chp9.3- Presenter+4 man attack

Juumonji, Tatsuya and Mayumi all went on to the bus again. Juumonji sat at the back of the bus whilst Mayumi and Tatsuya sat at the front.

Mayumi sat by the window and Tatsuya was next to her reading a book about flowers. This interested mayumi and she spoke to him about her favourite flower.

Once they got there Tatsuya got changed into a suit and walked behind Juumonji and Mayumi. He recieved many stares but ignored them.

He wore a smart polo neck jumper with a long blue coat and blue trousers.

Juumonji escorted him to a dark room and said that when it is time he will be lifted on to the stage.

Halfway through Tatsuyas presentation the chandelier fell. Tatsuya used a speed spell and managed to get away.

Mayumi shook Juumonji and panicked whilst Juumonji made a barrier using one of his spells for the chandelier to land on.

Mayumi scanned  the stage for Tatsuya. "Thank you Juumonji sensei but I was able to get away safely." Tatsuya said politely.

Before they can say anything to him Tatsuya walks up to Masaki and messes up his hair "hey mate, can you help me lift the chandelier and put it to the side?"

Masaki nodded and they both headed to the stage. All other school presidents also came to aid.

"So do you think this was planned?" Masaki asked.

"Yes, I scanned the building. There are 4 armed people inside here with us" Tatsuya said calmly.

"Where are they?" Another president asks.

"2 are outside the door to this very hall and 2 are upstairs directly above us" Tatsuya said

"What should we do then?" Mayumi asked.

"We should deal with the ones above us first. We have to do it discreetly though so that the other 2 dont find out." Tatsuya stated.

"Do you have a plan?" Masaki asked.

"Yes, mayumi and you 2 (he pointed at 2 other presidents) you will go through the  back stairs. You only need to tie them up and drug them using that parcel" . Tatsuya pointed to the parcel at the bottom of the staircase.

"What is it?" One of the presidents asked.

"I know it is a drug that can knock people out for an hour. I believe they were going to use them against us, there is no problem using there own drugs against them" Tatsuya confidently said.

"Why would they just leave the package like that though?" Masaki asked

"Because you cant touch it with your bare hands. If you do so they will get burned. You need gloves and if you moves it to much it will explode." Tatsuya explained.

"Which is why I'm sending Juumonji with you, if anything explodes he can create a barrier to reduce the effects." He continued

"What about the 2 people outside?" Juumonji asked.

"Me and Masaki will handle that. The military are on there way. The rest of you need to keep everyone calm, you may hear gunshots. Is everybody ready?" They all nodded. "Then good luck" Tatsuya announced.

Mayumi, the 2 presidents and Juumonji went upstairs. The 2 presidents paralyzed them and then tied them up. Mayumi drugged them and Juumonji still cautiously carried the package.

Tatsuya and Masaki:

"Masaki hold these napkins, they have the drugs on them" Tatsuya informed.

"Tell me the plan" Masaki said determined.

"I will go and provoke them into shooting me. Dont worry I will catch the bullets and whilst they are distracted you will use your speed spell to go around them and drug them. Do you understand?" Tatsuya explained.

"Yes, I will wait here until they are distracted" masaki said.

"Good" Tatsuya said before leaving.

Like he said he provoked the attackers and they began to shoot at him. Tatsuya caught the bullets and looked at Masaki half way through as an indication to go.

Masaki nodded and quickly left. Within 2 seconds he was behind both of the people and drugged them. Masaki tied them both up and they both carried one guy each.

Once they got down they saw Mayumis group with 2 people "good, I see you were successful" Tatsuya said. They nodded.

Rio came up to him and put her hand on her shoulder. She asked "are you ok? I heard gunshots."

"Yes I am fine. There were gunshots but I didn't get hurt" Tatsuya replied.

They continued to talk until the military came and took the people away.

Once they were on the bus Juumonji said "well done, you're a natural leader". He then went to the back of the bus.

"Yes, you did good but if there are more people next time, leave it to the experts ok?" Mayumi gently said.

"Sure" Tatsuya said.

He then returned to the book he was reading.

"What were you and Rio talking about?" Mayumi interrupted.

Tatsuya made the bad choice of casually saying "she wanted me to meet her parents"

"That's nice" mayumi said looking away.

10 minutes into the journey Tatsuya spoke to her but she ignored him.

He flicked her cheeks and said "I was just joking. Rio was just asking if i was ok"

Mayumi sighs and then slaps him on the back of his head.
