He Just Can't Seem To Catch a Break

The much needed rest did not come easily for Declan that night...nor for his brothers or even Ant, for that matter. Dec would fall into a fitful sleep only to be awakened by barking, wet coughs that would almost explode out of him. After a couple of hours, his chest and back muscles felt as if they were being torn apart, as did his throat. By the early morning hours his coughing had even resulted in burst blood vessels in both his eyes. Never in his life had he felt so miserable and tears had threatened to fall more than once.

Dr. Shannon arrived at about 8 that morning only to be greeted by a bleary eyed Martin. Just as he stepped into the house he heard, what sounded like, a barking cough floating down from upstairs. He turned to Martin and pointed toward the top of the stairs.
"He's been up most of the night with the cough...from about midnight on," Martin supplied, rubbing a hand wearily over his face before heading up the stairs with the doctor following close behind. "He drops off then about 10 minutes later, he's awake again. We have him sitting up but it hasn't really helped," he finished as they walked down the hallway. He pointed at two closed doors, "Dermott and Ant are trying to get some rest," he added, slightly lowering his voice as they walked into the bedroom and closed the door.

With a shake of his head, Dr. Shannon takes in the sad sight before him...Dec's sweaty head is back against the pillows, his sores a stark contrast to how washed out and pale he looks. Dec happens to turn and look at him, causing the doctor to give out a low whistle as he sits down beside the young man. "When did this happen?" he asked cupping Dec's over warm face in his hands, turning his head to better see how bad his eyes looked. 
Maybe a couple of hours ago," Martin replied. "I looked it up online and it didn't sound too serious so that's why I didn't call you." "Subconjunctival hemorrhage...you're right, it's nothing serious. Just doesn't look very nice," he said in a low voice as he looked through his medical bag then pulled out his penlight. He checked Dec's eyes and didn't see anything bothersome. Just as he finished, Dec started coughing again, his right hand flew up to his shirt, gripping it, almost in an effort to keep his lungs from bursting through his skin, as the painful cough ripped through his body. He pulled off the oxygen mask then leaned forward as Martin thrust a bowl under his brother's face, grimacing as Dec coughed up phlegm then fell back against the pillows. Kerry took note of the color of it as he placed the mask back over Dec's face then pulled out his stethoscope to listen to his breathing.

"I definitely hear some wheezing when he breathes in and I'm leaning toward his possibly being in the early stages of developing bronchitis but that's much better than pneumonia," he said, looking up to see a few tears escaping Dec's eyes as he tiredly rubbed a hand over his arm then his belly, the incessant itching coming back full force.
"Don't...think...been...this...sick...before," were the only words Dec could manage to say between short coughs. He was the very definition of miserable.
Kerry spent several minutes giving Dec a once over, frowning as he found his blood pressure to be a bit off then frowning even further when he found that his temperature hadn't improved much since the previous evening.
Kerry then stood up and while quickly thinking through his options, he put his hands on his hips then blew out a breath before looking down at Dec.

"Okay...we're going to get you some temporary relief while I go to the chemist and pick up some medications, but we're going to need some help," he said before turning to Martin. "If you'll wake up the others, I'm going to take a look in Dec's shower to see what the set up is like."

Martin nodded, watching as the doctor went into the bathroom before walking out the bedroom and down hallway. Several minutes later, Dr. Shannon was explaining what he wanted to do.

"We're in luck since his shower is quite large and the head is a rain shower so we shouldn't have to worry about him coming in contact with the water. We're going to turn the water on as hot as possible, and one of you will need to sit in the shower with him since he's probably too weak to do it on his own. The steam will work on loosening up the gunk he has building up in his lungs. He'll be able to breathe easier."

"Won't it raise his temperature?" Ant asked, not wanting a repeat of Sunday night. The hallucinations had left a lasting impression and he already knew that, once he was able to truly get some real sleep, he'd be having nightmares of his own.

"That's where the extra help is going to come in handy. We'll need to keep his body covered with a cool towel and an cold pack on his neck.  We can also give him cool water to drink. This is only going to be for 15 to 20 minutes but he will get some relief."

"If he gets relief, then we can all get some, too," Dermott said, with a sigh, sitting down beside his brother, reaching out to wipe away new tears as they escaped, knowing how truly miserable he must be feeling to allow himself to be seen as being so vulnerable.

"Martin...can you get him down to his boxers then..." the doctor started only to stop when Dec weakly shook his head and moaned a "nooo" into the oxygen mask.

"Shorts...wear shorts...third...third drawer...closet..." he said before once again going into a coughing fit that left him breathless. That got everyone into motion and minutes later, he was carried between his two brothers into the bathroom where Ant was waiting for him inside the steamy shower, having borrowed a pair of Dec's larger sized shorts to wear.

"Let's change this out so that he can drink some cool water while in there," the doctor said as he removed the mask and replaced it with a nasal cannula. "You're going to be okay, Declan. Just let the steam do it's job," he added with a smile of confidence before nodding at the brothers.

"Got him," Martin said to Dermott as he shifted, taking Dec into his arms as he stepped into the shower while Ant sat down against the back wall, well away from the near scalding hot water. He spread his legs as Dec was lowered into his arms and he simply cradled his friend, letting Dec's bottom sit on the floor with his legs over draped over his left leg. Dec leaned his head weakly against the crook of Ant's neck, coughs making his body shudder against Ant's. Moments later, the doctor stepped into the shower and placed a cold, wet towel around Dec's  back as well as over his legs. He then placed a cool flannel on Dec's neck then lay a chemical ice pack on it. "Think this will make you feel better, lad," he said to Dec before placing the stethoscope on Dec's bare chest then his back, listening to his lungs. "This is going to help...it'll need to be done at least 2 more times today."

Standing up, he retreated from the shower. "I'm heading to the chemist now and should be back fairly quickly. Keep pouring cool water over the towel every few minutes and I'll have the medications back here then we'll take it from there. Call me if needed." With that, he walked out of the room.

Ant kept his arms firmly wrapped around his friend while speaking quietly into his right ear. Every once in a while, he'd get a reply but, for the most part, the steamy shower was doing it's job and, for the first time in several hours, Dec was able to get some much needed rest, his body becoming heavier in Ant's arms as he slept. Ever few minutes a cough would escape him and Martin would have his brother take a few sips of cool water out of a beaker, but for the most part, they let him sleep. Ant closed his own eyes and leaned his head back against the shower wall. He was getting a bit uncomfortable in the hot shower and he opened his eyes and turned to look at the steamy cloud coming up from the floor. He then turned his head to look up at the ceiling, closed his eyes and blew a breath up his face. Seconds later, he slightly startled when a cool flannel was placed over his eyes and forehead and Martin's voice floated above him. "Water?" he asked and Ant felt a straw brush against his lips. He drank the beaker's entire contents. "Thanks, Mart...wouldn't mind some more," Ant replied with a small smile and moments later, his thirst had been satisfied. "Won't be much longer before the doctor gets back, Anth," Dermott said from his seat on the side of the tub before crossing himself then bowing his head in quiet prayer for them all.

About 30 minutes later, Ant was taking a shower to cool off in his bathroom while the doctor gave Dec a good once over, looking for new sores, checking to see how well sores were scabbing as well as checking his vitals. Once finished, he sat back on the bed and put his stethoscope behind his neck. "You're looking good and it seems like the sores in your throat are the worse I've seen them but the coughing has irritated them. I know you don't have much of an appetite, but we need to get something on your stomach before you take the new medications...something light." Turning to the others, he added, "he has to have something on his stomach with each dose just as he should have been doing with the antibiotics."
Dec frowned and rubbed his stomach as he harshly coughed again. "Not...sure...I...can keep...it down."
"Half piece of lightly buttered toast or 2 to 3 crackers will do or you will be sick, Declan...you don't have to eat it all, lad. It'll certainly help keep you from being nauseous and possibly throwing up. That wouldn't feel good with your muscles or your throat."

"If...you...put it...that way..." Dec replied with a frown before nodding at Dermott who had been waiting for the go ahead to go to the kitchen. He headed out just as Dec started coughing again, squeezing his eyes tightly shut at the terrible discomfort before sitting straight up, grateful that Martin was quick put the bowl in his lap.
"Let me see," Kerry said with a sigh. 'Doesn't seem to be getting darker so we're still okay." He walked into the bathroom and emptied the contents into the toilet then cleaned out the bowl in the tub. Once he finished he came back into the bedroom and put the bowl at the end of the bed.
Moments later, Ant followed Dermott into the room, rubbing a towel over his head before taking into the bathroom knowing he'd need it again in a few hours.

Dermott made it back up to the bedroom with the toast and cup of coffee for himself, intent on sitting with Dec while the others went downstairs to grab a quick meal knowing that he certainly didn't need everyone milling around, watching him eat.

About 20 minutes later, Dr. Shannon placed the new medicines on the bed. "This is Lortab for pain," he said, holding up a bottle. "He's in quite a bit of discomfort so let's start with 2 every 4 to 6 hours. We can back off in 24 to 48 hours once we can get his cough under control." He glanced at the group then looked down at Declan. "And, speaking of your cough, this is tussionex syrup which should help tremendously with it. Now, there are some side effects with both, so here are some leaflets for information...I'm not expecting more than drowsiness...possibly mood swings...maybe even itching but the creams and an oatmeal bath will help out there. We need to hold off on the benadryl for a bit...see how he does with these first." With that said, the doctor made quick work of giving Dec the medications before urging him to visit the restroom and brush his teeth. In the meantime, Ant made quick work of changing the bedding while Dermott and Martin carried their brother to the restroom. Once Dec was settled back into bed, Kerry stayed for about 30 more minutes monitoring him, seeing that it looked like the drowsiness would be the main side effect but that would mean he would be getting the rest he needs to heal. "He needs to stay with the oxygen mask, even in the shower, until we know how he's doing better with the coughing and the possible bronchitis. The medications are making him drowsy so it's a necessity, for now."

The doctor then turned to Ant and had him sit down at the end of the bed for a quick exam. "I think it's safe to say that you don't need to take any sedatives in the future," he said with a small smile. Ant returned the smile and shrugged. "I was exhausted so I guess that played a big part in the whole mess.

"Aye...I agree." After a few minutes, the doctor was satisfied with Ant's vitals. "You need to get some rest...all of you do," he added, glancing back at the brothers who shrugged. "We'll try," Dermott said. "Fair enough," Kerry replied while gathering his supplies together, standing when he was finished. He glanced at Dec and saw that he was asleep, his breathing a bit wheezy but at least he was getting some rest. He gave Dec's right leg a squeeze through the covers then walked toward the bedroom door.

"I'll walk you down, Kerry," Ant said, carrying the load of dirty bedding down the stairs with Dermott following behind. Ant continued through the lounge and down another flight of stairs to the utility room to start the load of laundry.

"I'll be back by, let's say...9 tonight?" Kerry said, glancing at his watch to see that it was nearing noon and he had errands to run for his wife that afternoon. "If a need arises, don't hesitate to call, lads. He's 5 days in so we should be turning the corner in about 2 to 3 days."

"That's encouraging," Dermott replied before shaking hands with Kerry and watching him walk through the front door.

It was about 6 hours later, after Dec had eaten a small bowl of cold mashed bananas and had an oatmeal bath that he was given his second does of medications. His cough had slowly returned and was painful, but the medicines were quick to start working.

While he was resting, Ant was outside in the back garden eating with Lisa on the patio, trying catch up with her. Once they had finished the meal and Lisa had left, Ant felt that his spirits had been lifted with the brief amount of time he was able to spend with his wife.

At the same time, Dermott and Martin were quietly visiting while watching over their brother. Once it seemed like Dec had finally settled into sleep, Dermott took the opportunity to take a shower before lying down since he planned to take the late shift of sitting with Dec again.

It had been about 30 to 45 minutes since Dec had take the medication and Martin was trying to answer some emails on his laptop while sitting in the small reading nook in the corner of the room. He was trying to diplomatically answer an email that had been sent by a particularly difficult customer and, just as he had his thoughts together and was about to start, they were interrupted by a muffled giggle coming from the bed across the room. Martin was slightly startled since Dec had been asleep for about 30 minutes already. He slowly glanced over the top of his reading glasses, watching as his brother was now sitting up, looking at his hands, turning them while grinning. For a few seconds, Martin watched, unsure as to how to react as he slowly pulled off his glasses, closed his laptop then lay them both on the floor by his chair. He then hesitated before walking over to stand at the foot of the bed. Dec looked up and waved at his brother then became distracted by his hand moving. He then stuck out his tongue in concentration, watching as he suddenly made his fingers wiggle. He sat back with a look of surprise then giggled again.

"Look it, Marty...they wiggle...look it...they wiggle just like...wiggly...little...wiggly worms!" He then started laughing hysterically as he watched his fingers move. The laughter brought out a cough but he didn't seem bothered by it and it ended fairly quickly.

Martin shook his head in bewilderment, trying to decide if he was prepared to deal with this new development as he walked around the side of the bed and sat down beside his brother. Again, Dec wiggled his fingers then looked at his brother. "Look...look it, Marty...they wiggle...but...do...do yours...wiggle?" he asked almost breathlessly, as his excitement began to cause him some breathing problems.

"Deccy...you were asleep, titch...why don't you," Martin began, hoping to calm his brother down, only to stop when Dec pointed at him.

"Can't...can't...you make...your fingers...wiggle?" he asked, his tone suddenly sad, his face full of concern, as if he was worried that his big brother's fingers couldn't wiggle like his.

In response, Martin slowly raised his hands then wiggled his fingers, much to Dec's delight and he couldn't help but smile at him.

"Faster...faster...Marty..." Dec urged while moving his fingers as fast as he could. Again, Martin obeyed, feeling as if he were once again playing with one of his kids when they had been very young. Back then, if they handed him their toy phone to answer it, he did it automatically without hesitation. At that point, Dec began to sing twinkle, twinkle little star as he moved his fingers but then moved on to the wheels on the bus.

At the same time, Dermott had just finished his shower and was coming in to see if Martin wanted to take a break before he took a nap. He walked into Dec's bedroom, only to stop short upon hearing his brother singing..."the wheels...on the...bus go round...and round...the wipers...go...round...no...the wheels...go beep...go..." before stopping and looking at Martin, his face full of confusion. "Marty...I can't...remember...sing it...sing it...with...with me...please."

Martin slightly shook his head and, with a sigh, began singing with Dec, doing the motions while Dermott pulled out his phone and began filming. Martin looked up and glared at him but continued to sing with Dec until the song was finished. It was at that point Dermott put his phone up. "Good blackmail material," he said with a smile.

"You're a priest...you can't blackmail anyone," Martin replied with a grin.

"Aye...that's why I'm sending it to Sharon...and the others...even Ant. I'll let them do what they wish with it," Dermott replied with a laugh, before sitting down on the opposite side of the bed. "How long has he been doing this?" he asked, slightly concerned that Dec hadn't even acknowledged his presence.

"About 20 minutes...give or take," Martin answered watching as Dec began counting his fingers then moving them again, with a big smile. It was at this point that he noticed Dermott and the whole wiggly finger fun started all over again because, as far as Dec was concerned, he had a new playmate in his other brother. Eventually, Dec started slowing down, as drowsiness once again began to take hold, causing him to yawn widely every few minutes until he just lay back against the pillows and fell back asleep.

"Well that was...interesting," Martin said before looking at Dermott. "Help me." The two of them rearranged Dec so that he was more reclined on the pillows rather than sitting up, all without waking him. Once finished, Martin said he needed a break, leaving the room and Dermott took his place at Dec's bedside. "You just can't seem to catch a break...can ya, titch..." he said quietly before pulling his phone out to watch the video with a smile while quietly singing along.
