t h i r t e e n - c l a r k e

Imagine Clarke and you are dating and she is always protective of you, and even sometimes a little jealous.

You and Clarke had been dating for sometime, and it was the closest thing to perfect.

You and her had bonded over the training of becoming a doctor from your parents and became your people's tag team.

You were both always at the scene of the crime and alway tried to help anyone that was injured, usually succeeding at keeping the patient alive.

After that it was smooth sailing, besides the awkwardness after discovering the crush you had on your fellow co-worker.

It took a while before you both became completely comfortable with each other, along with getting used to the jealous moments that'd occur at certain times.

The protectivness didn't come until a little later on.

Besides your skills with medication and healing, you also had a passion for adventure. You and Finn would always find a way to sneak out and go for a walk somewhere outside camp and see what you could find.

Usually that would trigger both the protective and jealous part of Clarke. You didn't realize that until one night.

You and Finn had planned to go on a night walk when Clarke inturrupted your conversation.

"Night walk? That not safe, Y/N." Clarke stated as she put your arm around your shoulders.

You gave Finn a look before turning to Clarke as Finn walked away. You looked at your girlfriend with a smile.

"Clarke, I've done this may times with Finn and I've never gotten hurt, you need to stop being so paranoid about what's behind those terribly built walls." She laughed before putting her other arm around your waist.

"You saw what happened to Jasper and Finn, it's never safe." She said, reminding you of the past incidents.

"Those were completely by accident, but both of their faults. I think I'll be a little more careful than them." After a few more words spoken between each other she finally agreed to let you go.

With a quick kiss you skipped off towards Finn who sent you a dazzling smile once you told him the good news.


Later that night you and him hurried out of the camp and into another direction of the woods where you soon stumbked upon a small clearing.

As it got pitch black you latched onto Finn's hand, something you'd always do when it got to a certain point in the night. He didn't mind it either, he just knew.

The forest soon began to light up with many beautiful colours. Plants began to open up and change colours. Pinks, greens and blues were shining all over the place you stood.

It was utterly amazing.

"This is amazing." You whispered, still clutching to his hand.

"It is." Finn agree.

You found yourself laying doen on the ground, pulling Finn with you as you watched everything come to life in and completely different way.

"We are totally coming back her again." You exclaimed and soon laughed happily.

Later that night your returned, still holding onto Finn's hand when you kissed his cheek and bid him goodnight.

Clarke stood at the entrance of your tent you both shared, arms crossed and waiting patiently for you, trying to ignore the jealously coursing through her veins.

You kissed her cheek and muttered a 'hello' before entering your tent, her following behind almost instantly.

You began to change when you were spun around and forced into the arms of your girlfriend and her lips to yours.

The jealously had gotten up to 100 when you made the innocent move on Finn and she felt the need to remind you that you were her girlfriend, not Finn's.

Her arms traveled to your legs and made you jump to wrap them around her waist as she laid on top of you in the heated make out session.

You lips moved perfectly with hers until you finally understood what was going on since she had never kissed you like this so suddenly before. With a smile you started to laugh, making her stop it from going any farther.

"You shouldn't be jealous, I picked you for a reason." You sighed with a smile as you ran your fingers up and down Clarke's arm.

"I know, but we haven't done this in a while either." Clarke smirked as she leaned closer to your face again.

"True, but let's do it when your jealous, it's more fun." You giggled before you began to finished what Clarke had started.


I really enjoyed writing this tbh
