Chapter 13: Jealousy Is Ugly

*Tanners POV*

It had been days and I was trying to do everything to get back with Zadia. I left the roses and seen the next day they were in the trash outside. She barely looked at me or even spoken to me. I know she hadn't talked to Nicole either. Most nights I sat in my room alone and cried. I lived Zadia so much and I messed up. My heart hurt without her she was my everything. I wanted to be with her forever I wanted her back. I would never do anything like this again.  I just don't want it to be over.

I was waiting at my locker looking over at hers and when I seen her come in she took off the note that was tapped to her locker. I seen her read it and then sigh and slip it into her folder and I was about to walk up to her when I seen another guy tap her shoulder. She turned around and smiled at the guy handed her a coffee from Tim Hortons. Suddenly my blood boiled and I wanted to punch this guy in the mouth. Moving in on my girl I seen them talk and she laughed and so did he. Reaching into her folder she handed him a slip of paper and then they hugged and he walked away. When I seen he was gone I stormed up to Zadia. She looked at me shocked,

Tanner: "What the hell was that?"

She sipped her coffee and looked at me confused.

Zadia: "What?"

Tanner: "You all up on that guy?"

She choked on her coffee and started coughing.

Zadia: "What? All up on Jesse yeah right" she told me getting her coughing to go away.

Tanner: "Oh so Jesse is his name. Why you hanging out with Jesse? Why is he bringing you coffee?"

Zadia glared at me and put a hand on her hip. Damn she looked so pretty I wanted to lean in and kiss her. Her hair was over her shoulders with a few curls at the bottom.

Zadia: "First of all why do you care? we're broken up. And if you must know I'm working with Jesse on a project for school so mind your own business.  Get the little green monster jealousy off your back okay?"

She walked away from me and I looked after her.


*Nicole's POV*

I ran into Zadia in the hallway and tried to talk to her but she ignored me. She tried to walk around me but I blocked her path.

Nicole: "Zadia look I'm really sorry about what happened"

Zadia: "Yeah so am I. I didn't know friends slept with eachothers boyfriends. Well I guess I was wrong. If you wanted Tanner congratulations you got what you wanted."

I sighed annoyed and blocked Zadia as she tried to step around me again.

Nicole: "You really think I want Tanner?  No I don't it was a mistake okay! I didn't mean for it to happen. He was drunk we were talking about Aubrey and-"

Zadia: "Oh so you were sober. Nice that's nice. So you could've stopped it. Could've thought hey this is Zadia's boyfriend this is wrong. But you didn't do that did you? You son of a bitch. Thank you Nicole!  Thank you for helping ruin my relationship with a guy I really loved thanks"

She walked away from me and left me standing there shocked. She was right,  I could've stopped it. I was sober Tanner wasn't it was all a huge mistake.  Tanner and I messed up that night. He was hurt I was hurt and most of all Zadia was hurting.  It was in her face every time you looked at her and I didn't blame her. I wanted my friend back as much as Tanner wanted his girl.


*Zadia's POV*

I was in class working with Jesse and he would occasionally bump my hand and he worked super close to me.  He was kind of invading my space.  Like Jesse was nice and we really only talked in class before when I was dating Tanner.  He was cool and chill but now he liked to work close to me and constantly talk and ask about me.

Jesse: "So um Zadia?"

Zadia: "Yeah?"

Jesse: "Well over these past few days it's been awesome getting to know you and well I do like you a lot. I was wondering if you wanted to go to dinner tonight with me?"

That caught me off guard and I put down my pen and looked at him. I ran a hand through my hair,

Zadia: "Oh um..dinner...look Jesse I think you're a really nice guy and everything but no. I mean you're a good friend but that's all we will ever be and I'm- I'm in love with Tanner."

Jesse (sighs): "I thought you guys broke up?"

Zadia: "We did but. I'm still in love with him. Sorry but no"

Well looks like Jesse got turned down and Tanner was jealous when he seen them together. And obviously Nicole is still upset and trying to apologize to Zadia as is Tanner.
