t w o - c l a r k e

Imagine Clarke saving you when you get injured by a grounder.

Pain coursed through your body as Finn and Bellamy carried you inside the drop ship. A blade stuck in your stomach from a grounder attack the three of you had encountered on your hunt.

Clarke was there in minutes clearing off a space for them to rest you. As they set you on the table you groaned in agony.

Clarke took ahold of your hand, making you look at her.

"You're going to be okay, alright? I just need you to keep your eyes open." She said before she got to work.

She began cutting your shirt in half to inspect the knife and how deep it was. Ignoring the fact that you were half naked, Clarke began cleaning the wound, disposing of the blood around the knife.

You laid there helpless and in pain, not knowing what was going to happen to you. Bellamy had warned you not to come with them for you could get hurt, but being as stubborn as you were you disobeyed and went with them.

You regretted it. Now you were at the risk of death. You were scared and soon began to cry.

"C-Clarke." You called, making the blonde's head snap to your direction.

"I'm scared." You whimpered. Clarke shuffled towards your face, holding your hand once again.

"I am too, but you're going to fine. I promise. I'll do everything to keep you alive." Clarke promised. She gave you some reassurance as she began to work again.

Finn came in shortly to help, only to hold your hand the entire time. He was your best friend, the one to always protect you, but this time you'd been the one to protect him.

You saw the grounder before both boys did, and saw that the attack was directed at Finn. If you hadn't jumped in the way and took the knife for Finn, he'd be in this position.

"Y/N, I'm gonna need you to either distract your self or clench on something. This is going to be extremely painful." You looked Clarke's way and saw her hand grasped around the base of the knife.

"Let me do it. You distract her." Finn volunteered. You wanted to hold his hand still, but knew he felt guilty for letting you save him.

Clarke told him what to do before taking your hand and leaning her forehead against yours, surprising you. You had no idea what was about to happen.

"On three." Finn announced and you nodded before looking back at Clarke.

"One." Finn said, tightening his grip on the knife, preparing to pull it out.

"Two." Clarke whispered.

You were about to say three when Clarke leaned forward and her lips met yours. You were surprised, greatly, but you didn't deny the feeling inside you as you began to kiss back.

Second later you felt this excruciating pain through your body and you wanted to scream, but Clarke pressed her lips harder against yours and you squeezed her hand.

The kiss ended and she rested her forehead against yours once again. You took a deep breath before watching Clarke smile.

"Woah." You whispered.

Clarke stood up and started to clean the wound quickly before grabbing a needle and thread and began stich in the wound.

Finn took Clarke's place and held your hand once more. He gave you a smirk and wiggled his eyebrows.

"You got your wish." He whispers in your ear before winking. You rememeber telling him about your small crush for Clarke, that now grew just a little bigger now knowing her feelings.

