
Muzan: Bold Letters

Y/N: Normal Letters


Today was a big day in the Infinity Fortress. Why? It was New Years Eve, and because of constant whining and convincing from Y/N, Muzan decided to comply with her wishes.

'She's gonna make it hell for me if I don't listen to her.'

She already did but he was too dumb to realise. 5 brains were not braining.

Muzan sat comfortably in the Uppermoon's shirt pocket while she ran around every nook and cranny of the fortress, decorating it with the help of her Blood Demon Art.

"Confetti here! Balloons there! Party hats here!" she exclaimed every time she finished with a part of her preparations.

"Muzan-sama, do you drink?" she asked curiously. Muzan deadpanned at her question, of course he drank, wasn't that obvious considering his age?

"No." he replied sarcastically.

Y/N knew that, so she smiled, "Too bad, you won't be able to enjoy the exclusive Blood Wine I made from Marechi blood."


She laughed, "My apologies, Muzan-sama." her expression contradictory to her words.

Muzan decided to let her behaviour slide off for now, it was something unlike him but he didn't question it.

His ego would never allow him to question himself.

"So you decided to call every Uppermoon?"

"Yeah, but Rui and Enmu wanted to tag along as well and I couldn't refuse them so... they'll be here too hehe."

Muzan's face cringed at the thought of Enmu, 'He makes me uncomfortable.' (Same Muzan, same.) But Muzan couldn't let himself be affected, his pride (once again) wouldn't allow it.

"Nakime-san, can we have a kitchen? I want to eat cooked meat today!" She chimed, smiling so bright that Nakime quickly designed a kitchen for her.

How could anyone refuse to the precious Uppermoon? Nakime surely couldn't, Muzan was still to be questioned about it.

"Y/N, I am not goi-- ...."

"Yes you will. I'm in charge!" she strictly said, handing Muzan a small blade substituting for a knife and a human eyeball. "Now separate the nerves from the eye, I'll show you how things are to be done."

Muzan had no choice. Well, atleast he had a nice cooking lesson.

Sometime later when they duo finished cooking, concluding with a happy Uppermoon and a screaming Muzan.

His hands were covered in spices and he accidentally touched his eye. Y/N was too happy about the food to care.

"AHHHHH" Muzan screamed running to the sink, he jumped down and plugged the drain quickly as one of his fleshy arms turned on the tap, the water running and him taking a nice breath of relief under it.

What could possibly go wrong?


Y/N skipped to Nakime who had called her to show something special.

"What is it Nakime-san?"

"Y/N, can you check that door to the storeroom? I think there's some things we might need in there."

"Really? More decorations!" Our dear Uppermoon exclaimed and ran off to the said door like an excited toddler who was told yes for ice-cream.

She swiftly slid the shōji door open and looked in.



"AH!" she flinched and instinctively kicked Douma's face.

"ACK- Y/N!" Douma whined, pretending to be in pain and plopped on to her, "Why you'd hit me?"

"Douma-sama! You're not supposed to scare me like that! How mean!" she tried to push him off, "You're heavy!!"

As if on cue, Akaza and Kokushibo grabbed Douma and threw him away into the oblivions of the Infinity Fortress.

Y/N thanked them for their kindness. Douma weighed as much as a Blue Whale, and that's why even though she was a Demon herself, his weight was too much.

"What are you guys doing in the storeroom? Don't tell me you planned to scare me like that."

"Well it was more like a surprise but Douma-dono had other plans." Gyuutaro explained.

Anyways, Y/N was really happy to see her friends arriving. Daki and Gyuutaro were greeted with hugs, Gyokko was complimented for his new vase,  Hantengu received headpats, Akaza and Y/N being best buddies greeted each other with a fist bump and finally, Kokushibo was given a traditional Japanese bow of respect which he reciprocated.

Their chatter started and was bound to go on for hours before Kokushibo asked, "Y/N, where is Muzan-sama?"

"Kokushibo-san he's in the-" she paused. 'Oh no Muzan-sama!'

'How quickly you realized, Y/N! Now come and save me!'

She realised and ran back in the kitchen, the Uppermoons following her in concern. As soon as they reached there, everyone's jaw was hung open, dropping to the floor, Daki laughing, while Y/N knew she was in trouble.

There was Muzan, fighting for his life on a sponge in the pool of water in the sink, trying not to fall like a sailor in the ocean during a storm.

Well, when he was saved he didn't forget to do the most important thing.

Daki was scolded for laughing.


Edit: I made the chapter longer! The sponge idea was from Official_Douma_Cult from last year. Thank you once again!

Hey everyone, missed me? (Nah)

Big things coming next chapter, I apologize if it's short but I'm having a mental breakdown so coping mechanism it is.

Take care, be safe
I love you all

Author [KibuZan]
