yeah.  Good luck Lover Boy 

H: U hav to tel us how it goes

J: I wil.  Ttyl. 

I head home to get ready. 


It’s 6:55 and I’m so nervous. 

What if she doesn’t show?  What if she only agreed to get her book back?  What if she doesn’t like it?  What if she doesn’t like me? 

I look at my watch.  6:59.  I look up at the path and don’t see anyone. 

Suddenly someone put their hands over my eyes.  I’m about to turn around and confront whoever it is when she speaks. 

“Guess who?”  I heard an angel’s voice say. 

“Hmmmm… Anna?” 






“Oh I know!  Kristoff.” 

“Not even close.” She giggled.  

I laughed and turned around.  “Hello Elsa.”  I smiled. 

“Hi Jack.”  Elsa’s still giggling and I chuckled. 

I grabbed her hand and pulled her down the path with me. 

“I thought we were having a picnic.”  Els said after a minute. 

“We are.”  I smiled and pulled her into the woods. 

We walked about 20 feet and came to the spot I picked for our picnic. 

It’s a small clearing with a great view of the sky.  On the ground was the large quilt I’d laid out for us.  On one corner was the picnic basket I’d brought.  I’d built a small fire-pit and went over to start a fire.  It would have been nice to have had the fire already going when we got there, but leaving a fire unattended is too dangerous. 

After I got the fire started, I looked up to see Elsa’s eyes on me.  I walked over to where she was sitting on the quilt and sat down next to her.  I just stared into her big green eyes. 

After a minute, a chipmunk dropped a nut and it landed on her head.  She blushed and looked away.  I blushed too, but not as deeply as she did.  I reached over to the basket and started pulling things out and laying them on the blanket. 

I’d packed a salad, a small fruit and veggie tray with dip, turkey sandwiches, ham sandwiches, tuna sandwiches, chocolate cake, a variety of cookies, lemonade, and water.  I left the cake and cookies in the basket for now. 

“You didn’t need to do all of this.”  Elsa said shyly. 

I smiled and leaned over to whisper in her ear.  “I wanted to.” 

She’s still blushing, and it’s adorable.  We talked about our families, our lives, things we like and dislike, and just random things. 

A coyote howled and it startled her.  “It’s ok.  Coyotes don’t really bother people.” 

She looked at me and smiled.  It’s absolutely beautiful, just like her.  I pulled out the chocolate cake and cookies.  Kristoff told me that Anna said she and Elsa love chocolate, so I wasn’t really surprised when Elsa’s eyes lit up when she saw the cake. 

We finished eating and cleaned up.  It’s about 8 o’clock, and the stars in the sky are amazing.  Elsa started to get a little uncomfortable, like she doesn’t know what to do.  I get the impression she hasn't been on many dates.  

“I picked this spot for a reason.”  I gently grabbed her hand and pulled her towards me.  I laid down and pulled her down with me. 

We just stayed on our backs and looked at the stars.  We pointed out different constellations and shapes, and kept talking. 

“How many dates have you been on?”  I asked suddenly, and I don’t know why I care. 

“None.”  She said like she didn't care. 

I moved to look at her.  “None?  Ever?  Seriously?  You’re beautiful, how is it that you’ve never been on a date?”  I can’t believe she’s never been on a date.  She’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.  She has to be joking. 

She blushed adorably.  “I didn’t really have much of an option in Norway.  And when I did have that option, the guys were creeps and horrible.  Besides, I never really cared about dating that much.  I’m not that kind of girl.”  She said calmly. 

“Well, I’m glad you accepted my invitation.  So that means you don’t see me as a creep or horrible.”  I smirked. 

“Is this a date, Jack?”  She asked. 

I leaned closer and whispered in her ear “If you want it to be.  But if not, it’s just two friends hanging out and enjoying the stars.” 

Then we stayed silent then and just enjoyed the each other’s company.  I put my arm around Elsa’s shoulders and pulled her closer to me.  She stiffened for a moment, but then relaxed and rested her head on my shoulder.  I relaxed too. 

This night was perfect.  
