Chapter 12

     In the morning Branch headed out to finish setting up his traps, but Poppy stopped him.

     "Whoa. Whoa. Whoa," she said, grabbing onto his hand, to make him stop. He turned to look at her, confused.

     "Where do you think your going?"
"Umm... to set the traps?"
"Nope. Don't you remember what happened yesterday?"
"Come on, Poppy. I'll be fine. Besides, we have to protect the meadow. The Synathins' lives depend on it."
"We'll find another way to protect the meadow, Branch, but you can't go out there alone. It's too dangerous."

     "Danger? Ha! I laugh in the face of danger," Branch said, smiling confidently.

     Suddenly, Poppy's eyes went wide, as she looked behind Branch.

     "Oh no! Branch! A bird!" she yelled pointing.
"AHHH! Where!?" he screamed, jumping behind Poppy. She looked down at him, smiling, smugly.

     "Fine... so maybe I don't laugh in the face of danger..." he said, turning his back to her. "But I'm still going. And you can't stop me."

     He started to walk towards the forest, Poppy watching him, as she crossed his arms.

     "Maybe I can't stop you, Branch," she said, quietly. "But I know someone who can. Uueeka! Grooba!"

     Suddenly, Uueeka began charging at Branch, grabbing him by the back of his vest.

     "Hey!" Branch yelled. "Put me down, Uueeka!"

     Poppy walked over to him, smiling, pleased with herself.

     "When did you even learn to speak Synathin?" Branch grumbled, crossing his arms.
"Mom taught me. Uueeka. Watchu."

     Uueeka put Branch down, sitting on top of him, to keep him from running off.

     "Come on!" Branch yelled, trying to escape, but he couldn't.

     "Now..." Poppy said. "You stay here. I'm going to the other side of the forest with my mom to put up signs to deter the hunters."
"How come you get to go out, but I can't!?" Branch objected.
"One... I'm not the one who's hurt. And two... I'll have my mom. I won't be alone."
"Fine," Branch pouted.

     Poppy smiled, and then walked away.
