The date

Ash and Serena woke up early the next day to the smell of Professor Burnets cooking. They got out of bed, changed and walked into the living room where Professor Kukui was watching TV.

"Good morning! They greeted."

Good morning!" Both professors responded. Serena and Ash sat down and looked at the TV. It was Serena's most recent competition as a Pokémon performer.

"Wit a minute Serena is that you?" Professor Kukui was in shock. It showed her brilliant performance. Then a few moments later showed her winning the competition. Serena giggles.

"Wow you've really improved I guess all that time in Hoenn really helped!" Ash complimented. Then professor Burnet brought out food for everyone.

"So Ash, Serena what are you planning on today?" Professor Burnet asked.

"We are going on a date today and then shopping at the mall," Ash responded "Oh I should introduce you to all my Pokémon after breakfast!" Ash cowed down his good as fast as the speed of light.

"AW ASHY HAS A GIRLFRIEND!" Professor Burnet squealed

"He's growing up so fast!" Professor Kukui felt proud. Serena finished eating and went to the kitchen to do the dishes.

"Oh Serena honey, you just leave all those to me." Professor Burnet smiles.

"Are you sure? There's a lot." Serena asked

"I'm positive"

So Serena went to ash where all the Pokémon are.

"Hi everyone, I'm Serena and I'm Ash's girlfriend. I hope we all get along." All the Pokémon greeted Serena

"This is Lycanrock in its dusk form! And here's Melmetal, Incinaroar..." Ash went on introducing all his Pokémon. After they were all done meeting each other ash put them back in their poke balls and grabbed Serena's hand. Serena blushes a bright pink as they walk to the Malasada shop.

"Wow these all look so yummy! Which one do I pick? Can Delphox and Panchum eat them?" Serena was excited to try something new.

"It's best if you ask for recommendations from the shop lady." Ash stated. And so Serena got special malasadas for her Pokémon and got a plain one for herself. Ash got a bunch for his Pokémon and two of each kind for himself and payed for both his and Serena's Malasada.

"Wow these are so good! Can I try one of yours Ash?" Ash nodded in response and Serena grabbed one of his Malasadas. She squealed at how good it was and thanked Ash for them. Ash said it was no problem. They finished their malasadas but did not want to leave quite yet so they sat there catching up on everything that's happened since they last saw each other at the airport.

"I'm a professional Pokémon performer now! Me and my partners have so much fun!" She paused and looked at Ash "I saw you on the news, so you've finally met your goal and became a Pokémon master and became champion! You battle so well I envy you for that."

"Yeah me and my team trained super hard for it. I even battled the island guardian Tapukoko!"

"Yes, that was very impressive. What about girls were you interested in any one here?" Serena asked

"No, I couldn't stop thinking about you after the kiss. I think Lana likes me but she's just not my type."

"Do y u want to uh... you know... kiss again?"Serena nervously asked.

"Yeah is that ok with you?" Ash shyly answered. Then they leaned on lips almost touching-

"ASH?! IS THAT YOU?!" Ash heard a familiar voice and a head of green hair.
