The Lost Princess of Dremlock. (11)

"What do you mean the King's men are here?", Baron yelled.

"Which-?", I started to say.

"The king of Dremlock." , he answered and my stomach did a somersault.

Everyone stood up and got their weapons out, then looked to Baron for orders.

"What are they doing here?", he asked Jack?

"Hell if I know. But I think they're checking houses and-"

"Hide everything, including yourselves we don't need are plans being foiled before they begin.", Baron instructed to everyone.

"What plans?"

"None that concern you.", said Barron harshly.

I could here the horses galloping outside.

Everyone started to roll up maps and move chairs and scrambled around trying to hide weapons.

People pushed and shoved.

I stood frozen in place. How had they found me again? And so quickly too...... Then I felt someone shaking me by the shoulders.

"Robin..... Robin!"

It was Jack. He had worry written all over his face.

"Huh? What?", I shook my head confused.

"We have to go.", he said.

Around us, people were going upstairs or outside and most were already gone. Baron was no where to be seen.

Jack took my hand and we ran out the back door.

I could hear horses and soldiers outside and a lot of commotion. Some people were arguing that the soldiers were invading their privacy. Probably had a lot of stolen goods inside their houses. They couldn't care less. "Find her!", one yelled.

"Something tells me they're talking about you.", Jack joked, as he peeked around a corner.

"Comet's nearby. If we get past the bar we'll be okay. Let's wait for them to go inside before we-"

"Check the alleys!"

"Or we could run now.", he said and once again took my hand but before we could run I hear Baron yell," Wait!"

That stopped us both.

Some of the commotion stopped.

"Look, I don't want-"

"We need to check your building sir, please step aside.", a loud voice interrupted him.

"I'm afraid I can't do that."

"I'm afraid you don't have a choice."

"I'm pretty sure you have a good idea why I can't let you inside. Look if it's money you're looking for-"

"It's not."

"Well whatever you are looking for..... 3000 Denar says it's not inside."

Everyone went quite for a while. I bet he was pondering what to do.

"We're looking for a person."

"Can I ask who?"

"A girl. Tall, about 15, long dark brown, some may call it reddish, hair....."

"No one like that around here."

"That's a lie.", Jack whispered. Then he glanced at me with a smirk.

I felt my stomach turn a bit. Jack assumed it was me. That the girl they were looking for was Robin. What if they were looking for the princess? What then?

"We couldn't care less what money you offer or what stolen or illegal things you have hiding inside, we just need to find the girl."

Again,..... A moment of silence.

"Alright then."

I could here the sound of many footsteps and shuffling. They were going inside.

My heart started beating faster. But no one came into the alley. After what felt like hours of crouching behind a wall, and standing so close to Jack I was sure he could hear my heartbeat, they finally came out and said to have found nothing. We waited until they went into the next building to go back inside.

Baron was inside looking relived. He glanced at our still-intertwined-fingers.

I immediately let go of Jack's hand.

"They didn't find anything.", he told us.

I nodded.


Baron and Jack weren't speaking, but they weren't at each others throats either.

"So how many was it?", Jack said as he ate his plate of pancakes in the bar.

"How many what?", I said.

"How many men did you torture then skin and eat their organs, for the king to be so obsessed with you?"


"I'm serious, what did you do?"

"I didn't do anything.", I said then sipped my cup of coffee.

"Did you break into the castle? Or maybe you stole the crown...."

"I didn't-"

"You murdered a whole fleet of Knights."


"Or worse!", he yelled.

"I didn't do any-"

He fake gasped, "You kicked a puppy."

I laughed. "I would never."

He smirked, "Then what was it?"

I sighed and pulled out a piece of paper from my back pocket. I handed it to him.

"Wanted. Dead or Alive. Robin Hood. Female. Dark hair, tall. Thief. Reward: 50,000 Denar." He whistled. "Doesn't answer my question but... it's fine."

I rolled my eyes.

"Robin Hood?", he asked

I shrugged.

"Like the story of Robin Hood and his merry men?"

"You know it?"

"Doesn't everybody?"

I shrugged. I sipped my coffee again.

Just then Baron walked in.

"Change in plans Robin.", he said.

I looked up. "What?"

"What plans?", Jack asked.

"We're leaving tomorrow morning.", he said ignoring Jack. "Don't want the king's men showing up and messing up our plans."

"WHAT plans?", Jack asked again.

"Fine.", I said. Then took another sip of my coffee.

"Why are you leaving? What plans? What does the king have to do with anything?"

"What does he have to do with this? All we're doing is robbing carriages.", I asked Barron.

"You're doing what now!?"

"Well I wanted this to be a surprise but....", Barron said.

"You wanted what to be a surprise? What's going on?!"

"Okay so here's the plan....", Barron said. "Okay I actually thought of this right after the king's men left. It got me thinking.... What if... we give them..... exactly what they're looking for?"

"What?!?", Jack and I said in unison.

"You want to hand her over to them for money?!", Jack said.

"NO! No.... No, I want to hand over.... The Lost Princess of Dremlock!"

I moved my hand to my dagger. "What did you just say?"

"The Lost Princess of Dremlock.", he repeated enthusiastically. "Look, there's a huge reward to anyone who knows anything about where she is. Imagine how much the king will pay if someone were to find her and bring her to him. Here's what we'll do...... We find a look alike. A nobody. A random girl. Teach her the right things, tell her what to say.... And present her to the king."

Jack's jaw dropped. I raised my eyebrows. "That's.....", I began.

"Brilliant?", he asked.

"Incredibly stupid.", Jack finished, his face hard.

"What?", Barron asked. Finally acknowledging that Jack was in the room.

"Stupid.", Jack repeated. "The king can recognize his own daughter."

"He hasn't seen her in-what?... 4 years?"

"Two. He found his family two years ago, right before they were assassinated. The Princess was kidnapped."

"He saw her for like a day.", Barron said.

"Three.", Jack answered. "A father wouldn't forget."

"Ours did.", Barron muttered.


"Nothing. It's a good plan."

"It's incredibly risky and incredibly foolish. What if the King knows it's not her? What if he gets angry and kills her? Or us?"


"And it's not like the King and the Princess are on good terms. He had her banished when she was twelve."

"He had everyone banished when she was twelve.", Barron said, waving him off. "He'd banish someone for smelling strange."

"What if he kills the girl? What if we can't find a girl? What if there's not a single girl who will agree? Or worse, what if we find one but she ruins it because of the small fact that she's not the princess and can't remember 12 years of her life."

"There will be girls lining up to become Princess. And I've thought of that you twat, we'll say she lost her memory in an accident or something. Admit it! It's a good plan!"

"It is.", I said, finally speaking up.

They both turned toward me, surprised.

"It is not.", Jack said.

"Then it's settled!", Barron said again, ignoring Jack . "Let's go find ourselves a Princess."

Author's Note:
Ok so I've realized how bad this story is. Like, really really bad. I've been re-reading the last two chapters that I've written (these haven't been published yet) and they literally make me cringe. And those are the most recent. I'm really scared to go back and read the first few chapters *shudders*. So I know I haven't updated in like... A year. I know. I'm sorry. But it's just I had major writers block I kept saying I'd come back to the story later and eventually I just didn't. Like I just gave up. But before I gave up I wrote two chapters that I never published. And they're pretty bad. But nothing a little editing didn't fix. Just kidding they're still pretty bad. (This is one of those chapters.) So anyway I've decided to publish them and maybe continue the story. Not promising anything. God it's just so hard because old me just like screwed up the story and I just don't know what to do. But I know I should do it now because if I don't I never will because I'm a really good procrastinator. But like I really don't know where to take this story like i'm just making it up as it goes. So if you have any suggestions, PLEASE PLEASE leave a comment or dm me or something. PLEASE. Also I'm kinda freaking out because I have a lot of over the summer AP homework that I haven't even started so there's that. But anyway we'll see how this thing goes. 5 bucks says you guys won't hear from me for another year. Ha.
