A Love Like No Other

Aft - Bottom
Optics - Eyes
Helm - Head
Servos - Hands
Digits - Fingers
Berth - Bed
Energon - Blood/Fuel Source
Back Struts - Back
Face Plates - Cheeks
Optic Ridge - Eyebrow
Dermas - Lips
Frame - Body
Chassis - Chest
Audio Receptors - Ears
Peds - Feet
Intake - Mouth
Recharge - Sleep
Tank - Stomach
Purge - Throw up
Forhelm - Forhead
Virus - Like a cold
Spark - Heart
Sparkling - Baby
Sparked - Pregnant
Vent - Breathing/breath
Sire - Father
Processor - Mind/brain
Sparknancy - Pregnancy
Metacycle - 12 months
Visor - The screen that covers Soundwaves face
Carrier - Mother
Femme - Girl
Mech - Boy
Wash rack - Bathroom
Alt-Mode - Vehicle Form
Glossa - Tongue

(Some Suggestive content in this chapter)
(Knockout is on his ninth month)
(Knockouts POV)
It was currently the middle of the night and Breakdown and I were cuddled up in berth watching a horror movie on a data pad. I had seen it before but Breakdown hadn't. "So, this movie, what is it called again?" Breakdown asked scooting a bit closer to me.

"It." I replied.

"Yeah what is it called?" Breakdown asked again this time turning to look at me.

"It, Breakdown, It." I repeated.

"What?" He said with confusion.

"Oh for the love of- just watch the movie." I grumbled annoyed. He returned his gaze back to the movie.

"Why is he stuttering so much?" Breakdown asked when the scene of Bill and Georgie came on. I grumbled and gave him a glare. He smiled awkwardly and looked back at the screen. Thankfully he stayed quiet for a while after that. Then Georgie's boat went down into the sewer. I grinned knowing there was a small jump scare coming and that Breakdown absolutely hates them. He slightly leaned forward trying to see if he could see anything in the sewer. Then all of a sudden Pennywise appeared. "PRIMUS!" Breakdown exclaimed. I covered my intake trying to silence my laughter. But when Breakdown turned and looked at me I lost it. I bursted out laughing. Breakdown composed himself and crossed his arms. "Why did I let you talk me into this?" I calmed myself down and wiped a tear from my optic.

"We're not even 20 minutes into the movie and you're already screaming like a sparkling." I smirked.

"You know I hate jump scares." He grumbled.

"I just can't believe that after all the horror movies I've made you watch you're still scared." I chuckled.

"I'm not scared." He said trying to sound confident.

"Oh really? Then why are you holding my arm so tight?" I asked with a smirk. Breakdown blushed and gently released his grip on my arm.

"Yeah w-whatever." He stuttered looking away. I smiled and looked back to the data pad in my servos and then back to Breakdown. I grinned and looked back to the data pad and paused the movie. Breakdown looked back towards me when he heard the movie stop. "What are you doing?" I sat the data pad on the stand next to our berth and looked back at Breakdown with a big grin.

"If you don't want to watch the movie, we can always do something else." I smirk drawing circles with my digits on his chassis. Breakdowns faceplates immediately blushed blue and his confused expression turned into a devilish smirk of his own. He pulled me in a bit closer and in a husky voice said...

"What did you have in mind?" I grinned as I placed a digit under his chin and guided him closer to me. Our dermas connected and our servos immediately began to explore each other. I heard Breakdown grumble into our kiss as I dug my digits into his grill. I felt Breakdowns glossa push against my denta demanding entrance. I refused knowing it would aggravate him. Breakdown grumbled but then brought his servos up to my back and started to fondle the insides of my tires. I gasped and Breakdown took that opportunity to glide his glossa into my intake. We both fought for dominance but Breakdown easily overpowered me. He brought his servos back down and squeezed my aft which made me moan into our kiss. He pulled me into him a bit more. We would have gone on longer but... "GAH! AWOOOOO!" Breakdown broke away from our embrace howling in pain.

"Breakdown! Breakdown! What happened?!" I scooted over more to get a better look at him. I was confused when I saw that he was curled up holding his crotch.

"T-They got me..." He whimpered. "Got me r-right in the bolts..." He chuckled still in pain. I put my servo on his shoulder.

"You gonna be ok?" He nodded and took a deep vent in and slowly sat back up on the berth.

"Primus... They sure have one heck of a kick." He chuckled.

"Yeah no kidding, I can't believe I didn't feel that." I put my servo on my tank. I stared at it for a little bit seeing if they would kick again, when nothing happened an idea crossed my mind. "Hmmm, I wonder..." I trailed off as I took two of my digits and gently poked down into my tank. Breakdown slightly winced as he sat up a bit so he could see what I was doing. I continued to gently push down on my tank for a few minutes until finally... I felt and also saw my sparkling kick. I turned to Breakdown with a big smile on my face, Breakdown was also smiling.

"Can I try?" He eagerly asked forgetting the pain. I nodded and sat up on our berth, I got up off our berth and stood up. I then motioned for Breakdown to do the same. He quickly got off the berth and made his way over to me. I thought he was just going to stand and feel if the sparkling kicked, but when he came over he instead knelt down so his face was right in front of my tank. Breakdown then began to gently push on my tank just like I had, pausing every now and then to see if they would kick. And after just a few minutes they did. Breakdown giggled smiling the biggest smile I'd ever seen. He then took his servos and gently placed them on the sides of my tank.

"Hey in there, it's me, your sire, I can't wait to meet you." My optics started to tear up as he continued. "Me and your carrier already have names picked out for you, would you like to hear them?" I felt them kick again as if they were actually trying to communicate with him. Breakdown giggled again. "Alright then I'll take that as a yes, if your a mech your name is gonna be... Wildbreak! And if your a femme your name will be... Piston!" I then felt them kick one last time. Breakdown smiled and then gently kissed my tank. "Goodnight little one we love you." I was a sobbing mess at this point. Breakdown slowly stood back up and looked at me. "Why are you crying babe, I didn't hurt you did I?" He asked in a gentle but worried tone. I wiped my teary optics and smiled.

"No you didn't, I'm just..." I wiped another tear from my optic. "Happy." I smiled pulling Breakdown into a warm embrace. "I'm the luckiest mech in the world to have you as my partner." I felt my optics getting heavy. "I-I love you Breakdowwwwnnn." I yawned.

"I love you too Knocky." He kissed the top of my helm. I don't even remember how long we stayed like this, just standing, slowly swaying in each other's arms. "It's getting kinda late, what do you say we call it a day?... Knockout?... Knockout?" Breakdown called out to me but I couldn't hear him, because I had already fallen fast asleep in his arms.

