Chapter 8

     They all looked at each other in fear at what Branch had just said. Then Branch looked at Uueeka, getting scared.

     "Uueeka can't be here!" he said, worried about the Synathins safety. "We're not in the grove!"
"Don't worry, Branch. He'll be fine," Pansy assured.

     She gestured to a necklace hanging around Uueeka's neck. It was made up of the different colored leaves from the grove.

     "As long as he wears these leaves, he's connected to the grove," Pansy said. "Something I figured out a few days ago." She smiled, petting Uueeka's head.

     "We should still be getting back though," Branch said, still worried, as he looked around. "Those hunters could be anywhere, and they could come back at any moment."
"Branch is right, mom," Poppy said. "We need to get back to the grove now."

     Pansy nodded, and then climbed onto Uueeka's back. Poppy joined her, both of them looking down at Branch.

     "I'll... uh... just walk back," he said, nervously, backing up a little.
"Nope. Too dangerous," Pansy said. "Like you said... those hunters could be anywhere. They could be watching us right now."

     Branch gulped, his eyes widening, as he looked around in a panic.

     "We need to make sure we're not being followed. Flying is the only way," Pansy added, holding her hand out to Branch.

     He looked at her, still scared. He did not want to fly with Poppy's mom.

     "Don't worry. I won't do any stunt piloting," she assured, with a slight chuckle. Branch was not convinced.

     Branch looked at her and then at Poppy.

     "It's ok, Branch," Poppy said, trying to calm him down. She held out her hand to him, and he took a deep breath, before grabbing onto it, Poppy helping to pull him up onto Uueeka's back.

     He clung tightly to Poppy, as he closed his eyes tight, in fear.

     "R... r... ready," he said, quietly, his voice shaking.

     "Foony!" Pansy shouted, Uueeka spreading his wings, and flying up into the sky.
"AHHHHH!" Branch screamed, as they took off, tightening his grip on Poppy.

     Down on the ground, the hunters watched.

     "Get the birds," the head hunter said. "We've got some trolls to catch."
