The ball

The Mikaelsons were planning a ball and every founding familly was invited  so Nathaniel took it upon himself to invite his brothers to which they agreed except Raphael who said that he didn't like ball's.

Meanwhile the salvatores where still trying to find a way to kill Klaus to which Nathaniel found ridiculous that they were still trying to do something stupid.

*the day of the ball*

Elena's pov

I had told Nate that Esther wanted to have a private conversation with me but Nate was skeptical of me seeing her but after some talk he said that it wouldn't be so private.

Nate had chosen to wear a fill black tux with a bow tie and I had gone with a slim fit black dress as Caroline sneakily had stolen the red dress I wanted so I decided to match with Nate.

As we arrived at the Mikaelson mansion I saw Michael Gabriel and Lucifer were already there dressed in chic suits.

We all greeted each other and went inside.

I had invited Bonnie and and I knew Klaus had invited Caroline because she wouldn't stop complaining about how she thinks he was interested in her even though I had pointed it out that he was several times but everytime I did she just chose to ignore it so I gave up.

As we went inside I saw Bonnie and she saw us as she came over to greet us.

"Hi Bonnie* I said with a smile "hi" she said lowly "what's wrong?" I asked "I don't have a date" she replied sadly but before I could reply I was cut off.

"I would be honoured to be your date" Michael said and she looked at him then me "my apologies where are my manner my name is Michael" he continued "Bonnie" she replied smiling as she extended her hand and Michael took her hand in his and kissed it "it's a pleasure to meet you Bonnie" he said as she blushed.

After Michael took Bonnie as his date we progressed to throght the evening just before the dance Finn Mikaelson came up to me "my mother will see you now" he said seriously "OK just give me a second" as I turned to face Nate "it ok I'll be listening" he told me and kissed me and I turned to face Finn again "ok let's go" as I went with him.

As we went up the stairs I looked down at Nate and saw him smiling which calmed me down.

As we reached a room Finn opened the door and I saw a her Esther Mikaelson with spell equipment laid out in infront of her "I'm glad you accepted my invitation" she said "we have much to discuss".

Nathaniel's pov

Esther had blocked the room with magic so no one could listen in on what was happening inside but luckily it didn't work on angels.

I saw Michael and Bonnie talking and laughing enjoying themselves and I could tell that he was enjoying himself too because I could see it as his face lit up from that serious expression he had all the time.

Bonnie's pov

I was talking to Michael and I was having an amazing time with him.

"So is there anything important I should know about you" I said my curiosity kicking in.

"I have my familly that's important to me as me and my brothers who are here with me except one" he said "mmm so what are you?" I asked suddenly "what do you mean" he asked confused "Well i can tell your not human I can practically taste the power coming from you" I said and he sighed "I'm an angel" he answered and I was shocked "an angel? But that's impossible angels aren't real" I said "I can assure you we are very real" he replied and once I thought about it feeling the power coming from him "wait ... your not the Archangel Michael are you?" I asked as he chuckled "yes I am" he said "you can ask me whatever you wish later but let us enjoy our evening" he said and I nodded.

Elena's pov

"You want my blood to kill your children are you insane your their mother" I said

"I know they are but I must have your blood to destroy the evil I created" she replied "I only need a little" she continued "no"

"If you don't willing give me what I need then I'll have to go to more drastic measures" she said coldly and I got scared I didn't know what she would do to me and before I knew it she sent a spell my way and grabbed my hand and cut my hand which bled on the paper with each of the Mikaelson's name's on it and in a small wooden bowl.

As she got what she needed she started muttering another spell but before she could finish it she was sent flying back into the wall.

I looked towards the door and saw Nathaniel standing there "you dare touch her again and I will ascend upon you" he threatened as he came over to me and took my hand and healed it and he led me out of the room "thank you" I whispered "your welcome love" he said and smiled at me.

*one hour later*

After the incident with Esther me and Nate went on to continue with our night when everyone was called for attention by Elijah as all the Mikaelson's gathered on the stairs.

"Tonight's main event will commence so please grab a partner and make your way into the ballroom". He said as everyone did as he asked as me and Nate went into the ballroom.

Rebekah's pov

As I made my way down the stairs I was stopped by someone.

"Excuse me miss Mikaelsons" he said and I turned to see the most beautiful man I had ever seen in my thousand years of life "I'm here without a date and would really love it if you would do me the honours of accompanying me as my date" he said poshly.

I smiled and extended my hand to him and introduced myself "Rebekah Mikaelson" he took my hand and kissed it "Lucifer".

I raised an eyebrow at his name and I felt my face heat up but I composed myself as we entered the ballroom.

As the dancing was about to begin he took my hand "May I have this dance" he asked me to which I took his hand and nodded and we made our way to the dance floor.

As the music started and we danced I couldn't help but ask "why did you name yourself after the devil" and he laughed lightly "I didn't my father named me" he said as he smiled at me "your father as in God capital G?" I asked he smiled again and nodded "yes".

"If you don't believe me I could prove it to you after the dance" he asked and I agreed.

Bonnie's pov

Me and Michael were dancing and I was really enjoying it and I was really enjoying him too.

No one's pov

Lucifer and Rebekah were having great time as we're Elena and Nathaniel and Michael and Bonnie.

Gabriel found a girl, April was her name and they were having fun dancing.
