Chapter 13

"Weren't these signs a great idea?" Poppy said, proud of her self.
"Yep. They'll totally catch the hunters off guard," Pansy replied, rolling her eyes. She didn't actually believe that the signs would work, but she didn't want to hurt her daughter's feelings.

Suddenly, they heard something walking through the leaves.

"What was that?" Poppy asked, looking around.
"Go hide, Poppy," Pansy whispered, grabbing her stick off of the ground. Poppy jumped into a bush, following her mother's orders.

Pansy looked around, gripping her stick tightly in her hands, ready to attack at the slightest bit of movement.

Suddenly, she saw a figure walking through the forest, a little farther away.

"RUUUUUUUUUGH!" she yelled out, charging at the figure. She rammed into it, holding her stick up against its throat, as she pushed him into a tree.

"Get... off... of... me..." the figure gasped, struggling to breath.
"Branch?" Pansy said, confused.

Poppy peeked out of the bush, getting angry, as she saw Branch.

"What the heck are you doing out here, Branch!?" Poppy yelled, walking over to him. He didn't answer. "Your supposed to be in the grove with Uueeka! How did you escape?" He still didn't answer. "Branch! Why won't you answer me!?"
"I can't... breath..." he managed to say, Pansy still holding her stick pressed against his thought.

"Oh right..." Pansy said, releasing Branch.

     He fell to the ground, coughing and gasping for air, until he finally caught his breath, and stood back up.

     "I told you to stay in the grove, Branch!" Poppy yelled angrily.
"I needed to set the traps," Branch argued. "I can't just sit around doing nothing!"
"You deliberately disobeyed me!" Poppy replied. "What where you thinking!?"
"Well I was thinking, that I could set these traps without you ever finding out, but apparently I was wrong."
"Branch!" Poppy yelled. He sighed, looking away as he crossed his arms.

     "I'm sorry..." he finally said, lowering his head. "I just... I needed to protect the grove. I needed to protect Uueeka..."

     Poppy looked at him, her anger turning into sadness.

     "And I need to protect you, Branch," Poppy said, walking over to hug him. "You almost died yesterday."
"It was your mother's fault," he grumbled quietly.

     Pansy glared at him, annoyed by his comment.

     "Come on, Branch. Let's just get back to the grove," Poppy said, softly, kissing his cheek. Branch nodded, as the three of them, began walking back to the grove.

     As they walked, they where completely unaware of the hunters watching them from the shadows.

     "Do those trolls look dead to you?" the head hunter asked, angrily.
"Well... uh... I mean..."

     The head hunter raised his hand, ready to slap the other hunter in the face, but stopped, and smiled evilly.

     "Actually..." he said, looking back at the three trolls. "This is good."
"It... it is?" the other hunter asked.
"Yes... now we can follow them, and they'll lead us right to the grove."
