HOPE AND PHEOBE MIKAELSON WERE BORN ON THE 4TH OF JANUARY 1976. Born into the dangers of the supernatural world even the first moments of their life were filled with danger. Hope fit right in. A tribrid. The first and only of her kind, right away her family's favourite but Phoebe was only human leaving her family shocked. And although they would never admit it, resentful.

Her whole family mocked her for it, abusing her mentally and the odd time physically as if she wasn't even related to them. On her 7th birthday she was given up for adoption her family claiming she was too much to handle and stealing their attention from Hope.

She was adopted by Cynthia Thompson, a scared women trapped in a loveless marriage and Andrew Thompson, an abusive alcoholic with anger issues.

Brought to live in the quaint town Derry, an ordinary town: Familiar, well-ordered for the most part, a good place to live.

Pheobe known as 'Bea' had a normal as can be childhood living in Derry, all while having to endure the horrific memories from her birth family, abuse from her adoptive father and not to mention the Bowers gang who seemed hell bent on hurting her and her friends.

The start of summer 1989 was already going to be a memorable one with all the children going missing and body parts turning up but when Bea and her best friend Beverly meet the losers club it gets a whole lot messier. As in having to kill a child eating clown.

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The Mikaelson compound was awoken by a loud scream. Immediately on edge the Mikaelsons all rushing up to their youngest Hope. They entered to find her sobbing in her bed. Her mother rushed to her side hugging her tightly as Hope shook where she sat. Unlike her usual put together appearance she was as white as a sheet, eyes haunted and hair a mess.

"Hope, what's wrong?" her aunt Freya asked panicked at the state her niece was in. None of them had ever seen her look like this and it concerned them.

Hope uttered the one name that made them all feel regret and shame.

"Pheobe I..I had a vision of her it was horrible." she said shakily clutching to her mom who was holding her tightly. Hayley looked away from her at the mention of the name, face unreadable.

"Freya show us this vision." Klaus demanded. He stood close to Hope. Only an arms length away. Ready to grab her if needed.

Freya nodded determined, she needed to know what had upset her niece this much. She didn't allow herself to worry about her other niece. Not that she ever really had.

Kol scowled slightly. He had never been close to Phoebe. Honestly she had scared him slightly. She was so fragile, always in risk. During the time she lived with them Kol hadn't been there much, an argument with his brother keeping him away. Not long after she was gone Davina had come back and smacked some sense into him. He had searched for her but had been unsuccessful. The regret he felt regarding her was immense.

Davina and Keelin hadn't been around much for the first seven years of the twins lives. They had always felt guilty for the mistreatment of the youngest Mikaelson they hadn't been able to stop.

Rebekah had spent the last ten years trying to forget the little girl who had sobbed when she had been taken away on that fateful day. She wasn't successful. The feeling of guilt always there. But she knew that it had been the best for her. Wherever she was she was safer.

Elijah didn't know what he felt for his youngest niece. Like Rebekah he thought she was better of as far away as possible from them. And that they were too.

Hope missed her sister. At the time she had loved the fact she was the clear favourite. Often using it to her advantage. But she missed her twin. Her built in best friend from birth.

Hayley didn't know what to think. She had spent so long pushing Phoebe away. She had never felt like a daughter to her. But at the same time she had cared for the girl. In her own way.

Klaus had seen himself in her. That same weakness. He couldn't have that corrupt his family. If only he knew how wrong he was.

They all followed Freya downstairs where she prepared to show them what Hope had seen.

"Right Hope and Davina hold hands with me." She told them as they all stood in her spell room. "Repeat what I say. The rest of you hold hands and form a circle around us." Freya commanded making everyone get to where they were told to be. Anxious looks being shared.

Freya began to chant holding onto the hands of Davina and Hope tightly. They joined her a moment later. Gradually all getting louder until they were almost shouting. They all braced themselves as they were pulled into a vision.

Bea sat at a dining table. She looked young. Probably only about thirteen years old. She was tense, as she watched the man across from her warily .

The man looked down at her intimidatingly. He had an angry face. The type that ran deep internally.

"Bea, honey we're just worried. That's all." A kind looking woman sat beside the man offering Bea a smile. She was pretty, younger than him with a timid nature.

"Shut your mouth Cynthia." The man yelled slamming his hand onto the table harshly, making both of them wince. Cynthia shrinking back into her seat angling herself away from him.

"Phoebe you think that a 'C' is an acceptable grad? Huh you little shit? Explain yourself." He spat angrily waving a test in the air.

"How dare he talk to her like that." Hayley raged. No one talked to a Mikaelson's like that.

"I'm sorry! I tried my hardest Mr Thompson." Bea said shrinking in her chair. Her voice full of fear.

"Hardest! god you are so stupid." Andrew Thompson said before picking up his glass and throwing it right at her. It hit the wall making her scream and cover her face with her hands. As the glass shattered sending shards flying towards her cutting her arms. Blood started to trickle down them.

"Why is this happening?" Asked Hope tearing up again. She didn't understand why someone would do that. Why someone would hurt her sister.

"I don't know Hope." Rebekah said tearing up too. Watching how this man treated Bea reminded her so much of Klaus and their father. Memories she would like to forget flashed in her head. Like how we treated her she thought.

The sound of Mr Thompson yelling faded into the background. The sound of scratching becoming more prominent. It was loud and echoing. Bea turned her head to see a message written in blood on the wall.


Bea gasped quickly turned back to where Mr Thompson sat. In his place stood a demonic clown. It had dark red hair, a ghastly painted face and rows and rows of sharp teeth. Its mouth was covered in dark blood dripping down onto Cynthia. Bea screamed as her eyes found the dead body of Cynthia with her throat slit. Her once blonde hair stained with blood, her lifeless eyes gazing at the ceiling.

"Come on Bea, don't be scared it's me aren't we friends?" The clown laughed pouting. It tilted its head to the side, seemingly finding joy in her fear.

"G-g-go away." Bea cried in horror, falling of her chair as she tried to get away. Blood from Cynthia coated the floor causing her to slip to the floor.

"But Bea I'm always going to be with you always and forever." IT said smiling demonically. Bea pushed herself backwards scooting closer to the wall as IT stepped around the table. A trail of blood smeared from her.

"That's their saying, right? Your family or well more like abandoners. Look at you Bea, you know what I see? A weak little girl who has no place in the world." The clown taunted moving closer. It's hands sharp razors reaching out menacingly towards her.

"Bbbbbeeaaaa..... bbbbeeeeeeeaaaaaaaa lovely little bumble Bea." IT sing eerily, an almost hysterical edge to its voice as Bea edged herself backwards crying as the clown crept closer. She hit the wall trapped in place, her breaths coming in panicked gasps.

IT leaned its face in close to hers before whispering. Drool and blood sliding down its chin. Dripping down onto her face. It streaked down looking like tears.

"I'm coming for you, all of you, I will get my revenge."

IT opened its mouth to show millions of sharp teeth as Bea screamed before it leapt forward and the vision cut.

In a bedroom an older looking Bea screamed sitting up In her bed. She started sobbing hysterically, someone sat up beside her trying to calm her down.

"This bit is new." Hope mentioned the family shocked at what they had just seen. They could feel the power radiated off the creature. And it scared them.

"Bea! Bea!" The person beside her said as he tried to grab on to her arms which were hitting the air as if trying to fight something off. "It's me! It's ok you're safe."

Bea stopped moving and threw herself into the persons arms hugging them tightly, as she shook.

"I thought it was a memory Ed's, but then IT showed up it looked exactly the same." Bea whimpered, making the boy hug her tighter as he continued to stroke her hair. Despite the way he flinched slightly at what she had said.

"It's fine, you're safe. We're safe. IT will be gone for 27 years we're fine okay." he replied looking her in the eyes, she nodded and clung to him again her eyes wide with fear. Her eyes darting around the room as if waiting for something to jump out.

The Mikaelson's were all suddenly back at the compound all having one thought, 'What hell did we send our family member too?"'
