Mine Mayhem

Aft - Bottom
Optics - Eyes
Helm - Head
Servos - Hands
Digits - Fingers
Berth - Bed
Energon - Blood/Fuel Source
Back Struts - Back
Face Plates - Cheeks
Optic Ridge - Eyebrow
Dermas - Lips
Frame - Body
Face Plates - Cheeks
Chassis - Chest
Audio Receptors - Ears
Peds - Feet

(Knockouts POV)
I can't believe this, out of everyone Megatron could have chosen why us?! Breakdown stepped through the groundbridge and I followed with a sigh. Once the groundbridge closed behind us I growled loudly and turned to Breakdown. "Why do we have to be the ones to check on the mine? I'm sure they're just fine!" I pouted crossing my arms as I walked beside Breakdown.

"Knockout the mine hasn't checked in to confirm their status, something could be wrong." I sighed.

"Well why not send Starscream I'm sure he would be happy to go on an assignment for once." I looked down at the ground as we began to approach the energon mine. I heard Breakdown chuckle.

"You're just grouchy cause our little moment was interrupted." I looked up at his smug expression. I could feel my face plates warm up. I was about to say something but stopped when I heard what sounded like fighting up ahead, it had to be the Autobots. Breakdown smiled and rushed in to find Bulkhead whom he considered his battle buddy as he calls it. I however was hesitant, I knew if I participated in the fight I would more than likely end up scratching my fabulous finish, but on the other servo, I don't get to leave the Nemesis that often, let alone beat up a bot, so I decided why not. I followed Breakdown and got out my energon prod and rushed in to fight alongside Breakdown. I saw that the Autobots were trying to steal energon from the mine, and it looked to me like they were succeeding in doing so. I saw Breakdown rush over to Bulkhead and tackle him to the ground. I rushed towards Arcee, I guess I like fighting Arcee because she's one of the few bots I'm actually taller than. Once she saw me coming at her she started firing her blasters at me. I dodged them easily and started lunging at her with my energon prod. She dodged as well. "Let's dance Autobot." I mocked twirling my energon prod. She growled, I charged at her full speed. I was almost close enough to strike her when someone rammed into my side sending me flying. I crashed to the ground and laid there like that for a few seconds before I got up holding my helm. I looked around, my vision was blurred and my audio receptors were ringing, I felt unbalanced and dizzy, I took a few steps backwards and I felt the ground beneath my peds give way. Scrap.

(Breakdowns POV)
I hit Bulkhead with my hammer and he stumbled back a bit. "Is that all you got?" Bulkhead smiled.

"Not even close." I replied with my own smile. We then both started to charge at each other. I raised my servo and was just about to strike Bulkhead but stopped in my tracts when I heard a scream. I immediately turned around and looked in the direction the scream came from. And there was Knockout, holding onto the edge of the cliff for dear life.

"BREAKDOWN!!!" Knockout yelled. I completely deserted my fight with Bulkhead and ran over to Knockout. I bent over the edge grabbing his servos.

"Don't worry Knockout I got you!" I say as I pulled him up and away from the edge. Knockout was squeezing me tightly and shaking. I noticed that the Autobots didn't have their weapons out anymore and they all had looked as if they were worried. I looked back down at Knockout. "You ok Knockout?" I asked concerned, he just nodded and squeezed me tighter. I then heard a groundbridge open and I turned my helm and saw the Autobots enter it. After they left I requested a groundbridge as well. The groundbridge appeared, I picked up Knockout and carried him in, holding him close to me. I looked down at him as the groundbridge closed behind us.

