~1. The Meet~

It was the day. The day I went to my new job as a teacher. I was already at the school walking to my classroom ready to get started for the day.

When I was walking I walked past Mr. Wastaken's classroom I presumed.

He was writing his name on the board ready for his classes. He looked away from the board after writing it and closing his pen lid.

I stopped in my tracks to see what he was doing. He looks right at me making eye contact. I feel my face go red from embarrassment.

I cover my face with my hands still stood in the corridor looking through the door. He opened the door to the classroom and leant on the frame of it.

"Hey, are you new here?" He said while I was still embarrassed. "Y-yeah, s-sorry if I-I disturbed y-you" I said trembling over my words embarrassingly.

He chuckled. "Oh! You must be George, it's nice to meet you. And don't worry you didn't besides there's still an hour and a half till school starts for the students anyway. I was just sorting my classroom out." He said smirking a little at me, I bet I was like a tomato right now.

"Anyway need help with sorting your classroom?" He asked kindly in a calm tone. "N-no I d-don't want to be a bother" I said still trembling. "You won't be! Come on let's go!" He said happily closing his classroom door and started walking down the hall.

He turns his head at me stood there "you coming or are you just gonna stand there all day cutie" he said with a smirk creeping onto his face happy with the name I had been given.

"H-huh.. o-oh coming.." I said more embarrassed then I already was. He starts walking again and I follow closely behind him smelling a massive scent of his cologne. He smelt like vanilla, i liked it.

We got to the classroom and he opened the door. "After you~" he said looking very hot- Wait...no? I walk in bowing before hand, we both chuckled, and i put my bag down on the chair as he walks in after me.

"So what's your full name cutie?" He said calmly.
"G-GeorgeNotFound.." I answered stuttering again. Why was I stuttering?
"So Mr. Notfound. Heh cute, I'm DreamWasTaken" he said with another smirk. I blushed intensely he seemed to notice and said " What's wrong darling? Flustered already?" I froze at the nickname 'darling' I was too stunned to even speak.

As I calmed down I was leaning against the desk with my hands resting on it looking at the classroom infront of me. Suddenly the sight changes into Dream as he moves to stand in-front of me.

I blush slightly as he comes closer. He puts his hands on either side of the desk trapping me. He bent down and we made eye contact, I presumed his eyes were green because to me they looked yellow as I was colourblind. I had to re-learn colours.

He was extremely close to my face, I feel my eyes move down to his lips and then back up again. He winks and walks out the classroom like nothing happened leaving me embarrassed and blushing like crazy.

I wondered what the fuck just happened but tried to push it to the back of my mind as class was starting soon.

I struggled through class because i couldn't stop thinking about what happened earlier. I was so lost in my thought i didn't know that class had ended and everyone was gone until someone coughed.

I looked the way where the cough came from and there he was leaning on the door frame again. Dream.

We made eye contact. "Hey cutie, got lost in your thoughts for a while didn't you~" He winked. Again with the nicknames. "Well yes i did Clay, all because of that stupid stunt you did earlier" I told him.  "So your daydreaming about me hmm?" he replied smirking while walking up to me. I was stood up now.

He grabbed my waist slamming me into a wall. 'Damn thats hot' I thought not caring how long I've known him for he was hot, and it wasn't a lie.

He now had one arm on my waist and one leaning on the wall, whilst i had my arms wrapped around his neck. We stared into each other eyes for a good 4-5 minutes every now and then moving our eyes down to look at each others lips.

We were staring at each others lips getting closer and closer till our foreheads were touching. We leant closer to each other till our noses were touching. Our lips being inches apart.

Until we got interrupted. "Really Mr. Wastaken. Already with the new teacher. I knew you would like him, didn't know you would move this fast though". We pulled away as fast as we could. Dream was rubbing the back of his neck with his hand, while i was just stood there flustered and embarrassed.

It was Philza Minecraft aka the principle."Heh sorry Phil". Phil nodded then walked away. Me and Dream looked at each other and started laughing like crazy. We were on the floor dying of laughter.


To be continued 
