The mikaelsons sat on their plane, they couldn't believe that at the age of 13 Bea and her friends defeated a demonic clown. A creature somehow even more powerful than them.

They couldn't help but worry that she would not want to see them after all they did.

Rebecca couldn't get the sight of seven year old Phoebe out of her head. She still had that scared hopeless look in her eyes when she had saw them again. It made her feel sick.

Elijah was in deep thought, that creature whatever it was dangerous. And powerful. Whatever it was, was old. Older than them. Yet it had been bested my children. How could that be?

Hayley felt awful. Not out of regret. But jealously. Pheobe had everything, friends who cared for her, someone who loved her. She didn't need them. She had made a life without their influence.

Freya knew that what they had done wasn't right deep down. But she didn't really care. Pheobe wasn't supernatural. She was a risk, however if the others wanted her back she wasn't going to oppose them.

Klaus was paranoid about what he had seen. Whoever Pheobe was friends with could not be trusted, they weren't allies. They were trying to steal her away from them. They had to be eliminated if they got in the way.

The silence was broken when Hope spoke up. She looked around at her family, watching them all struggling with their own thoughts.

"Aunt Freya, can we see some memories from after that summer?" Hope asked hopefully.

"Yes Freya please?" Hayley begged. She needed to see more, craved it even.

"I'll need Hope and Davina's help again but I can."  Freya told them all, she tried to hide her annoyance.

They all got into the same positions as before and were once again submerged in a memory.

Memory one-age 13

Bea walked into the house. Her hair was a mess, unraveled and undone. Grime covered her clothes and she grimaced as she tried to rub away the remains of the fight with IT. She looked up as she walked into the living room to see Cynthia sitting on the couch, a scared expression on her face. Andrew stood with his back to her, he turns around when he hears her and she sees it. The gun.

"Oh my god." Hayley muttered the family watching in fear.

Klaus could feel his heart in his throat as the feeling of desperation sunk over him. He could do nothing, and had only felt this helpless once before. When the twins were babies.

"Ah great." He says with a crazed look in his eyes, "We're all here. A family. Let's have a little chat shall we?" When she didnt move he snapped screaming. "GET ON THE COUCH BEA."

Bea quickly ran over and sat beside Cynthia, she sat trembling fearing for her life. He had a demented look in his eyes, with frazzled hair. As if a hand had been raked through it.

"What did I tell you Bea? WHAT DID I TELL YOU?" he started pacing while waving the gun around, his body tense. "I told you not to go near those boys again didn't I? DIDNT I?"

He stopped pacing and looked at her. "But you didn't fucking listen." He walked closer to her bending down in front of her as tears streamed down her face. Her lip trembled in fear.

"Are you fucking. Those. boys. Bea? Hm ARE YOU?"

"No! im not!" Bea cried a pleading look on her face, as a sob slipped out. She flinched slightly when he raised his hand. Stroking her face slightly.

"You're a liar Bea, a liar." he turned around chuckling rubbing the bridge of his nose. He looked down at the gun, considering it.

"I'm going to kill him." Klaus spat, his heart bounding loudly in his chest.

Cynthia picked up a vase that was beside her and quietly stood up before bringing it done over his head hard.

He yelled in pain falling to the ground, grabbing onto it groaning in pain. Cynthia grabbed Beas arm and they scrambled up the stairs.

She pulled Bea into her room and barricaded the door shut by putting a chair under the handlebar.

Cynthia rushed over to the phone calling 911. She glanced between the door and the phone worriedly as it dialled.

"Hello." she whispered pulling Bea closer to her "My husband has went crazy and is trying to kill me and my daughter, he has a gun we need help."

"We live at 14 maple road drive, please come quick." She begged voice rising in fear as the door shook.

The door suddenly burst open, Cynthia dropping the phone and going in front of Bea only to be pistol whipped.

"Mom!" screamed Bea terrified and worried for her mother not even noticing it's the first time she called Cynthia mom.

Andrew grabbed Bea and dragged her into the  hall before slamming her into a wall, her head smashing into the wall. She struggled making him her into the wall again. His hands moved do around her throat squeezing tightly as he began choking her.

"I should have tried to kill you a long time ago." he said a deranged smile on his face as she desperately scratched at his hands that were around her throat, gasping for air.

The mikaelson's watched horrified unable to do anything as it was a memory.

Cynthia showed up pulling him backwards causing him to let go of Bea who dropped to the floor coughing and gasping for air.

He threw Cynthia to the ground before straddling her and beating her. Bea grabbed the gun that had fallen and shot him in the shoulder causing him to fall off Cynthia.

He turned to her glaring and pulled out a knife quickly smacking the gun away. He pushed her up against the wall again despite him bleeding heavily. Heavy pained pants leaving him.

"You are an abomination, and I was going to make it quick but honestly you deserve to suffer." he muttered deadly.

He cut along her arm making her cry out before he lifted the knife to her throat "Bye Bea have fun in hell."

"Not my daughter you bitch." Cynthia
screamed grabbing the gun that had fallen to the floor and shooting him in the head. He slumped against Bea before falling to the floor dead.

Cynthia ran over to Bea holding her as she hysterically cried rocking her back and forward soothing her.

The memory cuts to Cynthia going over and sitting besides Bea, the police had shown up minutes after and they had been escorted to the dining room. The police had taken andrews body away, it was determined self defence immediately.

" I'm sorry I didn't protect you sooner." Cynthia admitted, Bea didn't answer and instead hugged her.

"You're my mom, and I love you, and you did what you could I don't blame you."

Cynthia smile down at her. "What do you say about redecorating the house?" She asked nudging her making her giggle.

"Yeah, we need to get rid of the me sized hole in the wall."

Memory two-age 13

The losers all stood in front of Beas house waiting for someone to open it. When they hadnt heard from Bea after the fight they grew concerned. There concern only grew when they were told that mr Thompson had went crazy and tried to kill both Bea and Cynthia.

They weren't surprised that they had killed him in self defence and had quickly rushed to check on their friend.

Cynthia opened the door looking exhausted but she manages a smile when she saw them. Her usually neat hair was messy and she had deep bags under her eyes.

"Beverly darling hi, Beas in her room."

"Are you okay mrs Thompson?" Beverly asked the women she had become attached too. She always nice to her, sneaking her extra food.

"Yes I'm quite okay, and me and Bea are going by Bloom now."

Beverly nodded as Cynthia let them in and they travelled upstairs, they froze slightly seeing blood on the wall and a hole dented into the wall but continued onto Beas room.

They followed Beverly as she led the way, being the only one who had been there before. She knocked on the door before opening it.

"Hey bumble." she greeted softly as they all piled into her room to see her eating ice cream on her bed. She had a nasty bruise all the way down one side of her face. Bruises up her arms and nasty gashes all over.

"Hey."  She murmured hoarsely with a small smile, she continued to stare down at her ice cream. Not wanting to have to see there expressions.

Beverly went and sat on the bed with her as the others all found seats around her. Crowded on the floor and perching on furniture awkwardly.

"Are you okay?" Stanley asked her, his voice was gently. And his eyes held worry. A heavy bandage was wrapped around his head.

"Stanley you idiot of course she's not okay!" Richie scolded him smacking his arm with wide eyes.

Bea gave a small smile watching them as they continued to bicker. Throwing insults back and forth.

"Guys!" Mike reprimanded them making them both freeze and give Bea sheepish smiles.

"Um I'm not really fine, I mean it's not everyday your father figure tries to kill you." she told them her voice breaking slightly as she avoided eye contact.

They all looked at her sympathetically as Beverly gave her a side hug causing her to burst into tears making them all join in the hug comforting her.

The mikaelson's felt awful watching it knowing they weren't there to protect or comfort her. That it this fault she had ever been there in the first place.

Memory cuts to later when its Beverly and Bea left.

The girls were listening to music when they are interrupted by a knock on the door, they looked over to see Cynthia smiling at them.

"Hey girls, is it alright if I talk to you for a minute?"

"Yeah of course." Beverly told her smiling as she paused the record player.

"Now Beverly dear, I looked in to it and checked with you aunt and this is only if you want but"," Cynthia spoke voice confident. " if it's okay with you dear I was wondering if you would like to live with Bea and i?"

"Wait really?" Beverly asked looking hopeful, she really didn't want to move and leave her life behind.

"Of course me and Bea were discussing it earlier and we would love for you to be in our family."

"Id love to!" Beverly said smiling excitedly

Cynthia smiled before bringing the two girls into a hug.

"Welcome to the blooms Beverly!"

Memory three- age 15

Bea, Stanley and Richie were all hanging out in what appeared to be one of the boys rooms. They were older than they were in the previous memory, the boys much taller.

"Did you bring it?" asked Richie looking excited. Instead of responding Bea just smirked and then pulled out 2 bottles of vodka making them all cheer.

"Oh this should be funny" kol said smirking. Davina and him shared an amused look. They knew this would be an embarrassing memory.

"You guys ready for this?" Bea asked passing the bottles to Stanley who opened it and poured it into 3 cups.

"Bea ive been waiting weeks for this." Richie said rolling his eyes at the girl smiling.

"Exactly its our first time drinking! lets do this!" Stanley said handing them both a cup each before they clashed all there cups together saying 'cheers'.

The memory cut to what seemed to be later on as all three teens lay on the floor totally wasted.

"Ok truth or dare?" Richie slurred, he was spread out like a starfish with Bea beside him in a similar state. Stanley was lying by there heads arms out at his side like a plane.

"truth!" Bea slurred back taking a drink right from the bottle and hiccuping before passing it to Stanley who did the same laughing at nothing.

"If you could be any animal what would you be?" Richie asked as he turned over groaning so he was laying on his front, elbows being used to prop up his head. His usual shit eating grin on his face, but glasses gone.

Bea thought for a moment before seriously answering.  "a sausage dog."  making the other two burst out laughing causing her to pout.

"Why are you laughing?" she whined confused only making them laugh more.

"Out of all the animals in the world you pick a sausage dog." Stanley asked giggling, Richie's glasses perched on his head.

"What would you guys pick then?" she said looking offended.

"A rabbit, they fuck like 24/7." richie slurred out proudly smirking.

"They also make tons of babies." Bea promptly told him. " I can see it now; famous comedian Richie Tozier has been found out to have 364 children he had no idea existed." she finished making Stanley snort.

"Oy! shut it you, what about you Stan the man? what would you be?" Richie asked taking a swig from the bottle. It was nearly empty.

Stanley paused for a minute before answering simply. "A bird." Richie groaned annoyed rolling his eyes in exasperation.

"Seriously? a bird thats worse than sausage dog." Richie moaned ignoring the 'hey' that came from Bea. "Why in fucks name would you be a bird?"

"To fly away from you." Bea muttered darkly drinking more alcohol.

Hope snorted at her sister as the others watched amused. This was certainly something to witness.

"It's quite simple richard... so i can shit on you." Stanley said smirking.

Bea burst out laughing spiting her mouthful of vodka over richie who looked offended over what Stanley had said and was now drenched only making her and Stanley laugh more.

"You two are little shits." he muttered glaring at them. A pout on his face.

The moment was interrupted by the phone ringing. "I'll get it!" Bea sang jumping up quickly almost falling flat on her face and stumbling over to the phone.

"Hello! this is richie the rabbit's phone" Bea slurred to whoever was on the other end.

"Bea?" Eddie's voice over the phone could be heard sounding confused.

"OMG! guys its eddie HI EDDIE?!" she yelled excitedly into the phone.

"Bea are you drunk?"

"Why yes i am!  Now, before you say im too young im not.  I think defeating a child eating clown makes me allowed." she protested fiercely pouting.

"Bea is there anyone not drunk with you?" Eddie asked sounding concerned.

"nope, its me, richie and birdy." she looked back and saw Richie and Stanley very close to each other "OMG Eddie i think they are going to kiss, anyway i should go home now dont want to interrupt that." Bea whispered excitedly to him jumping up and down in glee.

"Bea just wait okay! ill walk you home there is no way you can go by yourself drunk."

"Okay? by Ed's." Bea chirped before hanging up.

"Bitches, im going home now. have fun use a condom we dont need a baby."

"Bea boys cant get pregnant." stanley said looking confused.

"They cant?" bea said looking heartbroken making Stanley and Richie laugh loudly.

The memory cut to Bea lying on the grass in front of Richie's house, she opened her eyes when she heard Eddie calling out to her.

"Eddie did you know boys cant get pregnant?" she asked sounding heartbroken. A crestfallen look was on her face as she looked up at him.

"What?" said Eddie sounding confused but helping her off the grass and starting to lead her in the direction of her house.

"Yeah! they cant have babies, how sad is that!"

"You are so drunk." Eddie muttered shaking his head. "Come on let's get you home."

The rest of the walk was Bea rambling drunk and Eddie half carrying her. They managed to get into her house which was empty.

"Where's your mom and Beverly?" he asked her as he got her a glass of water. Making sure she held it tightly before letting go.

"Mom's out of town tonight and Beverly's at Bill's do you think she can get pregnant?"

"Yes Beverly can get pregnant." he said amused trying to hide a smile.

"It's so sad Bill cant." She spoke miserably. Looking up at him with sad eyes.

"Yes it is, let's get you to bed now." He had an amused yet concerned look on his face.

"Okay." Bea said accepting his help to get up to her room. He helped her get into her bed and get comfy and was about to leave when she called out his name.


"Yeah Bea?"

"Is something wrong with me?" she asked in a small voice. She looked young where she lay.

"What do you mean?" he asked going over to her and kneeling in front of her. Concerned look in his eyes.

"Everyone wants to get away from me." She told him sadly, eyes filling with tears.

"No they dont, why do you think that."

"My birth family hates me. They left me and Andrew hated me so it's me isnt it?" Bea questioned looking scared.

The mikaelson's felt there hearts break as she said those words.

"No Bea its not, there bad people besides we all love you."

"Even when im drunk?"

"Even when you're drunk." eddie assured her smiling at her.

"Thanks Eddie you're my favourite." she mumbled, clutching onto a stuffed animal. Eyes closing as she nestled into her pillow.

"You're my favourite too Bea." he told her softly. He watched for a few moments as she slept, peaceful expression on her face. He smiled to himself before quietly leaving her house and locking the door so she was safe.

Memory four-age 15

Bea and Eddie were seen hanging out in her room. They were sitting on her bed, cross legged atop from each other. School work in front of them, in the background the record playing softly.

"Bea?" Eddie asked breaking the silence that was her quietly singing and Eddie admiring her.

"Yeah." She asked looking up at him expectantly. Her hair hung softly framing her face, he blinked quickly. She looked angelic.

"What was your sister like?" he asked carefully, Bea seemed to pause for a minute before she answered. "Well I didnt really know her. We never really got a chance I guess. But she was nicer than the others. She and my two non-biological aunts were the nicest. she was really pretty and good at art." She explained softly biting her lip. A contemplative look on her face.

She paused for a moment as Eddie watched her closely. "I feel sorry for her though to be honest." She admitted letting out a soft laugh.

"What do you mean?" Eddie asked confused. A questioning look in his eyes.

"I mean, She the most powerful creature in existence right?!" Eddie nodded in response. "Well from knowing the Mikaelson's she'll have no freedom. She wont get to experience her life for her. Everyone deserves to live life." Bea finished shrugging.

Eddie smiled at her before blurting out. "God I like you." He immediately froze, turning bright red and embarrassed look on his face. Bea blushed before answering in a small voice. "I like you too."

Eddie's head shot up surprised. They stared at each other for a minute before they both leaned in and kissed. It wasnt a long kiss but it was sweet and innocent however their lovely moment was interrupted by cheers.

Both their heads shot to the window were Richie and Stanley where. They were learned over the windowsill cheering.

"Yes bitch finally!" Richie cheered loudly waving his arms around dramatically. Stanley burst out laughing causing a chain reaction of them all laughing.

They all hung out for a couple of house until it was just Eddie and Bea again. He kept glancing at her nervously before plucking up the courage to ask.

"Bea do you want to go on a date? And maybe be my girlfriend?"

Bea looked at him and smiled excitedly. "I'd love to!"

"Oh my god finally that was so cute!" Hope said  causing the boys to look even more mad. Hayley frowned slightly angrily.

memory five-age 16

Richie and Bea were seen looking at magazines and comics. They were lying on her bed when Richie suddenly paused and looked at her nervously. Sensing his eyes on her causing her to look over at him confused.

"Bea, you'd never hate me right?" he asked looking nervous. Eyes darting from her to the comic.

"Of course not, what's wrong?She asked putting her magazine down, concerned frown on her face.

"I'm gay." He blurted out looking afraid of what her reaction would be. He was surprised when she simply shrugged and said "I know."

"What!? What do you mean you know?"

" I have a pretty good gaydar." she said smiling smugly. "Can I paint your nails?"

"Yeah." Richie said looking shocked.

Bea simply smiled and skipped over to her nail polish. "Right! So light pink or light blue?"

Memory cuts to losers all in beas living room

Richie stood suddenly making everyone turn to look at him.

"I'm gay."

"We know." Everyone chorused apart from Bill. Bill had spit his drink out in suprise soaking Bea who glared at him.

"What how did you all know?" Richie asked confused. Slight frown on his face.

"I didnt!" Bill exclaimed shocked.

"We just did." Stanley said shrugging. "I'm bisexual."

"What? how did i not know any of this!" Bill complained when the others didnt look suprised at what Stanley had said.

"Gaydar." They all simply responded, leaving Bill pouting.

memory seven- age 17

The memory opened to see Beverly and Ben looking mad standing in front of a couch that had mike, bill, eddie, richie, stanley and bea on it all looking slightly scared.

"so who broke it" beverley asked looking annoyed

when they got no answer ben added "im not mad i just wanna know"

"i did i- " mike told them before being interrupted

"no, no you didnt" ben said looking at him incredulously

"richie" beverley asked to richie who was avoiding eye contact

"dont look at me, look at stanley" richie protested pointing to stanley who glared at him

"what, i didnt break it" stanley exclaimed

"huh thats weird,how did you even know it was broken?" richie questioned looking right at him raising an eyebrow

"because its sitting right in front of us and its broken" stanley said pointing at it and looking at richie as if he was stupid

"suspicous" eddie muttered

"no its not" stanley said expasperatly

"if it matters probably not, but bill was the last one to use it" eddie told beverley and ben who looked unimpressed and confused

"eddie!, i dont even drink that crap" bill whined

"oh really then what where you doing by the coffee cart earlier" richie said narrowing his eyes accusingly

"to use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles everyone knows that richie!" bill said earning a weird look from his girflriend

"okay lets not fight, i broke it let me pay for it" mike said trying to defuse the tension

"no, who broke it" beverley said with her hands on hips

"bea, bea has been awfully quiet" stanley accused making said girl look at him


"yeah really"

"OMG" bea said throwing her head back

memory eight

"bitches and ladies welcome to the sleepover of the century!" bea cheered happily at all the losers who all had facemasks on.

"now my fabulous people, me and bea will be starting off karaoke night with a duet!" beverley announced making everyone cheer.

beverly and bea went up onto beas bed, using it as a stage and eddie pressed play on the background music for them ( i know that this song wasnt made back then but its really a vibe soooo i added it"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

the losers cheered as the girls finished and curtsied and the memory ended.

memory nine- tw suicide

bea was in a dream she knew that much, she just couldnt understand why she was watching what appeared to be a grown up stanley do a jigsaw.

she watched as he got a phone call and thats when she realized it must be 27 years in the future. She was confused as to why she was seeing this and followed Stanley as he went to his bathroom.

The dream suddenly changed and she was in the bathroom she turned around and let out an ear-piercing scream- Stanley's dead body lay in the bathtub his wrists split as he stared blankly ahead dead.

Bea shot up in bed screaming, Beverly ran into the room her own face covered in tears. Cynthia was out of town that night. They made eye contact and knew immediately.

"You saw it too? Didn't you" Bea managed to choke out getting a weak nod in response from Beverly.

Beverly went over to her and sat beside her with a notebook in hand " I was writing it down" she said passing it too Bea "add any details I missed"

Bea nodded and the girls sat in silence that was filled by the sound of paper being written on.

Memory cuts to different night of Bea sitting up in bed crying. She walked through to beverlys room to see her already up, Beverly looked up and simply passed her the notebook they had dedicated to the dreams.

"We can't tell them" Beverly told her

" I know" Bea told her rubbing her head "we can figure this out ourselves, the dreams are starting to repeat. I-I think it's our future if we don't come back and defeat it, we need to try to stop it"

" we will" Beverly told her holding our her pinky "together"

Bea smiled at her and linked there pinkies "together"

Hope couldn't help but feel a bit jealous and hoped that one day she and Bea would have a relationship like that.
