The invitations

Ash decided not to tell his alolan friends of his return until the day of the party. He decided to call all of his friends that he's meet over the years of traveling.

The first person he called was misty

Mistys pov

I was just about to battle a challenger when I got a call. The id said Ash; I knew that couldn't be true, as he's dead. Though the curiosity got the best of me and I answered.

"Hello this is Misty." I answered then I heard ashes voice.

"Hey Misty so like people thought I was dead but km actually not and we are throwing a welcome back party on Friday would you like to come and visit the Alola region? I'm sure Lana would like to see you."

"Ash? Is that really you?" I asked

"The one and only!" Ash laughed

"Of course I'll come!" He thanked me and then hung up.

3rd person pov

All the calls went along the same lines. Soon Ash had called all of his friends

"Ash are you going to call your Alolan friends or are you going to visit them?" Professor Kukui asked Ash.

"I'm going to visit them." And so Ash left the house and decided to visit Mallows restaurant first as he was super hungry.

When he walked in Mallow greeted him then realized it was Ash and freaked out. "Dad I'm seeing ghosts!" She worriedly called her dad.

"Honey, I see him too." He said.

"So are you going to stare at me or am I going to eat?" Ash joked

"If really is you!" Mallow gave ash a closed eye smile and seated him. Ash ordered some food and then told Mallow about the party. She agreed to come. So next was Lanas house.

Ash knocked on Lanas door.

"Hello, are you a friend of Lanas?" Her mom opened the door.

"Yes I'm Ash could you please call her over?"

"Lana! A cute boy by the name of Ash is asking for you!" Lanas mom yelled across t he house. A few seconds later Lana came to the door.

"Ash! I've missed you! How are you what happened? Everyone thinks your dead!" Lana was more excited to see ash than the others. Then Lanas Primarina tackled Ash to the ground and sang of happiness.

"So I just came out of an ultra wormhole and we are going to throw a welcome back party and I wanted to invite you!"

"Ok thanks I'll be there but lili won't she is out of town with Gladion."

"Ok thank you." Then ash got to Sophocles house. Right when ash rang the door bell Togademaru jumped up next to Pikachu.

"Ash?" Sophocles asked.

"Yeah it's me. And no I'm not a ghost I am very much alive."

"You have no clue how much Togedemaru missed you and Pikachu."

Ash told him about the party then mantine surfed to Akala island to tell Kiawe.

"Kiawe!" Ash waved "need help on the farm?" Kiawes eyes widened its Ash!

"Sure! But how are you here we thought you were dead?" Ash explained while helping wash Turtinator.

"You can count on me to be there. As the sun set Ash made his way back to the Professors' house.  When he got there both professors gave Ash a big hug.
