~2. 'Friends'~

It was the next day after meeting George. He's really cute. I wanna become 'friends' with him.

I see him coming through the entrance of the school I walk up to my door and open it leaning on the frame. He looked up from the ground and his gaze led to me.

I smirked "Hey Gogy" I said liking the nickname.
He froze at the nickname and I saw a bit of blush creeping up on his face.

"What do you think about the nickname Gogy?" I asked still keeping the same smirk as before.

He covered his face with his sweater paws. "...y-yeah.." he mumbled quietly probably hoping i didn't hear him, oh boy was he wrong.

"Great!" I answered him. He was to flustered he didn't see me going up to him and pulling him into my class room. He stumbles and I catch him.

"Careful there Gogy, you don't wanna hurt yourself now" I said chuckling slightly at him.

I just realised how close we were, and how short I felt. I looked up at him we made eye contact until I looked at his lips again. OMG WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME !?

I look back up at the smiling man and thought how cute he looked. I smiled back saying a slight 'thank you' for catching me.

He smiled sweetly and answered "It's okay anything for you Gogs" there he goes again with the nicknames. I rolled my eyes playfully and we both start laughing slightly.

" anyway I better go get ready for class" I said shyly. "Awh okay, see you later Gogy!" He said as I walked out the classroom looking back giving a little smile at him he smiled back.

I got to the classroom and sat in my seat waiting for the students to come. 'Oh boy it's gonna be a long day' I thought.

I was leaning on my desk looking through papers until I heard a knock on my door. I turn to face it and it was Dream. He smirked and walked over to me. Eventually he was in-front  of me.

He leaned on the desk with one of his hands beside my hand. He looked down at me and smirked. "Hey Gogy~" he said still smirking. we made eye contact for the one millionth time that day.

Flash Back

I was leant against my desk as he was walking past my classroom when we made eye contact and he winked while smirking. I looked away blushing slighty. "Sir? Are you okay you look a bit red". One of my students asked. His name was Tubbo. "Huh? O-Oh yeah its just a bit hot in here." I said looking back at the door. Dream was there. The class looked at Dream and he smiled, I looked away and started to fiddle with my hands nervously.

By now you could probably see the blush on my face massively.I looked down at my hands while i played with them. At the corner of my eye i saw Dream smirk and walk off, the class looked at me.

"I think Sir has a crush!" one of my students shouted out. Tommy. Of course it was Tommy. I looked up embarrassed. "W-what?! N-No!" I said embarrassed. "Really?" another student said. "Yeah Sir your blushing like crazy!" another one said. "W-whatever" I said clearly very flustered.

It was the end of the day and George was stood up collecting papers when Dream came behind him and snaked his arms around Georges waist and put his chin on Georges shoulder.George jumped."Hi.." dream said in a tired voice. George calmed down after hearing dreams voice. George dropped his papers on the desk next to him and put his hands on Dreams stroking them softly with his thumb.

"You sound tired" George said in a calm and soft tone, with a little pink hue on his face.Dream hummed in response and started to sway side to side.George lay his head back and relaxed swaying with Dream.

George tilted his head to look at Dream. They're faces were inches apart, not just they're faces. They're lips were as-well. They leaned in and they're foreheads were touching. They got closer and closer until they're lips connected. They moved in a slow and relaxed motion.

They pulled away and Dream smiled softly at George and continued to sway. George had some pink hue on his face and was shocked but happy he smiled to himself thinking about the kiss thats just recently happened a few seconds ago. With Dreams body against his and his arms loosely around Georges waist they swayed side to side in a comfortable silence.

George and Dream felt happy.


To be continued 
