Chapter 9: Play it cool

*Nicole's POV*

I was entering school and went to my locker and looked for Zadia and before I seen her I seen Tanner. He walked past me and I seen the guilt in his eyes and he looked like he hadn't slept. He looked away from me and down the hall. That's when I seen Zadia walk around the corner and to her locker opening it. Her hair was pulled into a braid and it hung down her back and she was listening to her headphones. Moving to the beat of whatever song was playing she didn't seem that happy and it was probably because she hadn't made up with Tanner. I doubt she even seen him yet. Zadia was looking through a folder obviously looking for something.  I took a deep breath and started to approach her she must have sensed me coming because she looked over and seen me and instantly turned on her heel walking away. Damn!

Nicole: "Zadia!"

I kept walking towards her and I seen her pick up the pace and finally I ran grabbing her arm.

Zadia (turning): "Let go"

Nicole: "No we need to go talk"

I pulled on her arm and she pulled back but I kept a grip on her wrist.

Zadia: "I don't want to talk to you"

I pulled and Zadia lost her balance falling to her back on the floor in front of me.

Nicole (pulling on Zadia's arm): "Come on!"

Zadia: "I don't want to get up. Help I need a teacher!  Please, TEACHER!!!"

Damn the girl could scream. I looked around and no teacher came but people were looking.  I sighed and looked at Zadia.

Nicole: "Fine"

I took her leg and started to drag her across the floor.  She looked at me.

Zadia: "Oh god, Nicole!"

I dragged her to  the closest bathroom and closed the door.  She got up annoyed and brushed off her shirt.

Zadia: "Open the door"

I walked up to her and grabbed her shoulders.

Nicole: "I'm sorry,  and I'm not just saying that I really am seriously sorry.  The comment was a low blow even for me and I'm sorry."

Zadia looked at me and moved her bangs away only for them to fall right back where they were.

Zadia: "You - you knew it was going to hurt me but you said it anyway."

Nicole: "I know and you have every right to punch me in the face....Please don't hit me"

I sighed and looked at Zadia and she chuckled.

Zadia: "Just don't do it again okay?"

Nicole: "Deal"

And we hugged smiling.


*Tanners POV*

I walked up to Zadia and she looked at me.  I looked away and them back to her. My god I felt so guilty and I loved Zadia with all my heart. Four years she's my everything.  I couldn't imagine being without her.

Zadia: "Still mad?"

She was looking up at me and leaning against the locker. Her pretty bangs in those beautiful blue eyes.

Tanner: "No baby I'm not"

I scooped her up and hugged her tight lifting her off the floor. I set her down and kissed her repeatedly. Zadia pulled away,

Zadia: "I'm sorry about that night.  It was stupid and then when I couldn't reach you. I thought- it was-"

Tanner: "No no it's not over. Don't even say that.  Zadia we had a fight it was a bad day but it's okay. I love you"

I hugged her again and she put her arms around my neck and smiled.

Zadia: "It's a good day."

Tanner: "Yeah why is that?"

Zadia: "Well before you talked me I made up with Nicole. "

That sly chick!

Tanner: "She did huh?"

Zadia smiled.


We were at lunch and Zadia was getting her lunch and I sat with Nicole glaring at her.

Tanner: "Wow typical of you Nicole"

Nicole: "Excuse me?"

Tanner: "You had to go make nice with Zadia first didn't you? She's going to find out what if you slip and blab?"

Nicole leaned across the table and looked at me.

Nicole: "Do you hear yourself?  If anyone is going to blab it's going to be you"

She leaned back in her chair.

Nicole: "Just play it cool."

And that's when Zadia came up to the table.


So they both made nice with Zadia. Now they both just need to play it cool.
