Everyone Has A Past

Aft - Bottom
Optics - Eyes
Helm - Head
Servos - Hands
Digits - Fingers
Berth - Bed
Energon - Blood/Fuel Source
Back Struts - Back
Face Plates - Cheeks
Optic Ridge - Eyebrow
Dermas - Lips
Frame - Body
Chassis - Chest
Audio Receptors - Ears
Peds - Feet
Intake - Mouth
Recharge - Sleep
Tank - Stomach
Purge - Throw up
Forhelm - Forhead
Virus - Like a cold
Spark - Heart
Sparkling - Baby
Sparked - Pregnant
Vent - Breathing/breath
Sire - Father
Processor - Mind/brain
Sparknancy - Pregnancy
Metacycle - 12 months
Visor - The screen that covers Soundwaves face
Carrier - Mother
Femme - Girl
Mech - Boy
Wash rack - Bathroom
Alt-Mode - Vehicle Form
Glossa - Tongue
Throat Pipe -  Throat
Creators - Parents

(Knockout is on his eleventh month)
(Knockouts POV)
"Breakdown!" I yelled from our berth clutching my tank in discomfort.

"Coming babe!" I heard him answer from our wash rack. Breakdown came out of our wash rack and walked over to me. "What do you need babe." He asked putting his servo over mine.

"Can you bring me a heating pad?" I whimpered.

"Yeah of course, I'll go get one from the medbay." Breakdown turned around to leave but I quickly grabbed his servo. He looked back at me confused.

"Could I have some energon too?" He smiled which made me release his servo.

"You got it, I'll be back in a jiffy." He smiled and then turned around heading out the door. A little while after he left I felt a wave of cramps in my tank. I flopped back on our berth groaning loudly. I've had Braxton hicks before, none of them really painful more like a nuisance and a bit uncomfortable, but these were different. It felt like someone was rearranging my insides with their bare servos. It was mostly uncomfortable but every so often I would feel a shooting stabbing pain all throughout my tank and it always lasted for what I felt like was forever. I clinched my servos and took deep vents. After what felt like forever the pain finally faded away. I unclenched my servos and let out a big sigh of relief. Then I heard the door open and I smiled.

"About time Breakdown." I teased.

"Do I look like Breakdown to you?" I immediately opened my optics and looked at the doorway only to find a slightly annoyed Starscream.

"Starscream? What are you doing here?" I asked sitting up on the berth.

"Breakdown told me to keep you company while he's cleaning up." He replied crossing his arms and leaning against the door frame.

"What do you mean cleaning? Why and what is he cleaning?" Starscream chuckled.

"He knocked over a whole crate of energon trying to pick up a single cube he dropped." He paused and let out a small snort. "He bent down to pick up the cube he dropped and his aft knocked the whole crate over!" Starscream bursted into laughter. I crossed my arms and scowled at him, when he finally saw my face he composed himself and cleared his throat. "Anyway Megatron got mad and told him he couldn't leave until he cleaned it up, but Breakdown didn't want to leave you alone for too long so he asked me if I would keep you company while he cleans up the mess." He explained rolling his optics.

"And you agreed?" I asked completely in shock.

"Well I obviously wouldn't be here if I didn't." He grumbled as he walked in the room, the door closed behind him. "Oh and there's something else, here." Starscream tossed a heating pad in my lap. "Breakdown said to bring you one." He said sitting down beside me on the berth.

"Why are you not a jerk all of a sudden?" I teased smirking at him.

"Pfft Your welcome." He grumbled. I rolled my optics and laid back on the berth and put the heating pad on my tank. Starscream had gotten up and started walking around my room looking at stuff, he stopped when he came across a picture frame. He picked it up and wiped away some dust that had accumulated on it. "Hey Knockout?... Are these your creators?" I sat up a bit and saw what he was holding. I immediately got up from the berth and went over and snatched the picture frame from his servos.

"Don't touch that!" I yelled scowling at him. I looked down at the frame in my servos and dusted it off before I put it back on the shelf.

"Knockout... I'm sorry, I shouldn't have touched it." Starscream put his servo on my shoulder. "Are you alright?" The tone of his voice was gentle. I looked up to look at his face which was surprisingly concerned and caring.

"I-I'm fine." Starscream frowned and sighed, he strolled over to the berth and sat down. He then looked me straight in the optics patting the spot beside him.

"Sit." He said, but not in a threatening way. I sighed and sat down beside him. "It helps to talk about it with someone, trust me, I know." He said looking at me with a caring but also saddened gaze.

"Yeah right." I huffed wiping a tear from my optic.

"You really have no idea how truly lucky you are do you?" He frowned. What was he going on about? Was this supposed to make me feel better and immediately forget about the loss of my creators?! I was about to yell at him but then I saw that Starscream actually had a tear rolling down his face plate. "Knockout, you have a loving mate that has stayed by your side even after the war broke out fully aware that you both could offline, Managed to both survive the harshest part of the war, and then to top it off have a sparkling while still in the middle of a war, you gained so much." He wiped away a few more tears that had escaped his optics.

"And you don't even stop to consider that others lost... Everything... Everyone..." Starscream covered his face and began to weep. I put my servo on his shoulder not knowing what else to do. I was absolutely shocked at what Starscream did next. He hugged me! He was actually hugging me! I wrapped my arms around him as well trying to comfort him. I started to gently rub his back struts and I could hear his soft sobs slowly grow quieter. After what felt like hours we finally parted from our embrace.

"I thought I was supposed to be the one with the hormonal imbalance." I joked while softly smiling trying to light up the mood. He kinda smiled but it quickly faded. I looked down and sighed, maybe I should just give it a shot, not really much else to do anyway. "The last time I saw my creators was in Iacon." Starscream turned to look at me. "The hospital I had worked at had been attacked by decepticon troupers, and they wanted to see if I was ok." Starscream now had his whole frame turned in my direction. "I remember I found them just a few feet from the hospital's entrance... They... Never even got the chance to make sure I was ok..." A few tears rolled down my face. I felt Starscreams servo patting my back for a few seconds. After a few minutes Starscream finally spoke up.

"I... Never really knew my sire... He died when I was still very young..." I turned my attention to Starscream. "I was raised by my carrier as well as a few helper bots that served my carrier."

"You had helper bots?" I asked.

"Well, my carrier did, she was the Queen Seeker of Vos." My intake dropped open.

"Your a prince?!?!" I raised my voice without me even knowing.

"Shhh!" He put his digit on my dermas.

"Sorry..." I apologized, Starscream removed his digit and continued.

"Anyway, I also had 2 brothers, Skywarp and Thundercracker, I was the eldest..." I frowned when I noticed Starscream said "had". I hesitated before I asked.

"What happened to them?" Starscream looked at me with a sorrowful gaze.

"They were killed... Along with my carrier during the beginning of the war... By Megatron himself..." My optics widened in shock. Why would Starscream want to join the mech who murdered his family?!

"How did you escape?" I put my servo on his shoulder.

"Megatron chose to spare me because I had skills that none of my brothers or my carrier possessed... He told me I could either join him... Or suffer the same fate as them... And well... You know what I ended up choosing..." Tears started to fall from Starscreams optics. This time it was me who pulled him into a hug.

"Starscream... I am soo sorry... I had no idea you went through all of that..." Starscream parted from the hug and wiped away a few tears.

"Thanks... It's nice to finally open up to someone again about this... You won't tell anyone about this... Will you?" He looked at me with still teary optics.

"I won't tell a soul." Starscream smiled and then pulled me into another hug.

"Thank you..." I heard him whisper.

"Anytime you want to talk, you can come to me, I'm always open for conversations." Starscream chuckled a little before we parted from our embrace for the last time. And just in time to, because it was then the door opened to reveal Breakdown holding an energon cube.

"Hey Knockout sorry I'm a bit late I had to clean up a mess, I hope Starscream didn't bother you too much." He joked as he walked in. Starscream and I just looked at each other and smiled.

"Well I guess my services aren't needed here anymore so I'll be on my way." Starscream said getting up off the berth and heading towards the door.

"Hey Screamer." I called. Starscream turned around. "Take care alright." I smiled and Starscream grinned in return.

"I will, take it easy Doc." And with that he left.

"What was that all about?" Breakdown asked handing me the energon cube he brought. I looked up at him and pecked his dermas.

"Nothing dear, now come." I drank a few sips of energon and then sat down the cube on the table beside our berth and laid down and patted the spot next to me. "Let's cuddle." Breakdown smiled and gladly obliged. And it wasn't long before we were both deep in recharge.

