The family

Nathaniel's pov

After I had rescued Elena and the others from Katherine I went home to house I had bought in mystic falls but when I got there I sensed a presence I hadn't sensed in eons.

As I made my way through the house I saw a figure in my living and I was stunned as to who it was.

"Michael" I whispered and he look at me with a serious face but with soft eyes as he walked up to me and played his hand on my shoulder "it's been a long time brother " he said and pulled me in for a hug.

I was overcome by emotion as I reciprocated and huged him back and I could handle it and started to cry as well as Michael. I couldn't believe he was here seen any of my family since Lucifer fell.

"Can we have a go at that" said a voice and me and Michael split from our hug and he just smiled as I looked behind him to see Gabriel and Raphael.

We all embraced each other in a hug we didn't realise we needed.

"I can't believe your all here, how did you find me" I asked as Michael laughed "if you didn't want to be found then you shouldn't have used your powers" he said "you're almost as powerful as dad you're like a beacon whenever you use you powers" said Gabriel and I just stood there like an idiot.

*few hours later*

A few hours has passed and it was getting late as me and my siblings caught up with each other on what was happening and It turned out that after I had left so did Gabriel and he referred to himself as the trickster, Michael was the proud and noble warrior by dad's side nand Raphael was the serious one according to Gabriel as he just look at him.

We decided to go out for a bit. As we were out and about in the town square as we passed by many people and before we knew it we were at the grill.

We walked inside and we went to the bar and sat down for a drink and that's when klaus and kol mikaelson came in klaus spotted us and came over with kol "who are these guys nik?" kol asked confused "the better question is who do you have with you?" klaus asked me but before I could reply Michael intervened  "do not act so self-centered
Mr Mikaelson - " before Michael could continue I cut him off "my apologies Niklaus these are my siblings Michael Gabriel and Raphael" I said to him and he just stood there as he did know what to say but kol just laughed as he didn't believe me of course why would he so I took his hand and shook it and showed him.

After I showed kol the truth he looked confused and I just smiled "it's a pleasure to meet you kol Mikaelson my name is Nathaniel" I said to shake him from his daze "yeah" he replied.

After the whole Mikaelson event me and my siblings continued with our evening drinking, talking and laughing untill I saw elena walk in with a blond vampire. Elena saw me smiling at her and she excused herself from her friend and walked over and returned my smile her blond friend noticed and grinded.

"Good evening Elena" I said as I took her hand and kissed it and I saw her blush as she looked away embarrassed "hi" she said in a low voice I just laughed at her shyness and she slapped my arm playfully still blushing.

Elena I would ike to introduce you to my younger siblings" I said as I gestured "this is Michael" I said and elena shook his hand "Raphael" elena shook his hand "and Gabriel" but before elena could his hand he pulled in for a hug "so this is the girl Nate has told us all about" Gabriel said as he released her and I shook my head at his antiques while I held a smile "we are  still one brother short" I said said sadly "you mean Lucifer" elena said as she saw my sad expression as I remained silent "Nathaniel and Lucifer were close they loved each other too much" Michael said to break the silence and the others just nodded and agreed as they also missed him.


After we had our fun and emotional time at the grill my siblings left and I offered to take elena home to which she agreed and as we reached her front door she hulted and turned around "thank you for tonight I had fun" he said sincerely "it's my pleasure sweetheart" I replied and she blushed while smiling "I should get going elena" I said as I kissed her cheek "goodnight" I whispered in her ear as I pulled away her eyes where closed as she whispered "goodnight" and I teleported back home.

Elena's pov

As i opened my eyes I saw no one there and I couldn't deny the fact that I missed him as soon as he left.

I smiled at the thought of him as i went inside and got ready for bed
