

"They had their system flushed and re-boosted" Lino told Arlo from the laptop screen "call me when you're done, we'll start them tomorrow"

Arlo nodded at his brother and closed off their video window. He opened a file 'Sydney Dean', bringing up a complete rap sheet of the girl.

Sydney Dean had been in prison only a few months. At 19 she brutally murdered the wife of her lover, sentenced until 2056, no parole. Like all of the intakes, she had no family or friends, and was looking at no future in the real world.

The second intake, Miles Anderson was a different case. He had been in prison for two years, ex military. He had beaten a fellow soldier to death claiming he had raped an innocent civilian, although the rape was never proven or swept under the rug at least but the murder he committed was evident. He had crushed the guys skull with his boot, after his lifeless body laid on the sandy road. He was violent, and he was angry. 

Since the transport to Bellevue he had been sedated, he woke up at one point but had thrashed and rejected any communication other than screaming so they had no choice but to keep him under. He was going to be a problem.

Arlo folded his hands and clenched his jaw. He leaned back, and clicked on to the computer to view Miles's room. He was awake.

He tapped the keypad and it viewed the hall outside his office door, with the guard standing in place. Further down the hall he could see the group around the gurney, wheeling her toward his door. They wouldn't bring her in there yet, she still had to be dressed and prepared, but he could see her already awakening eyes studying as much as she could, and could almost see her ears prick listening as hard as she could. He both enjoyed and despised the intake meetings. It was interesting to see just how quickly the doc's concoctions worked into a system, he would watch for clues, them being able to read very small writing from a distance or play a barely audible sound byte to see if they turned in the direction of the noise. Over the years it had taken cycles for the infusions to work, but this was showing signs with 12 hours

She glided by his door, watching the darkened glass in front of her, and he stared right back from the other side.

"I'll see you soon" he said quietly, walking over to the one way glass to watch, and she turned her head back, looking directly into his eyes until she couldnt any more, disappearing into the prep room, her escorts unwavering.

He crossed his large arms over his broad chest "interesting" he pondered.

He returned to his desk, and called his brother back "you might want to come to this one" he rubbed his chin, his brother, half the size of Arlo but with more brains than he knew what to do with

"New batch?" he asked, sure there was something different about the way she looked right at him. that glass was completely black from the outside, but she looked right into his eyes. she saw him.

Lino said from his own office as he was handed a new file "Dolan, he tweaked 232"

"It worked, whatever he did" he grumbled, not much for the science side of the business

"Ill bring him"

They nodded and each other, Lino's greyed hair flopping over his face, his hand brushed it back before the screen went black.

He sat back in his chair and spund around, where another one way view window extended completely around him in a 180 degree semi circle overlooking the prison floor. "Interesting" he said again as the daily life of the inmates began to wind down. dinner was being cleared, the cleaner group were busy sweeping and mopping, clearing and wiping with purpose. The entire facility ran with precision, and Arlo's wing - cells and security, was no exception.
