The racoons den (8)

"We're here I guess." By some miracle we made it.

"This is the place.", I said gesturing towards the tavern.

"Wait,..... The Raccoons Den?", he said

"You know this place?"                                                                      

"I guess you could say that."

I pulled my hood on and climbed off of Spartan. Sage did the same. We didn't bother tying our horses up and walked inside. The smallish sack of loot jingled when I walked.

I took a deep breath and prepared myself for just about anything. Like usual everyone stops what they're doing immediately and stares at you.

The thing is, you can't look intimidated. At all. Which would be hard if it was your first couple times in here. I wasn't new to this place but I still felt nervous.

We walked over to a table and sat down. Sage sat down with his feet up on the table. His usual smirk still as annoying as ever. They were still staring. I stared back. I glanced at some big tuff guy next to me who was exceptionally good at staring intimidatingly.

I slowly turned to him. "What?", I asked him. He grunted. I rolled my eyes.

"They only girls we allow in here are serving us drinks."
Everyone gasped slightly, in surprise. I almost did too. Sage stopped and turned to me. Everyone turned to me.

"Then why aren't you serving any?", I asked. That surprised them even more. I smiled. I heard a couple of murmurs here and there.

"Not very humble for a girl are you? Instead of a smart remark I should be getting bowed to.", he said, forcing out the word 'girl' like it was poisonous.

"Woman.", I corrected.

"Even better.", he said bitterly.

I laughed. Now everyone was more intrigued than surprised. My laugh died out and I said,"I'll tell Baron you said that then. See how he'll respond."

"Now where do you get off-", he started.

I removed my hood and everyone gasped. "Robin.", the thug whispered.

I smirked. "That's what I thought. Now can someone explain to me why I have no drink in my hand and why the pirate king isn't here to greet me himself."

Drinks were brought to our table. The man kept on apologizing and apologizing and everyone else was scrambling around trying to find Barron or asking me if I needed anything.

"It seems you're famous here.", Sage said.

"No. Not really."

"Robin?", he asked.

I shrugged.

"So it seems you're witty remarks don't just get you into trouble do they?"

"They've gotten me out of it plenty of time, yea."

We were interrupted by the man who was now on his knees apologizing. But I paid no attention to him.

"Please, please don't punish me Mrs. Robin. I didn't mean-"

"Too late.", I didn't even look at him. I snapped my fingers "off with his head."
The men nearest him grabbed his arms.

"No- wait! I really didn't mean it. If I'd have known that it was you then I wouldn't have-"

"So that's how you normally treat woman?"

"No, I... I-"

"You disgust me....... Get the hell out of my bar.", they threw him out. Ha.

"Don't you think that was a bit harsh?", Sage asked.

"Yes, yes i did.", I said

He shrugged it off. "So how do you know this place?"

"Barron. He's-"

"Dying to greet the woman who can make grown men cry. Robin! What brings you back here so soon?"

"Barron!", I stood up and he hugged me.

"Jack?!", He said

We both turned to him. "Long time no see ay Barron?"

"Aye, Whats it been? A year?", Barron said.

"Ten months I think.", he said.

"You're still in Grarenswell I see.", he said

"Well I can't really leave, now can't I?.... My family's here Jack."

"Right. Forgive me for being so inconsiderate."

"You're not forgiven."

There was an awkward silence for about two or three seconds. But it felt like minutes. I cleared my throat. And finally Barron remembered me and went back said,"Well our pirate queen is back. Let's celebrate!", he yelled that last part and everyone cheered. Over everyone's yells I bet Jack thought that no one could here his words, but I did.

"Pirate Queen?", he mumbled
Authors Note: yea I know it was short, but it's something at least right? I. Am. So. So. Sorry. I know, I know, I shouldn't have just stopped the story out of nowhere and omg I'm so sorry plz forgive me. Plz. Plz, forgive me. Ok just to be clear, this is the only chapter I've written so far since I stopped the story. So,... Yea. That's not a good thing I know. But,.... I can't promise that the next chapter will be up soon. Or if there will be a next chapter, but if there is.... Don't expect an update every week. Okay? Like maybe once or twice a month max. Maybe less. I've been really busy lately but iv'e decided to continue the story for now. :) peace out my bandit army.
