The battle

"TODAY WE HAVE A VERY SPECIAL BATTLE INDEED! THIS IS WHERE TWO CHAMPIONS COLLIDE! WHO WILL TURN OUT STRONGER!?" The announcers loud voice rang out of the speakers. The crowd went wild. You could hear them saying things like Two champions? Where's that boy from? 

"Alright Diantha, are you ready? This is a five on five battle!" Ash asked.

"I've never been more, Hawlucha it's your turn!" Diantha sent out a poke ball with her Hawlucha in it.

"In that case, Pikachu!" Pikachu jumped off his shoulder and onto the battlefield.

"Oh a type advantage let's see how this will turn out. Hawlucha, flying press!"

"Dodge Pikachu and attack with an electro web!" T he electro web landed paralysis taking over Dianthas Hawlucha.

"You can do it Hawlucha I believe in you." Diantha encourages her Hawlucha.

"Lululucha!" Hawlucha broke free of the electro web.

"Now Pikachu, iron tail!" Pikachu ran up and jumped over Hawlucha but in mid air

"Hawlucha use brick break!"Hawlucha attacked

"Pikachu, are you ok?" Pikachu got up "Alright now use thunderbolt!"

"Pika PiKa PIKACHUUUUUU!" And the thunderbolt hit Hawlucha.

"Hang in there Hawlucha I believe in you." Diantha encouraged once more. Badly damaged Hawlucha got up, looked Diantha in the eye and nodded.

"Now use swords dance!"

"Pikachu don't let Hawlucha power up use quick attack!" Ash ordered. Moving super fast Pikachu ran up to Hawlucha and hit it hard. Hawlucha fell down unable to battle. "Great job buddy now come back and have a good rest."

"WOO ASH YOURE DOING GREAT!" Serena happily yelled.

"Incenaroar it's your turn!" Ash sent out his next Pokémon and not knowing Incineroars type Diantha sent out her Gourgeist. "Are you sure you want to use Gourgeist? You're a a serious type disadvantage."

"Once set out there's no withdrawals! I stick to the rules!" Diantha confidently boasted.

The battle went on and on but finally both on their last Pokémon badly injured Diantha mega evolved her Gardevior and Ash used 1,000 volt thunderbolt. Both fell unconscious at the same time.

"AND UT LOOKS LJKE WE HAVE A TIE!" The announcer yelled. Everyone cheered for the great game and left the stadium.

"Ash, while you're her in Limios city why don't you go say hi to the professor." Diantha suggested

"That's a great idea me and Serena will head there right now," ash answered just then Serena came in. "Serena, let's go visit professor sycamore."

"Alright I haven't seen him in a while let's go!"
