n i n e - b e l l a m y

Imagine getting a massage from Bellamy

The day had been long and you were ready to sleep. You had gotten changed so you only wore a tank top and shorts. Sitting on the edge of the bed you waited for Bellamy to come inside the tent you shared.

He eventually did and saw the discomfort as you rubbed your shoulders. He dropped everything and saw behind you, letting his hands rest on your shoulders and began to massage them.

You closed you eyes and began to relax, feeling the release of the pain you'd felt the entire day. He pressed harder, sending a little pain through your body and loosened the knots.

He began kissing your shoulder as he moved his hands down you back, massaging each part for the same amount of time.

You sighed happily as your muscles smoothed out, and Bellamy's light kisses on you back making you quite sleepy.

His hands were suddenly lifted from your back, making you turn to your boyfriend. You gave him a questioning look.

"My turn." He said before taking you place on the bed. You laughed but sat on his back gently and began rubbing his shoulders.

He let out a slight moan, making you smile. It was working.

You continued rubbing his shoulders then slowly went lower down his back.
You both continued going back and forth until you ended up falling asleep on top of him.
If you have any ideas for an imagine you'd like me to wrote please don't hesitate to comment! I'll most likely write it :)
