Chapter 4: The Memorial

*Nicole's POV*

I woke up to my alarm I went and got up to turn it off. I looked at myself in the mirror I looked like I didn't get much sleep and my look clearly showed it. I looked like complete shit but I felt like it too. I picked up my phone and went to text Aubrey out of habit then I froze. Aubrey was gone he would never text me again, never kiss me, hug me, nothing he was just gone. I fought every urge to cry and got ready to go to school.  It was going to be a long day. When I came downstairs it was the usual.  Jake was eating, mom was cleaning and Dad was reading the paper. I looked at the headline of the paper and stopped.

Car Wreck 1 dead 3 injured!

My heart stopped  when I read the word dead.

Robyn: "Nicole?"

I looked at her I assumed it wasn't the first time she said my name. She tried to figure out what I had looked at and gasped.

Robyn: "Mark I told you to put that away!"

My Dad jumped and put the paper down prepared to move it. I reached for it,

Nicole: "No wait...I wanna read it"

I took it and looked at it. And read what it said.

What looked to be a night of romance turned into a night of tragedy for these teens.

Tanner Elm,17, driver

Zadia Jamison, 17

Nicole McCrory,  17

Aubrey Harrison,  17

Aubrey Harrison died on scene and the other three teens are injured none of them critically.

That's where I stopped reading.  It was true somehow I had to know for myself.  I put it down and put on my jacket, hat, and gloves.

Mark: "You don't have to go to school today?"

Nicole: "Yes I do."

Jake: "Want me to drive you?"

Nicole: "No"

I walked out into the cold winter air.


When I got into school I kept my head down. I knew people were looking at me they had heard it was all over the news and probably social media. I was rounding a corner when I bumped into a teacher.  Mrs. Brown.

Mrs.Brown: "Nicole you're back so soon after your accident?"

No I'm a figment of your imagination.  Obviously I'm here I'm standing in front of you.

Nicole: "Yeah"

Mrs.Brown: "Hey look were having a memorial service and since you knew Aubrey I was wondering if you would say a few words."

I agreed and went to to my locker. There were I'm sorry letters I ripped them and through them in the garbage.  I reached for my lock and I looked at my hand I was still wearing the ring Aubrey bought me. I started to cry and punched the locker a million times. A crowd formed around me.

Tanner: "Nicole"

He shoved his way through everyone and grabbed me. I tried to shove him away but he wouldn't let go. I just cried

Tanner (looks at the crowd): "There's nothing to see here, get!"

He hugged me while I cried.


*Zadia's POV*

Tanner met me while I came out of class early.  Seeing as how I was on crutches I got to leave classes early to get to the next one on time. Tanner grabbed my bag

Tanner: "You okay babe?"

It was time for the memorial so we headed to the auditorium.

Zadia: "Yeah I'm fine. How are you babe?"

He looked away from me and kept his eyes down for a minute. He was still hurting and I expected that. Nicole was a mess I had class with her and I seen her she was devastated and I would be to if roles were reversed. I seen Nicole and made my.way over to her setting my crutches on the floor when I sat and Tanner sat next to me.

Zadia: "Nicole, you okay sweetie?"

Nicole: "Yeah"

There was no way she was okay. I don't know why I even asked.  Her hands were shaking and she hung her head. I put my hand on her knee and she leaned onto me and I heard her start to cry.  I hugged her and I started to tear up as well. Tanner rubbed my back as a comforting reminder he was here.  A teacher came up to us,

Teacher: "Nicole?"

Zadia: "I got it thanks."

I hugged Nicole protectively.

Teacher: "You sure?"

Tanner: "Yeah she's got it"

Tanner answered for me. The teacher walked away and I just hugged Nicole. I hated seeing my friend so just defeated it hurt and I couldn't do anything about it. If I could bring back Aubrey I would but sadly that was out of my  hands there was nothing I could do.


The memorial was going on and I was softly crying as Tanner held my hand I squeezed not hard just gently.  He ran his thumb over my knuckles which had always been a habit of his ever since we met. Nicole was called to come up and speak about Aubrey and I nudged her and she came back to reality and nodded standing going to the stage. She was  up at the mic my mouth was open but no sound was coming out. She looked at the flowers and picture of Aubrey and leaned closer to the mic.

Nicole: "I-I can't do this.  I'm sorry"

She took off running out the auditorium doors. I got up to go after her but Tanner stopped me.

Tanner: "Baby you're in no condition."

Zadia: "I can do it"

Tanner: "No stay here sweetie I got it"

He kissed me and left out the doors after Nicole.


*Tanners POV*

I found Nicole outside sitting on the frozen bench outside the school. I sighed and pushed open the door the cold winter air slapping me in the face. I walked up to Nicole.

Tanner: "Here I brought your jacket."

She didn't look at me but she took her jacket and put it on. I sat down next to her,

Tanner: "You wanna talk about it?"

Nicole: "I was suppose to say nice things about Aubrey and I broke down"

She wiped her eyes.

Tanner: "No one's mad at you. He was your boyfriend you loved him everyone knew you'd have a hard time and be upset no one thinks any less of you"

Nicole: "This is so screwed up."

Tanner (sighs and rubs Nicole's back): "Believe me I know."

More to come soon just leave comments and stay tuned for what happens next.
