Something New to Worry About

Dr. Shannon stood back and shrugged his shoulders as he took in how miserable Ant seemed to be. He blew out a breath and put his hands on his hips then spoke. "I've done some readings on fever and how it can sometimes be stress induced. I'm thinking that this may well be...stress related."

" do we...what do we need to do?" Martin asked, confusion very evident in his tone as he stared at Ant who had crossed his arms over his chest as another chill cause him to shudder.

"Although, I don't believe it is one, I recommend that we treat this like any other virus that may come up," the doctor answered, looking at Ant, watching as another shiver caused him to hug himself even harder. "I want you to get some rest, eat well, doesn't have to be much but it needs to be good food, no junk." Ant nodded in understanding and tiredly sat down on the edge of Dec's bed. "You also need to drink plenty of liquids, preferably caffeine free and you can take paracetamol for the fever and any achiness you might be feeling."

"So...Ant's going to be okay?" Dermott asked, his tone more than relieved now that he knew what he and Martin could do to help the younger man.

"You're going to be fine...give it a day, or two, Anthony," Kerry said, patting his warm shoulder. "By the's that eye?" he asked, cupping Ant's chin in his hand, turning his head to better see the mottled bruise encircling his left eye. Ant shrugged. "Not really hurting...more sore than anything, I guess."

"The paracetamol will help out with that, too," the doctor said before turning to look down at Dec.

"Now as far Declan...he should be coming out of the sedative in the next few hours. Keep him quiet and calm. If he's hungry, it needs to be something cool or cold. No warm foods until after I've seen him tomorrow, at least. We don't need his temperature to spike again. I also recommend a good sponge bath or a brief bath in the tub in slightly warmer than tepid water...either will make him feel more human once he's alert. Leave the mask on him until I return and Danny will be coming by in a few hours to change out the antibiotics." Several more instructions and suggestions were made and questions were answered before Dermott walked the doctor down the stairs then watched him drive away.

About an hour later, Lisa texted Ant, letting him know that she was on her way over. When he didn't readily answer, she thought that he must be busy with Dec and didn't think much more about it. She knocked on the back gate door but was disappointed to see Dermott opening it for her.

"Not who you wanted to see," Dermott said with a smile as he stepped back, allowing her to enter the garden.

"Well, I had hoped to see Anth but I guess he's busy with Declan," she said, taking a seat at the patio table while Dermott remained standing. "To be perfectly honest with you, Lisa, he having  bit of a kip. He's feeling a bit off color."

At that bit of information, Lisa stood up and Dermott quickly tried to reassure her. He took her by the elbow and sat down, drawing her back down onto her seat beside him.

"Dr. Shannon seems to think it might be stressed induced. He's had a very hard time getting any rest for at least the last 48 hours and he's a bit run down, now."

" it's not serious," Lisa replied with a sigh of relief.

"Kerry said to treat Ant as if he has a virus with rest, good healthy meals and plenty of fluids."

"How's Doolittle doing?" she asked, suddenly feeling a bit guilty for not having asked already.

"Still isn't alert yet but he's showing some signs of coming out of the sedative. Kerry said that once he's awake and alert, we can give him cool drinks and chilled foods for about 24 hours. Need to keep it all on the cool side to help keep his temperature from spiking again."

Lisa sat straighter at that bit of information before smiling broadly. "So...chilled soups and smoothies," she said thoughtfully. "I can take care of that for you, Dermott. I know that I have everything for a chilled cucumber soup that Deccy has enjoyed more than once before. I might even have everything for a golden gazpacho, too. Just give me a few hours and I'll bring it over."

With that said, Lisa and Dermott headed over to the garden gate and she quickly gave Dermott a hug before going through it to go home.

It was nearing 4 in the afternoon when Dec first showed true signs of coming out of the sedative. There were small movements and his breathing would slightly speed up when his name was said or when one of them touched him.

For Dec, he could hear unidentifiable voices floating overhead and he could feel the occasional dip of the bed when something seemed to sit heavily by him. This carried on for a brief time before he felt a hand lightly gripping his and he heard his name being said. It took tremendous effort, but he turned his head toward the voice and quietly groaned. His limbs felt incredibly heavy and were stiff with disuse. The voices became more insistent and he felt something cold on his forehead and he slightly jerked, startled and once again groaned in protest, moving his head in an effort to rid himself of the discomfort. Moments later, he slowly opened his eyes then slammed them shut, wincing. "Bright...too...bright," he whined and immediately, a hand descended, effectively covering his eyes, blocking out the light. He stilled his movements as he began recognizing the voices. "...Mart..."

"Yes...welcome back titch," Martin answered, his tone warm. "Dermott turned off the lights but we have the bathroom lights on so we can see you...okay, titch? I'm going to move my hand...ready?" Martin felt his brother nodding his head beneath his hand and, seconds later, he was more than pleased to see Declan blinking heavily up at him, confusion very evident on his face. Dermott leaned in with a smile and lay a hand gently on Dec's head, carefully caressing him. "Glad to see you awake, littlen," he said before standing to the side so that Ant could step in to greet Dec. Martin stood up from the bed, allowing Ant to sit and he immediately grasped his friend's hand. "Bet you're wondering what's been going on..." Ant said quietly. "'ve been asleep but sleep was what you really needed, Decs." Dec squinted up at his friend then frowned.

"What...happened to you, Anth?" he asked, reaching out a trembling hand to touch his friend's bruised face.

"Nothing for you to worry about, Decs," Ant replied, while gently taking his friend's hand In his and quickly changing the subject. "Dr. Shannon suggested we get you cleaned up once you came to so..." At that, Declan simply nodded in response then slightly moved in discomfort on the bed. Moments later, he was carried into the bathroom by his brothers, the portable oxygen tank resting on his lap. With help, he was allowed to relieve himself while the tub was filled with water, only slightly warmer than tepid. In no way did anyone want to see his temperature spike again.

Dec's time in the tub was brief, giving Ant enough time to change the bedding and to start a load of laundry. He had barely finished the tasks before he felt completely knackered and, if he was to be honest with himself, a bit dizzy and light headed as he slowly climbed the stairs from the basement to the second floor. Again, the doctor's words came to mind and he took a deep breath, willing himself to feel better...this was not the time for him to be down. Martin, Dermott and Dec, for that matter, were going to need him to stay on his feet. He would just have to take better care of himself but Dec would have to come first. Maybe he'd rest only when Dec was resting...that would insure that he could help the brothers too. He rubbed a hand over his face and entered the bedroom at the same time the bathroom door opened and a clean and warmly clothed Declan was carried again, between his brothers, before being set down onto the bed then covered with a layer of blankets.

"You look much better, Declan," Ant said with a smile.

"Aye...feeling a bit better like," Dec replied, his voice slightly muffled by the oxygen mask before he dropped his gaze to his lap. He took in a breath then began speaking so quietly that it was hard to hear what he was saying through the mask. "I know what happened last night, Anth. I don't remember...everything, and I don't want to, but...Mart and Dermott told me I hit you then they showed me what happened when you had to help them hold me down." Dec lifted his eyes and he looked impossibly vulnerable as he stared at his friend. "I didn't mean to hurt your Decs," Ant began but Dec was quick to interrupt. "...and I didn't mean to hurt you," he said before looking to his brothers. "Just like they didn't mean to leave marks on me legs either."

" we said, we were only trying to help Kerry help you, Deccy," Martin said quietly with a small smile, knowing that they could finally put the incident to bed and be done with it. Dec nodded his head then rubbed the bruised knuckles on his right hand. "You have a hard head, Anthony," he said with a tired smile causing Ant to laugh out loud. "Aye and you have a wicked right hook, Doolittle."

"Now that we've taken care of that, are you feeling a bit hungry, Dec's" Martin asked with a bigger smile.

"Aye...I guess," Dec replied with his own tired smile. He just couldn't believe how incredibly knackered he was after his quick bath.

"Well, that's great to hear, littlen," Dermott said with a grin. "We need to keep it to liquids for now and they have to be fairly cool about some water to start then some chilled cucumber soup. Lisa brought it by about an hour ago, when you were taking in a kip, Ant," he said with a small smile. Ant nodded, he had received a text from his wife not too long after she had made the deliver but he hadn't had a chance to reply yet.

Dec ran a hand over his stomach. "I'd rather just stick to water for now," he said quietly before leaning back against his pillows.

"Why don't we let you rest for a bit while I go get that water, Declan," Martin said with a small smile. Several minutes later, everyone was satisfied by how much cool water Declan drank before once again sinking back into his pillows in exhaustion.

"I know I slept for a while but...I'm beyond knackered, lads," he whispered. Ant sat down on the bed.

"If you don't mind, Doolittle, I'm going to join you for a bit," he said, just as quietly as he looked to Dermott and Martin for their approval. In response, Martin went out into the hallway to the linen closet then returned with a quilt his grandmother had sewn so many years ago. He shook it out then lay it across the younger man. "Get some rest, Anth...we'll be downstairs taking a kip ourselves." Ant didn't need much encouragement and, within moments, he fell asleep.

A few hours later, Martin brought Dec a small cup of the chilled soup. Carefully, he pulled aside the oxygen mask so that it dangled under his brother's chin then watched as Dec slowly sipped the soup. It wasn't long before he had had his fill and handed the half empty cup to his brother who set it on the bedside table. When he turned his attention back to Dec, he frowned at the sound of his short gasping breaths.

"Let's put this back on, Deccy," he said, making sure his tone was calmer than he was actually feeling. He placed the oxygen mask back over his brother's face, noting that sweat was now starting to bead on his forehead. Dec took several breaths before settling back against his pillows, completely exhausted after struggling to breathe.

" on..." he said between breaths, closing his eyes as sleep seemed to be pulling at him.

Keeping his voice calm so that he didn't give away just how anxious he was, Martin agreed. "Looks that way, titch but it won't be for long like." He watched as Declan began to rub his arms with a deepening frown. Following Dec's short bath, Martin and Dermott had made sure to rub creams all over his body before clothing him in a soft long sleeved t-shirt in an effort to keep him from scratching his arms raw. At that moment Ant entered the bedroom and sat down beside his friend and he was quickly followed by Dermott and medic Daniel Johnson.

"Okay, Dec's?" Ant asked, watching as his friend opened his eyes and shook his head.

"Feels like...a green ant...bush tucker trial, Anth," he murmured not realizing who all had entered the room. Martin stood and shook hands with Daniel and Dermott introduced the pair to each other.

With a smile, Daniel said, "Nice to meet another Donnelly" before sitting down at Dec's side, his smile quickly disappearing as he took in Dec's pale features and short breaths.

"How long has he been having breathing problems?" he asked, gently taking Dec's face into his hands before removing a pen light from his shirt pocket.
"Just started not too long ago," Martin answered, watching as Daniel turned his attention back to Dec.
"I need to take a quick look in your mouth, Declan."
"Hurts to open it too wide," Dec said, missing the looks darting between his brothers...they had no clue about that new development. Daniel looked at Ant, who had scooted closer to his friend's side. "I need to move the mask but I also need it to stay close enough that he can continue to get assistance." Ant nodded then gently pulled the mask just far enough to the side so that Daniel could shine his light into Dec's partially opened mouth. Almost immediately, it was evident that something just wasn't quite right when Dec's breaths became shallow and much quicker...almost as if he was panting in an effort to get in enough air. In the meantime, Daniel spent a few seconds looking to see if Dec's throat was swelling shut and he was relieved to see that, other than the painful sores filling his mouth and throat, he looked good..there was some swelling but it wasn't too serious...just very painful looking. He sat back and Ant immediately placed the mask back over Dec's face then put his arm around his friend's shoulders as he struggled to get his breathing under control. At the same time,  Martin and Dermott frowned, their concern reaching an all time high but Daniel's slight smile helped to bring that concern down a notch.

" looks like he has sores going down into his throat and that might be making breathing a challenge since there is some swelling. I'll give Dr. Shannon a call and it might be that he'll prescribe a corticosteroid shot to help with the pain and swelling. Just give me a few minutes. If he approves it, I'll have to get everything at hospital and it might take a bit." Daniel left the room and made his phone call in the hallway. In the meantime, Dec rested against his pillows...the inability to breathe properly had further worn him out and he sighed as sleep overtook him.

Minutes later, Daniel told the group that he was heading to hospital for the necessary medications to give Dec the shot but first he'd change out Dec's bag of antibiotics. It didn't take but just a few minutes before the task was finished. Daniel woke Dec from his sleep then did a few more quick checks of his vitals before leaving to pick up what he needed. 

"Shouldn't take me too long since Kerry is going to expedite the meds so get some rest, Declan and I'll be back soon." Martin walked the medic back down the stairs then stood in the doorway, watching several cars drive by as if the drivers didn't have a care in the world. With a shake of his head, Martin stepped back inside the house, then closed and locked the door.
