Daki Pt.2

Muzan: Bold Letters

Y/N: Normal Letters



"Please Muzan-sama, just this once."

"Daki, don't make me repeat myself! I am NOT GOING TO WEAR ANY OF THOSE!"

Confused, as to what's happening? Let's have a quick flashback.


Y/N looked at the excited Daki as she twirled around like a Disney Princess with the progenitor in her hands. 'She truly acts her age', she thought as she reminisced the memory when Daki was first brought to Infinity Fortress by Douma.

In contrast, Muzan was trying his best to stay still and prevent himself from falling.

"Y/N!!" He called out.

The said demon broke her train of memories as she went to the duo to collect the progenitor.

"Daki, I believe Muzan-sama will have to head back to his laboratory now. Please hand him to me so I can take him there"

"Yes, she is right."

"But Y/N... I wanna have more fun...pleaseee?" Daki used the ultimate weapon.

The Puppy Eyes.

Daki knew the older demon couldn't resist the Puppy eyes.

'Don't you dare...'

"Okay I guess..." Y/N glanced at the bewildered Demon King before continuing, "But not for too long okay?"

"Yess! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!"

Daki trapped the demoness in a warm embrace and was replied by a headpat.

'I..I-' Muzan was still in the middle of processing the statement.


"Huh?" Daki looked at the progenitor, very confused.

"I'm not doing anything. Just because you succeeded in one mission doesn't mean I'll spoil you."

Hearing this, Daki's excitement went dead as she became silent.

Y/N also saddened, looking the way Daki reacted.

'That wasn't very nice of you, Muzan-sama. It was just an innocent request by her.'

'Do not make me remind you of your place, Y/N.'

Y/N went silent. The progenitor could show atleast some decency, and honestly, she wanted to see what Daki had in mind.

What she didn't knew was that, she thought these out loud in her mind.

Muzan heard everything.


"Yes Muzan-sama"


Daki prepared herself for the fall, she thought she was about to get, when Nakime strummed her biwa. Thinking she might get sent back to the Red Light district. Instead, she found herself in the meeting place of the Fortress.

"You have exactly 30 minutes to do whatever you like. After that, I won't tolerate anything."

Daki's face lit up with excitement as she thanked Muzan again and again.

Y/N on the other hand wondered what made the progenitor change his mind. She quickly put that thought aside as Daki approached her.


"Yes Daki?"

"Do me a favour."

"Sure, what do you need?"

"Let's use your Blood Demon Art."

"What for?"

"We're gonna play dress up."


"Please Muzan-sama, just this once."

"Daki, don't make me repeat myself! I am NOT GOING TO WEAR ANY OF THOSE!"

Hearing Daki's plans, Muzan threw a huge tantrum. He didn't wanted to play any dress up as he thought was just Pathetic and Repulsive. Y/N tried her best to calm the situation down.

They had been going on like this for almost an hour now and our dear Uppermoon wasn't having it anymore.

"Ahem." She cleared her throat, gaining the attention of both the demons, and sent a harsh glare to Muzan.

'I believe you should stop this already.'

Muzan wasn't one to back off, he too returned the glare.

'So you forgot who is the boss here?'

'Do not make me make you dress up forcefully, Muzan-sama.'

'I would love to see you try.'


Muzan asked for it.

This ended with a very exhausted Progenitor, a very satisfied and happy subordinate and an assistant who questioned her life choices.


Muzan after finishing the Fashion Show:

(He was left alone, abandoned, in the fortress while the demons had the time of their lives shopping together at the Red Light District.)
