BEA WEARILY WATCHED AS HER HANDS SHOOK, sighing nervously she clutched them together tightly hoping to stop the shaking.

The nightmare last night hadn't been good, she hadn't had a single nightmare after the first year of defeating Pennywise. She knew that the nightmares coming back meant something, and not something good. She also had never once had a dream about Pennywise himself.

She was sat beside Eddie who every now and again would glance over at her nervously as they had waited with Beverly for everyone to arrive. It had been a quiet morning after last night. As they waited Bea felt like she was experiencing deja vu, like what they were doing was supposed to happen in the future.

They were where they were when they had done the blood pact. Bitterly Bea smiled to herself, of course it was Pennywise that would cause them to all come back here. As the others settled they shared uneasy glances, everyone could tell something was going on.

"Okay, I'll be the one to ask. Why are we here?" Richie asked impatiently, his leg bounced lightly against the ground as he glanced at them all nervously.

"This might sound crazy. And I'm not wanting to freak anyone out, but i had a dream that pennywise was back." Bea announced finally looking up at them all, it was silent for a moment as they all took in her words.

"That cant be right though, its every 27 years its only been four. Look it was probably just a bad dream." Bill shook his head confused. He glanced over at Beverly as if to ask what she thought but she simply looked away a frown on her face.

"Bill's right. It has to of been just a dream, there is no need to stress." Richie said voice wavering a bit, he raked a hand through his hair anxiously.

"I have this gut feeling guys. My gut has never been wrong. Look I don't know how to explain it but this wasn't just a dream. Trust me." Bea said looking anxiously at them all. They stared back at her disbelieving.

Bea and Beverly exchanged a look, that the others noticed immediately. Eddie looked between the two quickly a frown growing on his face.

"Okay, what was that? Is there something else we should know?" He questioned putting a comforting hand on his girlfriend's shoulder when he noticed she looked sick. She leaned into it a thankful look on her face.

"Guys, me and Bea havent been completely honest with you." Beverly said looking at bea who nedded for her to continue. Although worry was on her face.

"What do you mean?" Questioned Stanley wearily. He looked pale as if since starting the conversation he had aged ten years.

"The deadlights. We both saw them and they did something to us. We have these dreams or more like nightmares." Beverly admitted looking guilty, her face had went pale when she started explaining. And to the worry of the others her voice was shaking.

"What happens in them?" Ben asked shooting them concerned looks.

"Stanley, you die first..you-" Bea told them all a shaky breath escaping her.

"Did you just say I die?" Stanley quickly interrupted, everyone watched him as his hands started to shake, and pure fear could be seen in his eyes.

"I've seen you all die. I've even seen me and Beverly die." Bea admitted shocking them all. "Bev has too, We dreamed about it the first year after Pennywise, but it just stopped. We thought it was the end but now they're back-"

"How often were they?" Mike asked. A deep frown on his face.

"Nearly every single night." Beverly told them after sharing another look with Bea. It was time to come clean to them all.

"How do I die?" Stanley asked quietly. Bea felt her heart break when she saw acceptance in his eyes.

She wrapped her arms around herself having gone even paler. They weren't ever supposed to have to know this. "You uh slit your wrists in your bathtub."

The others were in shock, especially stanley who would never have thought he would ever kill himself. He frowned glancing over at Richie who was staring worriedly at him, as if he expected him to drop dead any minute. He looked away quickly after seeing that.

"I kill myself?" he questioned quietly. Looking at Bea who gave him a sympathetic look.

Beverly nodded looking traumatised. "The first time we dreamed it we had to scream ourselves awake. We didnt sleep for days after. We were too scared of what we would see. It didn't take long for us to find out we both had the dream so we kept it a secret."

"Why didnt you tell us later?" Mike asked, he didn't seem angry more just genuinely confused and even a little hurt.

"We didn't want to worry you." Beverly explained, Bill moved closer to her wrapping an arm around her waist. She sent him a small smile.

"And to be honest, we thought we could figure it out and stop it before it happened. We thought we had 27 years." Bea spoke softly her head in her hands, they could all hear the hope and regret in her voice.

"Look I don't think this means it's back, but we do need to look out in case it is back just in case." Bill announced taking the lead, they all looked at him nodding along. "Just to be safe."

"I don't know if i can do it again." Stanley admitted looking anxious.

"We have to." Bea whimpered with teary eyes making them all look at her. "Or we all die in horrible ways."

"This is just a precaution." Beverly told them all settling there nerves for the most part. "Now come on. Let's not let this ruin our day, we can go back to ours. Our mom's made lemonade."

They all started to walk back to the bloom household trying to chat along like normal, but there was a tension in the air. Eddie and Bea fell behind walking slower than the others.

"Are you mad at me for not telling you?" Bea asked looking at the ground, she couldn't bare to see his reaction if he was. Eddie glanced over letting out a sigh and squeezed her hand. "No of course im not, w never mad at you. I just wish you had told me so I could have helped."

Bea stopped suddenly making him turn to look at she worried, when she threw herself at him. Wrapping her arms around his stomach and burrowing her head in his chest. Eddie let out a sigh of relief wrapping his arms around her tightly and putting his head on top of hers. They hugged for a moment before he kissed her head and they resumed walking.

<3 <3 <3 <3<3

Bea and Eddie had been hanging out in her room. Eddie lying on her bed and easy grin on his face as he watched her dance around, or randomly grab things for him to try on or show him when they got the call. It had been little over two weeks since the dream, and things had been going on like normal. Making the groups worries fade more and more away.

"I'll get it." Bea said when the phone rang skipping over to it. She sent Eddie a cheeky smile as she picked it up. "Hello? Who is it?"

"Bea?" A voice spoke back, their tone grave. She furrowed her brow confused.

"Mike? Is this you?" She asked shooting a confused look over to her boyfriend, who sat up at her tone watching closely.

"Bea you were right." Bea froze in place paling. A sick feeling overtaking her. Eddie noticed immediately and went over to her gently taking the phone of her and talking to Mike.

"Mike whats wrong?" He asked as he sent her a concerned look. She didn't register it. It was almost as if she was comatose.

"Bea was right. I need you to get Beverly and Bill and for the four of you to come to the bridge asap." Mike told him. He sounded horrible, miserable as if the world was ending. And for them it maybe was.

"We'll be there soon." Eddie told him grimly before hanging up.

Bea was stood there frozen biting her lip, she blinked hard looking up to her boyfriend as he softly but firmly calling her name. "We have to go okay?" she nodded and grabbed his hand before they quickly walked across the hall and stormed into Beverley's room. Where they interrupted a make-out session.

"What the hell!" Beverly said pulling back from Bill blushing. She climbed off his lap quickly trying to fix her hair shooting them both a glare. Bill groaned looking over at them annoyed.

"Yeah, no time. We need to get to the bridge now." Eddie retorted bluntly before pulling his girlfriend out of the room. Beverly and Bill shared a panicked look before following the two.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

The losers gathered under the bridge looking at the message written in blood. It was official, pennywise was back. There was a tenseness in the air that hadn't been there for the last four years.




"It's back." Eddie said nervously as they stood huddled in a circle. "What the hell happened to every 27 years!"

Mike sighed speaking up, a grim look on his face. "Look kids started going missing about two weeks ago, right after Bea's dream. Tonight Adrian Mellon and his boyfriend Don Hagarty were assaulted, long story short Adrian was thrown off the bridge. By the time his boyfriend got down there he said he saw someone dressed as a clown kill his boyfriend."

"God I dont want to do this, couldn't it have waited till I was legal to drink?"" richie attempted to joke. But he had a worried expression on his face.

"We made a pact. Want to or not we have to do it." Beverly said looking over a Bea who looked distracted, staring at a bush intently. "Bea? What are you looking at?"

The group turned to see Bea looking over at something before she walked over and carefully picked it up revealing a welcome to Derry balloon. Slight blood splatters on it.

"We killed it before. We can do it again." she said determined looking at all of them as she walked back over .

"Bea is right." Bill nodded looking around at them all. "It's up to us again."

"Guys, come on let's think of a plan okay?" Mike announced making them all nod in agreement and head back to Bea and Beverley's house.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

On the other-side of town the Mikaelson drove into Derry, determined to see their family member. Unaware of how much of a shit show Derry will be. 

meanwhile on the other side of town, the mikaelsons arrive not ready for the shit show that is derry.
