
"No trouble" Arlo told Ruby on the video call "She has been good so far"

"And the other one?"

"He isn't cooperating"

Ruby nodded in understanding "give it a few more days, if he dsnt comply you'll show him the depths"

Behind a grin and pretending the thought of the depths and what happened in the Depths didn't excite him, he smoothly asked "Have you sent out the word?" 

"Not yet, we need him"

Soon, the officials would be notified, an invitation event where they witnessed the hybrids and would have a chance to bid the subjects , to be able to obtain their DNA.

Arlo looked up at the security camera images,  the gym door reopened and the inmates spread to their scheduled areas "Does she know?" Arlo asked his sister, his chin jutting at the screen where Sydney stood in line

"No, but i have a feeling shes about to find out" 

On the screen they could see the lights turn green, the doors opened and the lines of inmates walked into the food hall.
