The Celebration (9)

We drank and celebrated and gambled for most of the afternoon and well into the night. I lost Jack for a while, but I didn't really worry. I played and won at cards a couple of times with the card counters and got a little over 7 florins.

Not bad. It was a few hours to midnight, when Barron, aka "The Pirate King", pulled me aside to talk.
"You seem to be enjoying yourself.", he said.

"I enjoy winning money and drinking ale, yes.", I said with a smile.

"So I assume that's the reason you're here then?", he asked.

"What? I can't just come by to say hello every once in a while?", I said.

"Well you could,.... But I know you to well to think otherwise."

I looked down shyly.

"What is it Robin?", he asked

I sighed. "I need money Barron.", I said.

"Don't we all?", he joked

I looked up at him more seriously.

He nodded. "How much?"

"Enough to be set for life."

"That's a lot to ask for."

"I'm not asking for money. I'm asking for you're help."

"That, I can give."

I smiled. Not a real one, but close enough. We clicked out drinks together.

"So how do you know Jack?", he asked.

"I don't. Not that well anyway. I met
him in a bar a couple days ago.", I explained.

"In a bar? Oh, so you two are-"

"No! I- um. No.... I-", I shook my head.
He laughed.

"How do you know him?", I asked.

"He's my younger brother.", he said. His laugh fading.

"You're... What?", I asked. My eyebrows raised.

"My younger brother.", he repeated.

"You never told me you had one.", I said.

"Well to be fair, for the past few years we might as well have been dead to each other. Don't think that was worth mentioning. Do you?", he asked.

"I see you're point.", I said and nodded.

"Knew you would."

"Still, it would be nice to know the pirate king has a successor.", I said.

"Oh trust me, Jacks made it clear that he doesn't want anything to do with me or the pirates."

"And why is that?"

He shrugged, "Jacks a lot of things...."

His voice trailed off.

"But not a thief?", I guessed.

"No,... a thief included. It's just,... Well... Look at him....", he pointed with his drink, across the bar where Jack was sitting.

He was chatting up the waitress who took his order, making her laugh. Then proceeded to making the girl next to him blush uncontrollably when she was gone.

And when she returned, a mug of ale returned with her. He smiled and thanked her and winked, without paying. All while chewing on a piece of wheat and smirking his lips off.

"He's,... A bit.....", I didn't finish.

"Of an idiot.", he guessed.

"A bit, yes."

"It's annoying really.", he said.

"I can see that."

We laughed.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The rest of the night was a blur. I awoke in one of the guest rooms above the tavern part of the building. It doubled as an inn, but no one ever paid to stay. Usually only Barron's guests could. I pulled on my cloak and boots and then I left the room.

Wow. Baron sure knows how to throw a party. Broken bottles of beer are scattered all over the floor. Men passed out drunk here and there. A broken chair or 3.

I walked down the hall and I saw a white shirt at my feet. I picked it up. Just then Jack appeared out of the door in front of me. Shirtless. His back is turned to me. He closes the door behind him quietly. I clench my teeth and try not to blush. Then I clear my throat. "Robin!", he whisper-gasps.

He crosses his arms over his upper body. Then immediately uncrosses them. Then he awkwardly looks around for his shirt on the ground.

"Looking for something?", I ask. Holding up his shirt.

"Thank you.", he says and takes it.
I could see a fait reddish color in his cheeks.

"Do I want to know why you're shirt was off when you exited the room?", I asked.

"Oh, it was off long before I entered it as well.", he said.

I raised and eyebrow. He sighed. "No. You don't. ", he managed. He fumbled with the buttons.

I everted my eyes. Though my cheeks were turning read as well. "Have you seen Baron?", I asked.

"How should I know where he is?", he said with a distant tone.

"Maybe because he's you're brother.", I returned.

He sighed again. "Baron told you?"

"So what if he did?"

"It's just it's none of you're business."

"Well Baron wouldn't have told me unless it was.", I returned

"You know you seem awfully close to my brother."

"Oh, so now he's your brother?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It's just, you could have mentioned it-"

"I didn't think it was worth mentioning."

"You didn't think Baron was worth mentioning then?"

"Well I didn't think it was relevant to-"

"You didn't think showing up to you're brothers bar and not mentioning he's your brother would be-"

"I didn't think we'd end up at the Racoons den-"

"Oh come off it! You knew we were going to Garenswell, you knew I needed money. Where else would I go?", I asked

"Anywhere but here, Robin. ", he said putting emphasis on my name.

"You know you haven't been completely honest either Jack."

Authors Note: So how'd you like this chapter? Good? Bad?? Tell me in the comments. Don't be shy! So um yeah. There it is. it's up. I've started writing this thing again. I know it's been a while since that last update but plz, plz, keep reading. I really don't know when I'll update because I am very very busy with stuff. But I'll update. Could be tomorrow could be 2 years from now. Also I am changing small parts of the past chapters every now and then. Peace out ma bandit army.
